Have you noticed?

Rs are exactly the same.

Ah, the convention in Chicago is going to be SO much fun!
And to control their slaves. You keep trying to rush passed the fact that you're relying on the rationale of violent tyrant fucktards.
Which is stupid, because arming the population was the best way for them to be held accountable by the people instead of creating another monarchy just like the one they had just thrown off.
Also, we no longer have to fear British retribution or need to control a slave population. And we have a standing army. All their reasons for needing guns no longer exist.
Wrong. We have seen over and over again through history how a dictator takes over his country's military and uses it to enslave the people. The first step is usually disarmament. It's a lot harder to subdue a population that has arms, as the Soviet Union found out in Afghanistan.
In the REAL world, we restrict gun ownership. That's why, in the REAL world - OUTSIDE of the USA, our levels of gun crime, murder, gun suicide, and injuries from being shot are almost non-existant outside of the USA.

Every study done OUTSIDE the USA, debunks all of the bullshit being fed to Americans by the NRA, but Americans are obsessed with their guns.
Guns,Rifles and gun slingers are part of the American landscape.
Obviously not pretty much of the time when watching westerns.
But it's part of the american experience.Which explains why our
Country was the World's Number One Superpower until recently.
We not only Win Wars { where guns are required } but help
weaker countries remain above water.No one in the United States
is acting like Stalin or Hitler where american citizens are not free
to Live or Travel abroad.Hollywood stars are prime examples.
Which is stupid, because arming the population was the best way for them to be held accountable by the people instead of creating another monarchy just like the one they had just thrown off.
I already went over this with another moron. All the second amendment allowed the population of deplorable white settler Americans to do is enforce tyranny. At no point did they use their second amendment rights to fight their own tyrannical regime. You're arguing with fantasy and cosplay about what you wish America was rather than what it actually was. The slave state they created was just as brutal, if not more so, than the monarchy they were trying to divorce themselves from.
Wrong. We have seen over and over again through history how a dictator takes over his country's military and uses it to enslave the people. The first step is usually disarmament. It's a lot harder to subdue a population that has arms, as the Soviet Union found out in Afghanistan.
Washington and gun toting white Americans were brutal dictators.
Then change what it says. Go ahead, there's a process. Make it a new piece of parchment so you'll think it's valuable.
That's a different argument and I don't think I need to change it. I think packing the court with enough Justices who'll interpret it our way will suffice.
I already went over this with another moron. All the second amendment allowed the population of deplorable white settler Americans to do is enforce tyranny. At no point did they use their second amendment rights to fight their own tyrannical regime. You're arguing with fantasy and cosplay about what you wish America was rather than what it actually was. The slave state they created was just as brutal, if not more so, than the monarchy they were trying to divorce themselves from.

Washington and gun toting white Americans were brutal dictators.

That's a different argument and I don't think I need to change it. I think packing the court with enough Justices who'll interpret it our way will suffice.

LoL, complete unadulterated BS, Bingo
I already went over this with another moron. All the second amendment allowed the population of deplorable white settler Americans to do is enforce tyranny. At no point did they use their second amendment rights to fight their own tyrannical regime. You're arguing with fantasy and cosplay about what you wish America was rather than what it actually was. The slave state they created was just as brutal, if not more so, than the monarchy they were trying to divorce themselves from.

Washington and gun toting white Americans were brutal dictators.

That's a different argument and I don't think I need to change it. I think packing the court with enough Justices who'll interpret it our way will suffice.
Learn som history, Bingo. The 2nd amendment didn't exist during the early settlement of the continent.
The real problem is people having access to guns. Whether they were militias of slavers, gangs of white kkk on citizen patrols, black inner city criminals, or troubled teens. The original rationale for having them was given to us by tyrants and it was irrational and nonsensical.
Guns are Not People.They are inanimate objects used for
protection,security and/or sport. I think even Cub scouts are
aware of that.I doubt many Westerns heros share yer take
on the rationale for the existence of guns in American culture.
What came first the gun or the Hero.
The Murderer or the Gun.
Again ... Guns are inanimate objects.
They make noise,by all means.They are incapable of
sticking their tongue out or cheating on a test.
Sassing back a teacher or urinating on the floor.
Learn som history, Bingo. The 2nd amendment didn't exist during the early settlement of the continent.
No amendments or Americans existed before the constitution was ratified you dumb Bingo. That should of probably clued you into the fact that I was talking about the first Americans.
Guns are Not People.They are inanimate objects used for
protection,security and/or sport. I think even Cub scouts are
aware of that.I doubt many Westerns heros share yer take
on the rationale for the existence of guns in American culture.
What came first the gun or the Hero.
The Murderer or the Gun.
Again ... Guns are inanimate objects.
They make noise,by all means.They are incapable of
sticking their tongue out or cheating on a test.
Sassing back a teacher or urinating on the floor.
They are also used for violence. A lot. I'm not blaming guns, I'm blaming people. People can't own guns for the same reason they shouldn't own bombs. Are you blaming bombs because you don't think people should have them? Think of a rational counter argument and try again. :itsok:

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