Zone1 Question for Christianity based Trump supporters.

/—-/They broke no laws,
Sure, and Trump is going to save democracy from communism with fascism, because he loves America so much. And all of their convictions and evidence of corruption is just a wild witch hunt

Right. But guess what.

They found witches everywhere in the Republican Party. What then? Ignore the facts? Vote for a man whose entire life is built on deception, while holding up a bible that he never read to beguile of of you zombie believers in bullshit, the epitome of a talking serpent in your own fairy tale?

Is that what Jesus would do? Pay homage to a devil? Vote for a con man to lead? I don't think so.

I read the story.

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Trump is a satanic force that has usurped authority over the entire Republican Party hoping to impose his insanity on the entire country, openly in cahoots with every other tyrant in the world.
Our Constitution gives no authority to the Republican Party, nor to any Party. Nor to the media, nor corporations, nor university professors, nor “climate researchers,” nor to “gender specialists.”

It does vest executive power in a President. It assigns voters the duty to select that president through their states.

Trump usurped nothing.
Those damn democrats independents and liberals are the only people standing in his way...
Not enough of them to matter, though, and their numbers are shrinking.
Every republican that supports him is guilty of treason knowing that he will pardon this and their many other crimes hoping by showing how loyal and pusillanimous they can be in the pathetic in a desperate hope to be appointed mini caesars ruling their own principalities with impunity

Your devout family has been "beguiled" by a direct descendant of that talking serpent of old.

A person would have to be dead and in hell to not see how fucked up trump their savior really is.
If I was there with you, I’d offer a tissue to absorb your tears. Then I’d squeeze those tears into my Bourbon.


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