Both parties are about what is best for one man, not our country.

You do not have the ability for critical thinking. Your mind cannot go beyond a binary comparison.
If you think all Democrats and all Republicans are the same, YOU HAVE YPOUR HEAD UP YOUR ASS.
And you do not have the ability for thinking of any sort.
Your mind is mudd and cannot go beyond basic sensory response.
If you think I was saying "all Democrats and all Republicans are the same" than your reading comprehension is ZERO!
Your head is your ASS!
Sure I do. They serve themselves. :rolleyes:


Again, duh.

I have plenty of solutions. You fucktards refuse to listen or entertain them.
The parties serve their membership because that is who are involved.

They aren't about to serve silent none participatory nobodies like you; just like you aren't serving anyone but yourself.

I think you mean we fail to accept and/or endorse them.

Probably because they are fuckin idiotic.
Try again because I don't recall seeing anything of that sort from you.
There are universal moral systems in the USA. They need to be clearly defined and agreed upon.

The real problem is that the system seems to be on a slider.
I suggest you stop talking in vague generalities and try presenting some specifics.

Otherwise it sounds like you are just engaging mealy mouth circle jerking.

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