Zone1 Is radical political Islam even a question or issue in the US?

Is radical political Islam even a question or issue in the US?​

It sure was on 9/11.

And on the day of the Boston Marathon bombing.

And anytime any IslamoNazi Jihadist piece of shit attempts to engage in any act of violence in the name of Islam.

Mohammed (peanutbutterandjelly) was a piece of shit.
Yep! Just like you.

evangelisticals think the RC/Pope is a cult. & are you saying that people who claim to be christian don't think other people who claim to be christians that use snakes, or babble in tongues, or have multiple wives, OR have handmaids aren't nutters? & trust me , jehovah witness' have no acceptance of christiandom at all outside of their own faith.

so ... yeppers - i shirley say so - based in facts.

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