‘What Do You Do When a Criminally Minded Person Is President?’

You support Trump. That's sick.

Convicted in a kangaroo court? Who cares? The American people know what Biden's DOJ did to his chief political rival and they blame Biden for what took place. The whole notion that "convicting" Trump was going to deliver another four years of the Biden Administration has been a monumental failure! After that verdict was handed down Trump took in huge amounts of money for his campaign from first time donors. Those are people who were so appalled by what they saw taking place in courtrooms in New York, Atlanta and DC that they sent money to the Trump campaign. Those are going to be the same people who show up in November and vote out Democrats.
Trump should be indicted for mail fraud for that "stop the steal" scam where he fleeced his supporters out of $200 million, never invrstigated a thing then used the money to pay his legal fees & pocketed the rest of it.

He's the biggest grifter in history.
We are looking at the possibility of electing a criminal to be our president. So what do we do if or when that happens? We have been here before. And it has been the people who stopped the criminal.

‘What Do You Do When a Criminally Minded Person Is President?’

Corey Brettschneider’s new book couldn’t have landed at a more auspicious moment. The Presidents and the People: Five Leaders Who Threatened Democracy and the Citizens Who Fought to Defend It, went on sale last Tuesday — the day after the Supreme Court’s ruling in the election interference case against Donald Trump that gave presidents broad immunity for their “official acts.”

Brettschneider, a professor of politics and constitutional law at Brown University, writes about five past presidents who “posed great threats to democracy” by pushing the limits of legality — John Adams, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson and Richard Nixon — and the citizens who responded by pushing back in an age-old American pattern of constitutional crisis and recovery.

Adams, after all, had prosecuted people who criticized him, Buchanan “colluded with the Supreme Court to deny constitutional personhood to African Americans,” as Brettschneider outlines. Johnson urged violence against his political opponents while heightening white supremacy in the wake of the Civil War, Wilson “nationalized Jim Crow” and Nixon, of course, committed criminal acts in the sprawling Watergate scandal. “When the president does it,” as the 37th president (in)famously said, “that means it is not illegal.”

In response to these executives’ attempts to weaken or outright eliminate the checks on their power, citizens fought back — from abolitionist Frederick Douglass to journalists Ida B. Wells and William Monroe Trotter to Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg and others — recommitting to the Constitution and stoking what Brettschneider calls “democratic recovery.”

Brettschneider reminds us that we were warned from the beginning this could happen.

“Revolutionary War heroes such as Patrick Henry predicted that the office was so powerful that a president with authoritarian ambitions could simply lay claim to the ‘American throne,’” Brettschneider writes, noting that “the power of the presidency has always been a loaded gun, one that threatens American democracy itself. Patrick Henry’s warning has always been relevant.” And it has arguably never been more relevant than it is right now.

We already have a criminal in the White House who sold out our National Security for 50 million dollars in bribes from foreign nationals. Why doesn't Biden concern you?
Criminally minded? What does that mean? Who in the world is qualified to judge "criminally minded"? What we do know is that it's relatively easy to diagnose Alzheimers and/or Parkinsons disease and both are a clear and present danger to national security but it seems that democrats and the criminally minded media are determined to keep Americans in the dark.
We are looking at the possibility of electing a criminal to be our president. So what do we do if or when that happens? We have been here before. And it has been the people who stopped the criminal.

‘What Do You Do When a Criminally Minded Person Is President?’

Corey Brettschneider’s new book couldn’t have landed at a more auspicious moment. The Presidents and the People: Five Leaders Who Threatened Democracy and the Citizens Who Fought to Defend It, went on sale last Tuesday — the day after the Supreme Court’s ruling in the election interference case against Donald Trump that gave presidents broad immunity for their “official acts.”

Brettschneider, a professor of politics and constitutional law at Brown University, writes about five past presidents who “posed great threats to democracy” by pushing the limits of legality — John Adams, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson and Richard Nixon — and the citizens who responded by pushing back in an age-old American pattern of constitutional crisis and recovery.

