CNN Data Guru Says Sun Belt Polling Is ‘Absolute Disaster’ For Joe Biden

You're the first member of the left on here I've seen that thinks Trump will win. Unless you're being sarcastic, that is.
Well, I said that for the sake of discussion. In reality, I think it is too close to call. But, gun to my head, Trump wins. Sleepy.liberals stay home and lose again, like 2016.

Of course, Trump.could pull another Ginsgerg somehow and give it all away.
Trump has a 13% lead in a state he LOST in 2020! Think about that!
These polls in battleground states, have consistently shown Trump is ahead. Despite all of Trump's legal problems, and character flaws, Biden is still lagging.
There's a reason for it.

Historically high gas prices.
Joe's third-world invasion.
Grocery prices.
Mortgage rates.

“The smallest lead is in Arizona for Donald Trump, he’s up six. Look at this, nine in Georgia, 13 in Nevada. My goodness, gracious, my god. That is a hugely — no Democrat has lost that state since John Kerry lost it back in 2004.”

Biden flipped these purple states, mostly because of the pandemic. Democrats did a good job of painting Trump as being incompetent during a time when Americans were in a major panic over Covid. Four years later, people realize that Trump and the Republicans were right about a lot of stuff, including the pandemic and, with the country going down disaster road with inflation and interest rates, they realize they made a major mistake in 2020 and they also realize the democrats' complete and total abuse of power to get Trump through these kangaroo courts.
Biden flipped these purple states, mostly because of the pandemic. Democrats did a good job of painting Trump as being incompetent during a time when Americans were in a major panic over Covid. Four years later, people realize that Trump and the Republicans were right about a lot of stuff, including the pandemic and, with the country going down disaster road with inflation and interest rates, they realize they made a major mistake in 2020 and they also realize the democrats' complete and total abuse of power to get Trump through these kangaroo courts.

Or -

They were able to use unverifiable mail in ballots to swing enough votes to decide the election.

The rest

This is why Biden suddenly wants to debate, he knows now he has nothing to lose, and needs the potential game changer.
I really am not looking forward to any kind of debate. They should both just have some decency and spare America the ugliness.
Biden flipped these purple states, mostly because of the pandemic. Democrats did a good job of painting Trump as being incompetent during a time when Americans were in a major panic over Covid. Four years later, people realize that Trump and the Republicans were right about a lot of stuff, including the pandemic and, with the country going down disaster road with inflation and interest rates, they realize they made a major mistake in 2020 and they also realize the democrats' complete and total abuse of power to get Trump through these kangaroo courts.
Pretty good summary.

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