November 5 not about electing a president.

You love to talk about one side vs the other, but that is ultimately all there is.

There is no duopoly, that is a lie. There is the democrat party, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chinese communist party, and there are the RINO's, who are loyal supporters of the democrat party, whose boots they lick because they are nothing more than a controlled opposition party.

They exist merely to give the illusion we have a choice.

Trump and especially the MAGA movement, are a threat to the DNCCCP establishment. That's why they are so desperate to destroy both.

So, Harry, this is the reality, you sit on the sidelines, whining about choosing one side or the other, and do nothing, and watch this country slide into a dictatorship, the goal of the political class, or you join the MAGA movement in an effort to restore the Republic.

That's your choice. And it is a choice. Support the fascists, or fight them.

You choose.
unlike you i am doing something...i dont want the same old shit....i want quality people not the inept,incompetent people you guys seem to pick and not care if they are good or long as they belong to that fucking useless party is all you party people care about...sorry not me pal....
Fear mongering much ?

Do you get paid to do this ?
Who shut everything down to say Trump crashed the economy, fuckbag?

They gave zero fucks as to who all it hurt, as long as they could kinda blame it on Trump.


Oh look! I got another one with Lesh actually in it!

He's on the far left. That was then and this is now, but that really hasn't changed.

Revisioned history is all the rage today.
The upcoming election is no longer about electing a president. It's about saving our democracy. I have some concerns about Biden too, but those concerns are far outweighed by the damage that trump has already promised to visit on our democracy. He already said he would "terminate the Constitution if he determined that fraud occurred during an election." "fire 40,000 career civil servants on day one and replace them with ‘patriots’ loyal to him." "He will bring back the architect of the child separation policy at the border" and "Tom Homan (will) run ICE." Have the Justice Department "investigate Comcast, NBC and MSNBC for treason and remove them from the public airwaves." offered to sell out safety and environmental protections for donations, and the partisan Supreme Court has cleared the way for him to reign terror on the poor and middle class. We have to elect Joe, or somebody else who won't use the newly provided presidential powers at least until congress has time to pass new laws to bring us back to normal. If enough people want to call a special election after that, we can do that, but for now, we have to protect our country. You don't have to vote for Joe, but for the country's sake, vote against trump,
Wow, how original. Ah, your feelings, brought to u by cnn
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The upcoming election is no longer about electing a president. It's about saving our democracy. I have some concerns about Biden too, but those concerns are far outweighed by the damage that trump has already promised to visit on our democracy. He already said he would "terminate the Constitution if he determined that fraud occurred during an election." "fire 40,000 career civil servants on day one and replace them with ‘patriots’ loyal to him." "He will bring back the architect of the child separation policy at the border" and "Tom Homan (will) run ICE." Have the Justice Department "investigate Comcast, NBC and MSNBC for treason and remove them from the public airwaves." offered to sell out safety and environmental protections for donations, and the partisan Supreme Court has cleared the way for him to reign terror on the poor and middle class. We have to elect Joe, or somebody else who won't use the newly provided presidential powers at least until congress has time to pass new laws to bring us back to normal. If enough people want to call a special election after that, we can do that, but for now, we have to protect our country. You don't have to vote for Joe, but for the country's sake, vote against trump, the wannabe king.
Say bullshit, happen to notice your kind now suggest " I have concerns about biden" as if to say you guys have developed a brain and should be considered credible and unbias?
unlike you i am doing something...i dont want the same old shit....i want quality people not the inept,incompetent people you guys seem to pick and not care if they are good or long as they belong to that fucking useless party is all you party people care about...sorry not me pal....
Oh? What are you doing. Be specific.

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