The Myth of Innocent Palestinians

As compared to other Arab wars?

The only common denominator to all the
wars in the Middle East is - Arab Imperialism.
Lol. You only know one side of the story. Was it not imoerialism when Israel stole land and murdered the indigenous population?
Lol. You only know one side of the story. Was it not imoerialism when Israel stole land and murdered the indigenous population?

Unlike Arab imperialism,
decolonization is not theft.

Israel is a successful example for many
indigenous minorities of the region to follow.

How did Egypt become the "biggest Arab state"?

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Every oppressed people throughout history has fought back if they could.

The only “oppression” in Gaza are the homosexual urges of every Palestinian man. Palestine is quite possibly the gayest place on Earth. This is evidenced by the number of LBGTQA+ people who support Palestine. But the repressive an authoritarian fascism of Islam requires that they remain closeted under the threat of imprisonment or death. Supporting Palestine’s trans youth having access to life saving health care is not “genocide”.

Israel is diversifying Gaza. Diversity is Palestine’s strength. Praise allah.


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