The Myth of Innocent Palestinians

Cowardly Hamas terrorists hide behind women and children, recruiting both whenever possible, and when these complicit "civilians" die, instead of blaming Hamas and collaborators, the Left joins hands with Hamas and blames Israel.

Woe unto you when ye call good evil, and evil good. - The Holy Bible
“Blaming Israel at this point has become second nature. Palestinian death tolls are reported without scrutiny and without distinguishing combatants from civilians and are then instantly interpreted as a barometer of Israel’s guilt.

We are well-accustomed to these dynamics, but this latest incident clarifies something, which is that for Israel’s haters, nothing Israel does will ever be legitimate”.

Mathew Schultz.
The pro-terrorists who continue to attack Israel in responses here are clearly oblivious to this:

"Yad Vashem created a special title for such gentiles—The Righteous Among the Nations—who protected Jews at great peril to themselves.
So far, not a single Gazan fits that bill, despite encouragement in Israel and abroad. "

All residents side with Hamas terrorists. There's no difference between savage Hamas and savage Gaza civilians. Evil and hatred have been drilled into their heads since childhood. Many Americans have no such excuse, but support the terrorists anyway, particularly brainwashed Leftists in colleges.

Most Gazans are refugees forced out of East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

It's like the Warsaw Ghetto.

Do you know any Palestinians?
Most Gazans are refugees forced out of East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

It's like the Warsaw Ghetto.

Do you know any Palestinians?

Yes! He works on my local farmers’ market.

How do you know what the Warsaw Ghetto is like? How do you know anything?
“Blaming Israel at this point has become second nature. Palestinian death tolls are reported without scrutiny and without distinguishing combatants from civilians and are then instantly interpreted as a barometer of Israel’s guilt.

We are well-accustomed to these dynamics, but this latest incident clarifies something, which is that for Israel’s haters, nothing Israel does will ever be legitimate”.

Mathew Schultz.
Who do you think is responsible for 80 years of theft and killing? The European Zionists want all the land and to get rid of the Palestinians. They have said so since 1897.

The evil cowards of Hamas hide behind women and children all of whom support them.
When there are inevitable casualties, the evil cowards don't get the blame, Israel does thanks to Leftists, the media, terrorist supporters and other evil people and groups.


The myth of Gaza’s ‘innocent’ majority​

So far, not a single civilian in the terrorist enclave has opted to be categorized as a member of the “Righteous Among the Nations.”​

Palestinians shopping at a market next to destroyed buildings in Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, May 31, 2024. Photo by Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90.

Palestinians shopping at a market next to destroyed buildings in Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, May 31, 2024. Photo by Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90.
Ruthie Blum. Photo by Ariel Jerozolomski.
Ruthie Blum, former adviser at the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is an award-winning columnist and senior contributing editor at JNS, as well as co-host, with Amb. Mark Regev, of "Israel Undiplomatic" on JNS-TV. She writes and lectures on Israeli politics and culture, and on U.S.-Israel relations. Originally from New York City, she moved to Israel in 1977 and is based in Tel Aviv.
  • (June 4, 2024 / JNS)
It’s time to dispel the myth that Gaza is filled with innocent civilians. In the first place, the residents of the enclave are responsible for Hamas’s takeover in 2007.
Second, their brethren in the Palestinian Authority are hungry to copy the move in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), despite years of ample evidence of what life is like under Hamas’s reign of terror.

Third, no disgruntlement on the part of either populace has replaced antisemitism. On the contrary, the worse their plight, the more they cling to the lie that the Jewish state, from its inception in 1948, is to blame.
In fairness, it’s tough for people who imbibe jihadist ideology with their mothers’ milk to engage in critical thinking when they come of age. In this respect, they’re victims—of their upbringing, not Israel’s existence. Certainly not of its policies, which have been nothing but magnanimous over the decades. Suicidally so.
Indeed, concern for the welfare of noncombatant human shields has not only led to the death of far too many Israel Defense Forces soldiers, it’s been preventing the IDF from defeating Hamas.

Ironically, much of the hesitance emanates from the military itself. Having the most stringent rules of engagement—to the point of referring to the phenomenon as “purity of arms”—does tend to make it more difficult to conduct warfare, particularly on such an asymmetric battlefield as Gaza.
Nor are such directives conducive to deterring the country’s numerous other enemies. This is the Middle East, after all, where strength is revered and weakness scorned. Just ask any Gazan.
Speaking of which, stories emerging from freed hostages and survivors of the Oct. 7 massacre illustrate just how “innocent” the “civilians” in the Strip actually are. Take 75-year-old Ada Sagi, for instance.
Abducted from Kibbutz Nir Oz on that Black Sabbath eight months ago—and released on Nov. 28 as part of a deal to exchange hostages for Palestinian terrorists in Israeli jails—she was held for 53 days by a Gazan family with children. Sagi told Channel 12 News on Sunday that money was their motive.

