Zone1 What Is Christian Nationalism?

I said I do not agree with that.

I’m not gonna change my mind if you keep asking me because you’re out of argument
Of course you agree with there being nothing wrong with it. You oppose abortion being a misdemeanor. You don't believe it is a crime. You don't believe there is anything wrong with it.

So why can't we farm babies for their tissues and organs?
If that were true you wouldn't oppose abortion being a misdemeanor.
No, I oppose abortion being a misdemeanor because it involves government coercion against an individual who is causing absolutely no harm to anybody who has met a live birth requirement, which is the norm in our society for the government to protect life and provide security for the pursuit of happiness According to the United States Constitution

Fining women for going in and out of an abortion clinic is unnecessary for the public welfare and it’s kind of stupid if you actually thought about it.
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No, I pose abortion being a misdemeanor because it involves government coercion against an individual who is causing absolutely no harm to anybody who has met a live birth requirement, which is the norm in our society for the government to protect life and provide security for the pursuit of happiness According to the United States Constitution

Finding women for going in and out of a abortion clinic is unnecessary for the public welfare and it’s kind of stupid if you actually thought about it.
Great. Let the baby farming begin.
These boys drawing the line at a woman's choice to sell her aborted baby proves that God exists.
You don't believe there is anything wrong with it.
Now you have to lie. I am not Herschel Walker.

I’m not saying abortion is right and every instance. I’m saying abortion it doesn’t involve me is none of my business and it is none of yours. You need to take that ball and run with it dude you’re making a full of yourself.

To be your business and to be my business, there has to be harm to the society in which we live when a woman or teenager makes a mistake or whatever goes in at 12 weeks and has an abortion. There is no harm. You cannot make an argument that there is harm.

Biblicists who make up the largest voting block in the Republican party, define the harm of legalized abortion to our society.

I listen to them every single day as I drive to my daughters and son-in-law‘s house to watch my one year old granddaughter so they can get ahead in life. I listen to American family radio and it’s usually James Dobson in the morning and Jenna Ellis. And on the way home, I listen to Tony Perkins.

They must say at 20 times On the radio station that Donald Trump has to be elected because we can’t let the Luciferian On the radio station that Donald Trump has to be elected because we can’t let the Luciferian commie Democrats win to kill babies because if they win, God will bring his wrath down upon the whole nation as punishment.

That’s the harm that God‘s chosen people see who believe America was founded as a white Protestant Christian nation just for them and they have a duty to keep it that way

No! God reached down and touched Donald Trump‘s neck muscles and spared his life so baby fetus can finally be saved in New York City in Los Angeles and Chicago and Washington DC will not be turned into pillars of salt.

Sorry about the firefighter / one dodged bullet at a time.

But no, nothing to do with Republican Christianity when they want to force full-term gestation on all women.
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Now you have to lie. I am not Herschel Walker.

I’m not saying abortion is right and every instance. I’m saying abortion it doesn’t involve me is none of my business and it is none of yours. You need to take that ball and run with it dude you’re making a full of yourself.

To be your business and to be my business, there has to be harm to the society in which we live when a woman or teenager makes a mistake or whatever goes in at 12 weeks and has an abortion. There is no harm. You cannot make an argument that there is harm.

Biblicists who make up the largest voting block in the Republican party, define the harm of legalized abortion to our society.

I listen to them every single day as I drive to my daughters and son-in-law‘s house to watch my one year old granddaughter so they can get ahead in life. I listen to American family radio and it’s usually James Dobson in the morning and Jenna Ellis. And on the way home, I listen to Tony Perkins.

They must say at 20 times On the radio station that Donald Trump has to be elected because we can’t let the Luciferian On the radio station that Donald Trump has to be elected because we can’t let the Luciferian commie Democrats win to kill babies because if they win, God will bring his wrath down upon the whole nation as punishment.

That’s the harm that God‘s chosen people see who believe America was founded as a white protest and Christian nation just for them and they have a duty to keep it that way

No, God reached down and touched Donald Trump‘s neck, muscles and spared his life so baby fetus can finally be saved in New York City in Los Angeles and Chicago and Washington DC will not be turned into pillars of salt.

But no, nothing to do with Republican Christianity when they want to force full-term gestation on all women.
So in theory, there's nothing wrong or immoral with mining body parts from aborted fetus, right?
So in theory, there's nothing wrong or immoral with mining body parts from aborted fetus, right?
Women have a right to their bodily autonomy because bearing a child is a risk. The risk includes death.

Once the dead fetus has become separated from her body, there is no more risk. I see no point in commercializing the remains because the issue I have with your white male violence Saint Dang against pregnant women is that you are injecting the government into the choice of life and death for one of my fellow human beings who has met a live birth requirement.

You will kill her to express your own moral superiority over such a loose and sinful woman.

And your violence against women extends to now you think women would deliberately tget pregnant, just to get an abortion For income

You are a vile and depraved, human being, Saint_Ding.

You are a horrible continuation of America’s Christian Heritage.
Women have a right to their bodily autonomy because bearing a child is a risk. The risk includes death.

Once the dead fetus has become separated from her body, there is no more risk. I see no point in commercializing the remains because the issue I have with your white male violence Saint Dang against pregnant women is that you are injecting the government into the choice of life and death for one of my fellow human beings who has met a live birth requirement.

You will kill her to express your own moral superiority over such a loose and sinful woman.

And your violence against women extends to now you think women would deliberately tget pregnant, just to get an abortion For income

You are a vile and depraved, human being, Saint_Ding.

You are a horrible continuation of America’s Christian Heritage.
So... woman's body. Woman's right to sell her aborted fetus. I'm not seeing the problem. If you can't bring yourself to treat abortion as a misdemeanor, I'm not sure I see any difference in how you see them selling their property as they see fit.
I'm not sure I see any difference in how you see them selling their property as they see fit.
That is your problem, Saint Ding. One separated, you were talking about the government right to regulate commerce. I say no to women selling an aborted fetus for profit as I told you that would increase abortions instead of reducing them.

So you can keep asking me over and over and over again I will tell you the same

I don’t regard an aborted fetus as the birth mother’s property. So you can quit that lie.
That is your problem, Saint Ding. One separated, you were talking about the government right to regulate commerce. I say no to women selling an aborted fetus for profit as I told you that would increase abortions instead of reducing them.

So you can keep asking me over and over and over again I will tell you the same

I don’t regard an aborted fetus as the birth mother’s property. So you can quit that lie.
Woman's body. Woman's choice. Who are you to tell her what she can do with her body? You don't even consider abortion to be a misdemeanor.
These boys drawing the line at a woman's choice to sell her aborted baby proves that God exists.

Why? God is about religion. You say this has nothing to do with religion. You can’t even keep your lying straight.
Woman's body. Woman's choice. Who are you to tell her what she can do with her body? You don't even consider abortion to be a misdemeanor.
Once they are separated the fetus is not her body anymore. Is That really that difficult to understand.

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