Post Conviction Polls Are Not Looking Good for Biden

The key to the 2020 polls is not just that Biden came nowhere near winning by 7.2 percent but none of those polls predicted that Arizona and Georgia would flip Democrat.
If they can’t get that…what use are they?

Both of those states were in the margin of error and considered in play.
Nonetheless, these polls are nothing like 2020. As you just pointed out, Biden was well ahead of Trump routinely and he easily won. That's not what we're seeing this time and he wasn't running against a convicted criminal.
Now let’s look at 2022 midterms
Polls predicted a major Republican win against a weak Biden presidency. They used terms like Red Wave, Red Tsunami.
Predicting 40-50 Republican majority in the House and 4-5 seat Republican majority in the Senate.

Fool me once…
Now let’s look at 2022 midterms
Polls predicted a major Republican win against a weak Biden presidency. They used terms like Red Wave, Red Tsunami.
Predicting 40-50 Republican majority in the House and 4-5 seat Republican majority in the Senate.

Fool me once…

They predicted that before Dobbs. In the months following Dobbs, the polls tightened.
Nonetheless, these polls are nothing like 2020. As you just pointed out, Biden was well ahead of Trump routinely and he easily won. That's not what we're seeing this time and he wasn't running against a convicted criminal.
No sane adult wants another four years of Biden.
I'm not a supposed Canadian is all that up on American politics, but okay.
I have been a sponge over the last number of years. Yes, Trump primarily brought me into U.S politics and I've learned a great deal from people on here and other sites. Most of my information today comes from my own curiousity and ability to synergize multiple pieces of information from different sources.
Dobbs is the major political event of the 2020s.

Without Dobbs, Trump would even stand a chance winning in as a felon. Not now at all.
The key to the 2020 polls is not just that Biden came nowhere near winning by 7.2 percent but none of those polls predicted that Arizona and Georgia would flip Democrat.
If they can’t get that…what use are they?

There were polls taken and there were people who analyzed the polls. Polls do not predict anything.


NYT - September 25, 2020
If Arizona flips from red to blue this year — and according to most polls, that appears highly possible — it would be a historical outlier: The state has voted Republican in every presidential election since 1952, except one.
No sane adult would want another four years of either of them. It's a race to the bottom.
I for one don't believe that is how most of America feels. Depending on how one frames a survey, we ca get different answers. Depending on news of the week, opinions of the people can and often do change.
They predicted that before Dobbs. In the months following Dobbs, the polls tightened.

There were and are different types of polls and pollsters.

"In the election’s immediate aftermath, the polling failures appeared to be in keeping with misfires in 2016 and 2020, when the strength of Donald J. Trump’s support was widely underestimated, and with the continuing struggles of an industry that arose with the corded home telephone to adapt to the mass migration to cellphones and text messaging. Indeed, some of the same Republican-leaning pollsters who erred in 2022 had built credibility with their contrarian, but accurate, polling triumphs in recent elections.
But a New York Times review of the forces driving the narrative of a coming red wave, and of that narrative’s impact, found new factors at play.

Traditional nonpartisan pollsters, after years of trial and error and tweaking of their methodologies, produced polls that largely reflected reality. But they also conducted fewer polls than in the past.

That paucity allowed their accurate findings to be overwhelmed by an onrush of partisan polls in key states that more readily suited the needs of the sprawling and voracious political content machine — one sustained by ratings and clicks, and famished for fresh data and compelling narratives.

The skewed red-wave surveys polluted polling averages, which are relied upon by campaigns, donors, voters and the news media. It fed the home-team boosterism of an expanding array of right-wing media outlets — from Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast and “The Charlie Kirk Show” to Fox News and its top-rated prime-time lineup. And it spilled over into coverage by mainstream news organizations, including The Times, that amplified the alarms being sounded about potential Democratic doom."

I have been a sponge over the last number of years. Yes, Trump primarily brought me into U.S politics and I've learned a great deal from people on here and other sites. Most of my information today comes from my own curiousity and ability to synergize multiple pieces of information from different sources.
Depending on what sources you use...

There are sources that are meant to mislead, obfuscate, and outright lie.
2020 showed Biden with an 8 point lead that turned out to be 3

2022 polls predicted a Republican “Tsunami“ with 40-50 new seats in the House and 4-5 in the Senate.

Wasn’t close

I will wait till November and see how Dems do
it showed that like most polling republicans are normally polling higher than reported ... and 2022 was an anomaly triggered by the lefts sick desire to murder children in the womb .. abortion ain't the major issue voters will be motivated by in Nov .. though it's anyone's guess who will wing the election [it could go either way] there is a very good chance Trump will be POTUS again .... faggot .
MAGA Magadonian-American's see Trump as a victim (lawfare LOL) -- correct. Most of America does not. Trump wants the election to be about him as a victim, but as time moves closer to voting day people will have to decide whether to pull the proverbial lever for a convicted felon, and rapist (so said the judge in his civil trial), who also has a long history of being viewed as a racist -- or not.

Heritage spin?

It speaks volumes when a felon does better than a sitting potus......~S~

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