According to Sagi, Hamas is paying Gazan civilians a daily wage to guard hostages—up to 70 shekels ($19) per capita. She gleaned this from witnessing Israeli cash being delivered to her captor and by verifying it with him.
He explained that he “wants a better future” for his children and wife. “I want to buy visas and not stay here; I want to go to Europe,” he said, adding, “I am uninvolved.”

She asked him how he could call himself “uninvolved” while keeping her prisoner. For this, the poor “noncombatant” had no answer.
Then there’s 21-year-old Mia Shem, who was kidnapped from the Nova music festival and released on Nov. 30, after 55 days in captivity.
“Everyone in Gaza is a terrorist,” she recounted in TV interviews, with a cast on her arm. Upon her return to Israel, she underwent corrective surgery to repair the damage that had been done by a crude operation performed by a terrorist—without anesthesia.
She described being shot on Oct. 7 and, while bleeding profusely, sexually assaulted. Then she was dragged by her hair into a car headed for Gaza. There, after having her arm basically butchered, she was placed with a family.

The man of the house stayed in a room with her, while his jealous wife denied her food. The couple’s young son entered occasionally to taunt her with sweets he wouldn’t let her eat.
“It’s important for me to reveal the truth about the people who live in Gaza,” she stressed, “about who they really are.”
Itai Shabi also scoffed at the idea that most Gazans are “uninvolved.”
The married father of four-year-old twins miraculously survived the assault on Kibbutz Be’eri by hiding with his wife and children for five hours under the branches of a tree in his yard, and another six in the crevice of a nearby bush. This was after spending four hours in the house’s bomb shelter, before escaping through a window when the perpetrators threw a burning tire into the room’s air vent.
It wasn’t until 8 p.m. that IDF soldiers came to the family’s rescue. According to Shabi, all the other troops were taken out by Nukhba terrorists while making their way to the area.

Still, he told Channel 14 last week, Gazan civilians were the ones committing the real atrocities that day. The Nukhba commanders in Hamas garb were overseeing the carnage.
“The ones not in uniform murdered my neighbors, killed my dog and did other unmentionables,” he said, noting that among the many Israelis slaughtered that day by “noncombatants” were his wife’s parents.
The above tales are anecdotal. Yet it’s a fact that only terrorists captured and interrogated by the Israel Security Agency have provided information on the whereabouts of hostages. No Gazan “civilians” have come forward to do so voluntarily.
The argument that they fear Hamas repercussions simply doesn’t cut it anymore, however. Even in Nazi Germany there were citizens who risked their lives to do the conscionable thing. Yad Vashem created a special title for such gentiles—The Righteous Among the Nations—who protected Jews at great peril to themselves.
So far, not a single Gazan fits that bill, despite encouragement in Israel and abroad. On Jan. 27 this year, in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, video appeals to the people of Gaza from family members of Righteous Among the Nations were screened at a “Never Again is Now” rally at “Hostages Square” in Tel Aviv.
“Just as our parents, against all odds, saved Jews and risked their lives in the face of the Nazis, so too you, residents of Gaza, can save the lives of the hostages and be written in the history books as having chosen the right side,” they urged.
It was a worthy effort, but it didn’t work, because the residents of Gaza have chosen otherwise.
Do you think the Nazis were kidding about getting rid of all the Jews? What kind of man are you?
Thousands of children have been murdered and you think it’s justified. Genocidal freak.

It's not murder if the enemy places their combatants among children causing bombs to be dropped on those kids.

If you want to blame someone, blame Hamas.

Israel will ALWAYS value Israeli lives above Palestinians. ALWAYS. So behave accordingly if you don't want to die.
It's not murder if the enemy places their combatants among children causing bombs to be dropped on those kids.

If you want to blame someone, blame Hamas.

Israel will ALWAYS value Israeli lives above Palestinians. ALWAYS. So behave accordingly if you don't want to die.
Idiot. You know nothing stop posting.

Gaza is a tiny place with over 2 million people, all pushed into an even tiny space by the apartheid regime. Where the fuck are the people supposed to go?

Half of Gazans are children. Do you even care?
Amazing how much smarter young people are.

Know nothing Hamas lover doesn’t realize that most of the parents and students were happy to see the these selfish assholes leave. Bunch of ignorant, immature, attention whores and social outcasts. Nobody wants or likes them.
Better to have dead Jewish hostages, right?
I can't really say.

I'm an American, so. . . It really isn't much of my concern TBH.

Though, I would speculate that if the IDF really were concerned, they would stop bombing the hell out of the area. . . or stop the mass arrests. . .

IDF says 727 West Bank Palestinians arrested since Oct. 7​

It appears to most thinking folks, the government of Israel isn't that concerned about the hostages, beyond their propaganda value TBH.

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