"Closing the border even dumber than building a wall

There is no simple answer or solution to our southern border humanitarian crisis.
Any politician who tries to tell you there is is lying to you. The issue is just too complex for political soundbytes.
When Trump speaks about stupid (non) solutions like building his ridiculous "wall" or "closing the border" he's just pandering to his clueless fan base spread out around the country, many of whom live nowhere near the southern border and don't really understand how it works.
It becomes a tribal thing for these people, often racial, and it just adds to the non-productive noise.
There MAY yet be a working solution to this issue. Some thoughtful, insigtful method of making our southern border more secure and stemming the flow of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. from the south, but it is PROBABLY not going to come from a bellicose, loud-mouthed, hatred-stoking, non-thinker like Donald Trump.

López Obrador’s letter emphasised the economic integration between the two countries and the damage to “people, industry and commerce” that closing the border would bring.

California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, together with the six border states in Mexico, “represent the fourth biggest economy in the world”, while 1 million people and 300,000 vehicles cross the border every day, wrote the Mexican leader popularly known as Amlo.

Many of those vehicles carry cargo as part of the USMCA free trade agreement among the US, Mexico and Canada, which López Obrador defended as making goods cheaper for US consumers and being “the only way to successfully confront the competition brought by the economic and commercial advance of China”.
López Obrador also asked Trump to bear in mind that almost 40 million Mexicans live in the US, that seven of every 10 agricultural workers in the US are Mexican, and that Mexicans contributed $325bn to the US economy last year.
But, he added: “I understand that you are campaigning and that you are not – as some believe – obstinate”.

I stopped reading at "stupid (non) solutions like building his ridiculous "wall"

You said 1200 miles dumbass, not Texas border wall,

But since you changed your story I did a search for just Texas border wall pics so you can post all of them in the middle of the river, Moron.


texas border wall pics

We all do realize, that these Leftists are grasping at straws; and when I say straws, they are grasping at STRAWMEN, lol.

Their job..........should you decide to accept their utter BULLSH**, is to get you debating everything/anything else besides their policies.....along with forgetting about Kamala and Willy, lol. They push TRUMP/TRUMP/TRUMP, because they really do not want to talk about KAMALA. What you are actually seeing is the LEFT AGAIN, trying to make Trump a worse option, then their new hero from the Left.

Research good ole Kamala, and you will see she is WORSE than Trump, lol. She sold her a** to get ahead in politics to good ole Willy.

Personally, I do believe someone is going to challenge Kamala at the DNC convention. Joe was set up to burn, and so is Kamala; but surprise, it wasn't the GOP! It was those Democracy loving, transparent, tree hugging Leftists, who are making the decisions for this country, without ever being elected to anything............meaning they can't be voted out if another Democrat wins the Whitehouse, as they will just push the new figurehead to whatever they want, sitting in the background thinking and laughing, how dumb we all are.

Contrary to what LEFTISTS tell you, most of us are NOT sycophants for DJT. What we are is the people trying to stop these unelected officials, from controlling all of us while never running for ANYTHING; just sitting there wanting another INCOMPETENT DEMOCRAT that they can control so as they can PUSH America in the direction they wish. THIS guiding/pushing deal is for PRESIDENTS that are voted in, not for unelected a**holes who are not.

A vote for Kamala, is a vote for the same Biden policies, open borders, and the same crew who got you where you are now after almost 4 years. You like it? Then vote for it! Don't like it? Then GO VOTE against it!

Yeah, that was your claim. Your problem is that nobody ever proposed doing that, you raving moron.
Where do you think this ridiculous wall should be built on the Texas border then?
The international boundary line runs right down the center of the water channel.
Maybe you think we should build it north of the river and just give our portion of the Rio Grande (and the farming and ranch land that runs up to the river to Mexico?
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