Harris is a far-left socialist, worse than Bernie

I have no clue what Jesus taught. Why must you nasty bigoted libs always take a swipe at someone’s religion, even when you don’t know what their religion is?

People earning $60,000 don’t have to live in the street, but they can’t afford a luxury apartment in the skyyyyyy. They can rent a modest studio or share a 2-bedroom with a roommate.

yeah, right.
I earn 55k and don't sleep on the streets
Start you own schools (and comply with regulations) and try to keep paying the bills you ungrateful sack of crap.
If Trump wins, and he won't, but if he did, I would love for him to do away with the Department of Education. From that day forward, you pay for your kids schooling IF you want. If you don't want to pay, don't send them to school. School isn't for everyone. But like Obamacare, drop the mandate that every kid has to go to school.

What gave me this idea? I was watching a student driver the other day. Back when I was in school, drivers ed was free. Provided by the school. Why are WE paying for that? Let the parents pay. Or don't drive. Get a 10 speed.
SHUP dummy. Never any mention of the man (the father) in all of your Leftist spew. Get off the boards you dumb OX.
Oh here we go with that argument. LOL. You cuck. No guy wants to have a baby with a woman who doesn't want the baby. If she doesn't want it, fine by me. I'll even pay.

I wonder how many times this ever happens in America. Where the guy wants to have the kid but the woman aborts. Probably a unicorn scenario.
I don't believe any woman walks into her doctors office 8 months pregnant and says "give me an abortion". And I don't think any doctor would do it even if she did ask.

Kansas legalized late term abortions again.

I am pretty sure the babies going to be a retard and most of us don't have Trump money where we can afford to take care of a retard for the rest of our lives. So most women would abort and try again later. And I think it's appauling Republicans would force people to have the retard.

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We likely define the word "retard" differently.
Over the years, including those in which she cackled as VP, here are some of what she’s supported, including:

1) decriminalizing illegal immigration
2) socialist-style benefits provided by productive taxpayers: large rent subsidies, universal income, free Medicare for all to those who laze around on the sofa
3) She supports ALL the socialist-style benefits she’s pushing: rent subsidies, universal income, Medicare, etc., for the illegals too

Any of the three above could be a thread in itself as we dive into the many ways in which the Obama puppet will continue the transformation he is directing from behind the curtain

At least she doesn't stand for taking our freedoms away like Trump does. You fuckers want to take away social security, Medicare, a woman's right to choose and our voting rights.

You fuckers want to take us back to 1951! Kamala is the future of this country and she is going to ram that point down your conservative throats!
Over the years, including those in which she cackled as VP, here are some of what she’s supported, including:

1) decriminalizing illegal immigration
2) socialist-style benefits provided by productive taxpayers: large rent subsidies, universal income, free Medicare for all to those who laze around on the sofa
3) She supports ALL the socialist-style benefits she’s pushing: rent subsidies, universal income, Medicare, etc., for the illegals too

Any of the three above could be a thread in itself as we dive into the many ways in which the Obama puppet will continue the transformation he is directing from behind the curtain

Over the past 40 years Republicans have tweeked our tax system so that the rich pay less and you pay more. It's one reason the gap between them is getting bigger. They eliminated tax breaks for the masses to give themselves tax breaks. So today the average 40 year old is poorer than in the past and the average 70 year old is richer today.

So Republicans (Capitalists) really fucked over young people. Great example is the high cost of college. You don't subsodize college so you can give old rich people more tax breaks. So you have broken America.

So no wonder kids like socialism and Gretchen Whitmer

Gov. Whitmer Secures Tuition-Free Community College for Michigan High School Graduates for the Upcoming School Year​

July 09, 2024
No idea who that is.
Paying the poor to breed instead of educating them to work productive jobs has killed this Country since LBJ days. Scattered about are massive D cities with packs of feral criminals running around up to no good since they won't, can't or don't work. Flash mobbing SOB much?
I think you were supposed to share that Kool-Aid, not drink it all yourself.
Paying the poor to breed instead of educating them to work productive jobs has killed this Country since LBJ days. Scattered about are massive D cities with packs of feral criminals running around up to no good since they won't, can't or don't work. Flash mobbing SOB much?
You don't want to educate the poor.

What made this country great was the poor organized into unions and demanded a seat at the table. Since Reagan, labor has lost it's seat at the table. But unions won big last year.

I don't know if it still it, but for decades the city in Michigan that took the most welfare was a all white city up north. The entire town was on welfare.

Food stamps are more popular in these cities than anywhere else
  1. McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, TX.
  2. Laredo, TX.
I can't find it now but when I was growing up, the town that got the most welfare was a dried up old white town up north MI.
Over the years, including those in which she cackled as VP, here are some of what she’s supported, including:

1) decriminalizing illegal immigration
2) socialist-style benefits provided by productive taxpayers: large rent subsidies, universal income, free Medicare for all to those who laze around on the sofa
3) She supports ALL the socialist-style benefits she’s pushing: rent subsidies, universal income, Medicare, etc., for the illegals too

Any of the three above could be a thread in itself as we dive into the many ways in which the Obama puppet will continue the transformation he is directing from behind the curtain

Wow... Lisa is panicking...
You are National Enquirer strong. What an embarrassment.

National Enquirer made up the story about Ted Cruz's father and Lee Harvey Oswald, former publisher says​

They made it up at Trump's behest, that was the point.

And Ted is still kissing Trump's ass.

Now, if some shithead called my wife ugly and said my dad was a traiterous murderer, I'd ask him to step outside.

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