Kamala's Extramarital Affair Turns Trump Liability into a Trump Advantage

It amazing you're still trying to sell this completely debunked lie. The "slut shaming" of VP Harris is proof positive of your racism and misogyny and nothing more.

She wasnt sleeping Willie Brown? Willie Brown wasnt married? He didnt get her state appointments due to their relationship? Odd that's news to Willie Brown.
They have to run with approved DNC responses. Independent thought is a no no
What are your "approved DNC responses"?

Do they feature Vance's stated opinion of Trump:

A “cynical asshoIe” or “America’s Hitler.”
“Trump is cultural heroin.”
“I can’t stomach Trump.”
“Fellow Christians, everyone is watching us when we apologize for this man.”
“I’m a ‘Never Trump’ guy. I never liked him.”

Of course not, what is being said is vindictive hypocrisy
Ok. Here.

Kamela had an affair with a public official which she used to further her career. That makes her a whore by most peoples definition. Im accusing her of this and have never had an affair let alone one to further my career. All the "hypocrisy" is gone.
She wasnt sleeping Willie Brown? Willie Brown wasnt married? He didnt get her state appointments due to their relationship? Odd that's news to Willie Brown.

Brown didn't appoint her to state boards because she was sleeping with him. He appointed her to state boards because she was a rising star in the Democratic Party from the moment she was called to the bar.

The fact that she excelled in these positions, and made good impressions and great connections everywhere she went during that time frame, is ALL on her. Brown also helped the careers of Gavin Newsome and Nancy Pelosi, too, but anything he did for Harris had nothing to do with their relationship, and everything to do with her talent, education, and abilities.

The idea that she "slept her way" to anything is ridiculous. She was elected as the District Attorney in San Fransico, and she was elected state wide to the the AG of California. Harris was also elected state wide to the Senate, based on her success as the AG of California.

What you have is bunch of Republican representative who don't have a resume or national accomplishments that comes close to Harris, claiming she's a DEI hire. Tell me Rep. Cracker, what did YOU do for the nation before being elected to the House? Mayor of Buttcrack Louisiana???? If you weren't a white male, would you be elected in your district????? Doesn't that make YOU a "DEI hire"?
Even though Joe Biden also had an extra-marital affair with the still-married Jill Stevenson, the media brushed it aside because they ended up getting married and because, well, only Republican sex scandals get covered.

But Kamala's situation is a bit different. She was the "side-chick" of the still married Willie Brown, and just as bad, got TWO political appointments because of the affair. To quote Brown: "Yes, we dated.....Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker." So not only was Harris in an adulterous affair, she got "paid" for it. In that regard, is she really any different from Stormy Daniels?

Leftwing "fact checker" Snopes tries to excuse this affair as only a half-truth since Brown and his wife were "only separated and Harris and Brown openly appeared together". So according to a fact checker, it's not an adulterous affair if people are only separated, AND if the affair was over when Kamala first sought election. Huh? Talk about screwed-up twisted hocus-pocus. But this is the way the leftwing media will dismiss this. Discussion of it will also be called racist and sexist.

But the fact is, it will hurt Harris with the rank-and-file Christian voting populace. They don't go for women who wreck homes, especially for political benefit.

Morality Advantage: Trump.
At least she didn't fuck a whore!
Brown didn't appoint her to state boards because she was sleeping with him. He appointed her to state boards because she was a rising star in the Democratic Party from the moment she was called to the bar.
He's said he used his influence to get her state appointed jobs. What? It just so happens she was riding his cock when all that went down? Give me a fucking break.
The fact that she excelled in these positions, and made good impressions and great connections everywhere she went during that time frame, is ALL on her. Brown also helped the careers of Gavin Newsome and Nancy Pelosi, too, but anything he did for Harris had nothing to do with their relationship, and everything to do with her talent, education, and abilities.

Again, just so happens she was sucking his dick on the regular.
The idea that she "slept her way" to anything is ridiculous. She was elected as the District Attorney in San Fransico, and she was elected state wide to the the AG of California. Harris was also elected state wide to the Senate, based on her success as the AG of California.

What you have is bunch of Republican representative who don't have a resume or national accomplishments that comes close to Harris, claiming she's a DEI hire. Tell me Rep. Cracker, what did YOU do for the nation before being elected to the House? Mayor of Buttcrack Louisiana???? If you weren't a white male, would you be elected in your district????? Doesn't that make YOU a "DEI hire"?

Wow. Just wow.
It amazing you're still trying to sell this completely debunked lie. The "slut shaming" of VP Harris is proof positive of your racism and misogyny and nothing more.

VP Harris has never been a "whore" or a "home wrecker", but Donald Trump spends a lot of time and money on "whores", and married a nude model who worked in the USA illegally.

Melania Trump had to be given a new "marital contract" to get her to give up her New York lover and move to Washington, and even then she lived with her parents, not her husband.

So please, bitch, spare me your lies about the VP's dating history or her sexual morality because your candidate is a felon, who regularly pays women for sex.

She exchanged sexual favors for monetary gain. You may call that Tuesday, but the rest of us call it whoring.

Now fuck off.
It's near impossible to not have a morally superior position to Trump. Bill Clinton might have been one to give him a run there though.
If Republicans want to make the 2024 Election about sexual morality, they should have run Mike Pence

Any election with Donald Trump in it loses BIGLY on sexual morality
They have to run with approved DNC responses. Independent thought is a no no

Where can I find the "approved DNC responses"? Things are moving so fast that even the DNC seemed unprepared for the level of enthusiasm for their candidate. As for Republicans their attack lies haven't changed.

The same people who elected a rapist and self-admitted seria;l sex predator, who has 5 children by 3 different wives - all of whom he publically cheated on with sex trade workers and nude models, who has been credibly accused of sexual assault by more than 25 women, are objecting to the VP on "moral" grounds.

The asshole Rep who was on TV last night calling her a "DEI hire" has on his resume that he was Mayor of some dinky town in a Red State. That was his ONLY job before he was elected.

Republicans are busy regurgitating the "Kamala slept her way to power" lie and calling the VP a "whore", and the rest of us are debunking this flagrant lie. Why not attack her policies or her record?

Because you CAN'T. She is far more qualified than that jerk Vance that Trump appointed.
It's near impossible to not have a morally superior position to Trump. Bill Clinton might have been one to give him a run there though.

Clinton never raped anyone, and nor did he cause the deaths of a million Americans because he was incompetent and did nothing about a pandemic.
How does one publicly cheat?

How did you get to be so gullible and stupid. Oh Yeah! You were raised Republican.

Announce to the world you're cheating. Appear in public with your "girlfriend". Hang out with Jeffrey Epstein.

Every time you fools post these lies, you're dismissed as a gullible idiot, and deservedly so.

8 million MORE women voters than men. Every woman who has achieved ANYTHING has been accused of using sex to get it and we're sick of fucking assholes like you making these allegations without evidence.

Keep it up and no woman anywhere will vote for Repulicans ever again.

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