Adams, after all, had prosecuted people who criticized him, Buchanan “colluded with the Supreme Court to deny constitutional personhood to African Americans,” as Brettschneider outlines. Johnson urged violence against his political opponents while heightening white supremacy in the wake of the Civil War, Wilson “nationalized Jim Crow” and Nixon, of course, committed criminal acts in the sprawling Watergate scandal. “When the president does it,” as the 37th president (in)famously said, “that means it is not illegal.”

In response to these executives’ attempts to weaken or outright eliminate the checks on their power, citizens fought back — from abolitionist Frederick Douglass to journalists Ida B. Wells and William Monroe Trotter to Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg and others — recommitting to the Constitution and stoking what Brettschneider calls “democratic recovery.”

Brettschneider reminds us that we were warned from the beginning this could happen.

“Revolutionary War heroes such as Patrick Henry predicted that the office was so powerful that a president with authoritarian ambitions could simply lay claim to the ‘American throne,’” Brettschneider writes, noting that “the power of the presidency has always been a loaded gun, one that threatens American democracy itself. Patrick Henry’s warning has always been relevant.” And it has arguably never been more relevant than it is right now.

Hopefully Trump win, declares himself dictator for life, requires everyone to keep a poster of Jesus at home and work, and calls for voter ID
As if you do. Trump will piss in your mouth just like he will a Democrat and you'll probably drinkit it and brag about how good it tasted.
Trump has already done that to his lackeys like Little Marco, Lyin Ted & Miss Lindsey but they come back for more. Along with some ofvthe clowns on this board.

Now watch them go apeshit.
You do anything you can to beat Joe Biden and all the Democrats that have gone along with breaking immigration laws and the Constitution. You beat Joe Biden for committing treason for funneling money to Iran who gives money to our enemies and Israel's enemies and then they use Joe's money to fight and kill American soldiers and Israeli soldiers. Also, the bribery of Joe Biden with Ukraine and also China.
What immigration laws were broken?
We are looking at the possibility of electing a criminal to be our president. So what do we do if or when that happens? We have been here before. And it has been the people who stopped the criminal.

‘What Do You Do When a Criminally Minded Person Is President?’

Corey Brettschneider’s new book couldn’t have landed at a more auspicious moment. The Presidents and the People: Five Leaders Who Threatened Democracy and the Citizens Who Fought to Defend It, went on sale last Tuesday — the day after the Supreme Court’s ruling in the election interference case against Donald Trump that gave presidents broad immunity for their “official acts.”

Brettschneider, a professor of politics and constitutional law at Brown University, writes about five past presidents who “posed great threats to democracy” by pushing the limits of legality — John Adams, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson and Richard Nixon — and the citizens who responded by pushing back in an age-old American pattern of constitutional crisis and recovery.

Adams, after all, had prosecuted people who criticized him, Buchanan “colluded with the Supreme Court to deny constitutional personhood to African Americans,” as Brettschneider outlines. Johnson urged violence against his political opponents while heightening white supremacy in the wake of the Civil War, Wilson “nationalized Jim Crow” and Nixon, of course, committed criminal acts in the sprawling Watergate scandal. “When the president does it,” as the 37th president (in)famously said, “that means it is not illegal.”

In response to these executives’ attempts to weaken or outright eliminate the checks on their power, citizens fought back — from abolitionist Frederick Douglass to journalists Ida B. Wells and William Monroe Trotter to Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg and others — recommitting to the Constitution and stoking what Brettschneider calls “democratic recovery.”

Brettschneider reminds us that we were warned from the beginning this could happen.

“Revolutionary War heroes such as Patrick Henry predicted that the office was so powerful that a president with authoritarian ambitions could simply lay claim to the ‘American throne,’” Brettschneider writes, noting that “the power of the presidency has always been a loaded gun, one that threatens American democracy itself. Patrick Henry’s warning has always been relevant.” And it has arguably never been more relevant than it is right now.

You flee to Sudan to join other black violent gangs.

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