Harris is a far-left socialist, worse than Bernie

I addressed the failure in addressing the cost side.

Medical care is already limited. For many it doesn't even exist.
Poor people get Medicaid. Lower-income get Obamacare. Both are paid for by more productive people earning a middle class salary.
Subsidizing poverty results in more poverty. It always has and it always will.

Throw in the barrel of the government government gun that is routinely pointed at us to collect the cash haul, combined with the fact that the entity pointing the gun at us is also the one defining ''need,'' and the Good Lord is effectively out of the picture at that point.

All you're really doing at that point is bowing your head and paying homage to the religion of the State. Giving to Ceasar what is Ceasor's. Or some such shit...

On average, red states are more dependent on federal funding than blue states
I have no clue what Jesus taught. Why most you nasty libs always take a swipe at someone’s religion, even when you don’t know what their religion is?

I don't recall taking a swipe at anyone's religion. I've stated often it is none of my business. But don't let that stop you.


Trump Campaign Files FEC Complaint After Transfer Of Funds To Kamala Harris​

The Harris campaign called the allegations “baseless … like the ones they’ve made for years to try to suppress votes and steal elections.”

WAAAHHH. Filing FEC complaints like little bitches. Love it!!!

I find Trump's full-scale adoption of the 'whiny old bitch' persona this cycle puzzling. He's been Karen-ing pretty hard since Biden dropped out.

On average, red states are more dependent on federal funding than blue states

Yes, they're all in on it. Some more than others. And som less than others.

There's not a nickel's worth of difference between em.

One more shining example of why the often invoked colors of red and blue are nothing more than catch phrases to establish some sort of illusion of difference among the feeble minds of the masses.
Poor people get Medicaid. Lower-income get Obamacare. Both are paid for by more productive people earning a middle class salary.

And yet there are still millions without health care. It was noted that under Obamacare that just because you had coverage didn't mean you could afford to use it with the co-pays and deductibles.
Were you absent the day they taught about negative reinforcement? Reward undesirable behavior, even with attention, and you’ll get more of it.

And before you come out with your sanctimony about “helping the poor,” look at some of the proposals she pushed. One wanted rent subsidies, where people would only pay 1/3rd the market rate, using Other People’s Money, for those earning as much as $75,000 a year!

Are you one of the Democrat elites who think $75,000 a year is “poor”? In fact, I did an analysis of her proposal yesterday showing how a high school educated secretary earning $45,000 could afford a luxury $3,000 apartment (with taxpayers paying for it) while a college-educated staff accountant earning $85,000 would have to live in a moderate garden apartment.

Is that your vision of the future: those who didn’t give much thought to her career, or perhaps less capable of one, get to live a better lifestyle than those who studied until 1:00 a.m. every night to prepare for a decent-paying career?
You did an analysis? Wow....a few months ago, you didn’t know the difference between a bail and a probation bond.
You say that about every Democrat. You even said it about Bill Clinton.
Don't start lying. ... :nono:
I've never said that about Bill Clinton.
She went on a rampage incarcerating black men for non-violent, low-level drug offenses.

Are you telling me that the lib media you listen to has hidden that from voters? What a shock.

No one was prosecuted and locked up, for low level Marijuana drug charges alone under her as AG.

The low level drug crimes were added to a criminal being charged with other serious crimes, though....

No one was prosecuted and locked up, for low level Marijuana drug charges alone under her as AG.

The low level drug crimes were added to a criminal being charged with other serious crimes, though....
Look at the spin.

I find Trump's full-scale adoption of the 'whiny old bitch' persona this cycle puzzling. He's been Karen-ing pretty hard since Biden dropped out.

Its SOP. Its what he did to HRC, the female CEO, reporters, judges, and the women he assaulted.
I have no clue what Jesus taught. Why must you nasty bigoted libs always take a swipe at someone’s religion, even when you don’t know what their religion is?

People earning $60,000 don’t have to live in the street, but they can’t afford a luxury apartment in the skyyyyyy. They can rent a modest studio or share a 2-bedroom with a roommate.

yeah, right.

They don’t have a right to try and live in SF or NYC where $3K studio or $4K APT is typical. They can’t make that level of money. I never wanted to spend all my money just to be “there”.

Why are they there trying, expecting? Drugs in most cases? GOVT monthly handouts?

Go to Lubbock TX. Shup and go to work. Put down your needles. Or KC, MO. No LA or SD. Most will never afford to live there. Where do they stash the poor to chp vegtables and mop floors?
Its SOP. Its what he did to HRC, the female CEO, reporters, judges, and the women he assaulted.

He’s been illegally falsely attacked by GOVT, MSM simce 2015. Recently dragged thru 90 days of made up Trials, fines and BS. 20 million votes stolen to cause BS loss. America suffers along. He’s earned anything he is doing.
The government involved in coverage has turned medicine into medical industry. And it has been going on for many decades. If inflation is officially 3% and it goes up 8% like it will this year and that is without total universal coverage, how long do you think it will take to bankrupt the nation just on medicine. Medicare and Medicaid combined this year is about Two Trillion dollars. That means at some point limits on medical care will happen. There will be little prolonging of life to start easily. Forcing the medical industry to not raise rates/costs will eventually limit medical care.
s the gov't responsible for this? or does the insurance industry bear a little responsibility for turning medicine into an industry.
He’s been illegally falsely attacked by GOVT, MSM simce 2015. Recently dragged thru 90 days of made up Trials, fines and BS. 20 million votes stolen to cause BS loss. America suffers along. He’s earned anything he is doing.
meanwhile, on this planet, another criminal seems to be evading justice on a technicality.
No idea who you are talking about. Try again?

Sorry your perception is so stunted. :auiqs.jpg:


"Harris smoked marijuana at Howard, ‘‘and I did inhale,” she said, “playing up parts of her identity in order to impress Black voters,” according to the New York TImes. Fine, but then she campaigned against legalization in 2010 and 2014; and under Harris, nearly 1,600 people were sentenced to prison for marijuana-related offenses."


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