Kamala's Extramarital Affair Turns Trump Liability into a Trump Advantage

It’s irrelevant. The alternative is being instructed by Obama, and will destroy the country by pushing for universal income, major rent subsidies, Medicare-for-all, etc., all paid for by backbreaking taxes on our productive citizens,
That sounds amazing. Imagine poor people getting a roof over their heads and food on the table. Elon will weep about that as he circles the earths atmosphere on his "rocket to nowhere"
After the disastrous Trump vp pick, the cult is squirming!

(Rule of Thumb: Try to avoid choosing a running mate who is on record comparing you to Hitler, calling you an a**hole, and proclaiming, "“Fellow Christians, everyone is watching us when we apologize for this man!”

LOVE watching Republicans play the “Kamala is a whore” card

Meanwhile, they run a candidate who has been married three times, cheated on all three, banged a Playboy model and porn star while his wife was pregnant, molested a woman in a dressing room AND brought in a former porn star as First Lady

AND brought in a former porn star as First Lady

See, why can’t you just be honest? A couple of those allegations are debatable, but this one is just a flat out lie…
That's how she moved through the ranks, sucking Willy....
The skanky sexual abuser's cult has been consigned to their element.

Spewing from the gutter!

That should clench the woman's vote.
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See, why can’t you just be honest? A couple of those allegations are debatable, but this one is just a flat out lie…
They attacked the President for being an old geezer.

Their old geezer, a convicted felon, attacked the President who has never been indicted for any crimes as being "crooked."

It is hardly surprising how the elderly skank needs to smear Harris.
They attacked the President for being an old geezer.

Their old geezer, a convicted felon, attacked the President who has never been indicted for any crimes as being "crooked."

It is hardly surprising how the elderly skank needs to smear Harris.
Not even related to my response..
See, why can’t you just be honest? A couple of those allegations are debatable, but this one is just a flat out lie…
They are?

What is debatable are Republican allegations against Kamala and accusations of her being a whore

Melania was a porn model who Trump made First Lady

Glass Houses my friend
Even though Joe Biden also had an extra-marital affair with the still-married Jill Stevenson, the media brushed it aside because they ended up getting married and because, well, only Republican sex scandals get covered.

But Kamala's situation is a bit different. She was the "side-chick" of the still married Willie Brown, and just as bad, got TWO political appointments because of the affair. To quote Brown: "Yes, we dated.....Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker." So not only was Harris in an adulterous affair, she got "paid" for it. In that regard, is she really any different from Stormy Daniels?

Leftwing "fact checker" Snopes tries to excuse this affair as only a half-truth since Brown and his wife were "only separated and Harris and Brown openly appeared together". So according to a fact checker, it's not an adulterous affair if people are only separated, AND if the affair was over when Kamala first sought election. Huh? Talk about screwed-up twisted hocus-pocus. But this is the way the leftwing media will dismiss this. Discussion of it will also be called racist and sexist.

But the fact is, it will hurt Harris with the rank-and-file Christian voting populace. They don't go for women who wreck homes, especially for political benefit.

Morality Advantage: Trump.

It's amazing that the DemoKKKrats are going all-in on a woman who started her political career as a whore.
Even if he did, there is nothing illegal about an extra-marital affair OR a non-disclosure payment to keep it quiet.

Yes, there is. If there wasn't anything illegal about it, why did Trump have Cohen arrested and jailed for doing it? Why did Trump give Pecker immunity for his involvement in the scheme.

Trump thought all of it was illegal when HE was in the White House. YOU thought it was all illegal when Trump prosecuted Cohen.

The ONLY difference for you came when Trump was prosecuted by the New York AG for the same crimes that TRUMP prosecuted Cohen for. David Pecker - Trump's friend, got immunity from prosecution from his pal.
I didn't expect you to actually have an answer...when the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser....

Trump and the Trump campaign is guilty of slander here. It's impossible to slander Trump voters on the grounds of ignorance or stupidity. You prove both every time you defend your criminal candidate.
Yes, there is. If there wasn't anything illegal about it, why did Trump have Cohen arrested and jailed for doing it? Why did Trump give Pecker immunity for his involvement in the scheme.

Trump thought all of it was illegal when HE was in the White House. YOU thought it was all illegal when Trump prosecuted Cohen.

The ONLY difference for you came when Trump was prosecuted by the New York AG for the same crimes that TRUMP prosecuted Cohen for. David Pecker - Trump's friend, got immunity from prosecution from his pal.

Trump and the Trump campaign is guilty of slander here. It's impossible to slander Trump voters on the grounds of ignorance or stupidity. You prove both every time you defend your criminal candidate.
1) Trump didn't have Cohen arrested for it. Why do you lie?

2) what slander is the Trump campaign guilty of?
It's amazing that the DemoKKKrats are going all-in on a woman who started her political career as a whore.

It amazing you're still trying to sell this completely debunked lie. The "slut shaming" of VP Harris is proof positive of your racism and misogyny and nothing more.

VP Harris has never been a "whore" or a "home wrecker", but Donald Trump spends a lot of time and money on "whores", and married a nude model who worked in the USA illegally.

Melania Trump had to be given a new "marital contract" to get her to give up her New York lover and move to Washington, and even then she lived with her parents, not her husband.

So please, bitch, spare me your lies about the VP's dating history or her sexual morality because your candidate is a felon, who regularly pays women for sex.
1) Trump didn't have Cohen arrested for it. Why do you lie?

2) what slander is the Trump campaign guilty of?

If Trump didn't have Cohen arrested, then how did this happen? These are federal charges:

You claim that President Biden had Trump prosecuted for this. Why did Trump have Cohen prosecuted???? Trump was President when Cohen was arrested and charged. If these charges were bogus, why did Trump have Cohen charged????
If Trump didn't have Cohen arrested, then how did this happen? These are federal charges:

You claim that President Biden had Trump prosecuted for this. Why did Trump have Cohen prosecuted???? Trump was President when Cohen was arrested and charged. If these charges were bogus, why did Trump have Cohen charged????
He didn't have him arrested and prosecuted for creating an NDA. Try again.

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