Both parties are about what is best for one man, not our country.

Don't burn it all down, but vote liars out of office.

The fact that we have come to accept, even expect, our elected officials to lie to us regularly is disgusting.

Well this is why the Dems screeching "Trump lied" is not going to work. We are starting at a place where we no longer trust anyone, so who cares?

(Of course they say this while they tell us Biden is all good and then he looks like and end stage dementia patient up there. We can call that the Big Lie)
This doesn't improve unless and until we fix a "system" (ha) that incentivizes and rewards the worst impulses of its participants.

Minor problem: We just don't care enough to do that.
It comes down to voting. just not talking about any potential ways of cheating. Saying that all people should vote is different if they really are qualified to vote. Voting for pettiness is different than maximum efficiency. pettiness gets votes in Democracy. You hate Trump. Trump provided work for massive numbers of people. Joe did nothing. Playing games with our rights as a Senator. A corporate shill at that.
Perhaps we should stop talking about cult of personality and politics, ignore the marxist indoctrinated media, and start a national conversation on marrying policy to traditional values and morals.

Not ethics. Ethics means nothing if there is no agreed upon moral value system that is accepted.

Then the discussion begins on what policy best preserves those values while permitting maximum personal freedom.

But that may be just to radical an idea in this day and age.
Both parties are about what is best for one man qng their party, not our country.
Neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump should be the leader of our country.
Both parties have their head up their asses. We need a party who is about what is best for the USA.
A false equivalence or false equivalency is an informal fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning.
No. I'm not like you. I don't hate. I've said a zillion times that this has never been about him.

You make simplistic assumptions based on ignorance. Not smart. Play with someone else now.
What I am saying is taxes keep escalating one way or the other to pay for all of this. Inflation is a tax.
Liberals learn Biden is a dud, liberals throw Biden under the bus, then they go about projecting their problems to apply to everyone else. So this is next level TDS, how sad.
One side wants to get more government involved in everything and move towards more socialism.
The other side wants to see smaller government and more free enterprise.
^^^ I'm on the 'side' that believes this is complete horseshit. ^^^

Mission statements vs. reality. Two different worlds. All bullshit. I see both parties wanting big government involved to help achieve their agendas. Two ends of the same shit pile. Independents reject both.
Both parties are about what is best for one man qng their party, not our country.
Neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump should be the leader of our country.
Both parties have their head up their asses. We need a party who is about what is best for the USA.

We don't deserve better. We're a depraved reprobate society. These are more like judgements coming down on this country.
After defending the old dude and lying about his mental health for four years the left finally admits that he is unfit to lead the Country. What took you so long?
More evidence for the Simulation Theory. We are living in a scripted reality where the writer(s) said, “Let’s do South Park on steroids and write the most horribly funny narrative of how America destroyed itself.”
Both parties are about what is best for one man qng their party, not our country.
Neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump should be the leader of our country.
Both parties have their head up their asses. We need a party who is about what is best for the USA.

Eh..I actually disagree. I think both candidates are thinking about the country, it’s just that each side has a different idea about what they think is best for the country.
^^^ I'm on the 'side' that believes this is complete horseshit. ^^^

Mission statements vs. reality. Two different worlds. All bullshit. I see both parties wanting big government involved to help achieve their agendas. Two ends of the same shit pile. Independents reject both.
Of course you do. Because this first part of my post you excerpt applies to you;
It's people like you who have their heads up their ass.
Clearly you have no clue what the parties are or the purposes they serve.

It is the difference in opinion of "what is best for the USA" that results in the two main parties we do have, and a handful of small "third" parties since each side, and those in between, has different=opposing goals.
There is no shortage of those who bitch, moan, and whine; they are more than a dime a dozen.
What is rare to non-existent are viable and workable alternate solutions.

Problem is you "independents" have no solutions and no clout.

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