Who do you think hates America?

I did nothing to you, drama queen. :rolleyes: Live in reality. It's nice.

The WWW opened up and you all thought it was cute to air your bile about how much you really hated us all over the internet, day and night for decades.

We finally believed you, and now that we're at the door, suitcases in hand, you want to beg us back.

Too late, we don't care anymore
I believe Zionist Evangelicals want to destroy America, forcing it to support the Jewish State of Israel, unconditionally, even if it means fighting WW3. They're similar to the liberals who hate Putin because there aren't any rainbow flags flying over the Kremlin, hence they're ready to plunge humanity into WW3, sending weapons to Ukraine and pushing NATO as close to Russia as possible.

Too many American Christians are confused about who is Israel and YHWH's chosen today. These Evangelicals feel obligated to support non-Christian Jews politically, militarily, and financially, even if it means destroying America and the whole world. They think Jesus is going to come back sooner if they keep the Middle East smoldering with conflict.

So to answer your question. I believe Zionist Evangelicals and Zionist Jews, are more than willing to flush the USA down the latrine for the Jewish State. It's not "America First", but "Israel First" because they think the Israel Of God, are the anti-Christ Jews, who hate Jesus. This misconception has caused immeasurable harm to America.
Just to be clear, do you think their actual goal is to destroy America, or do you think they are just dedicated to their chosen goals, and you think destroying America will be a side effect of those goals? There is a distinction between the two. The difference is their actual intention.
Just to be clear, do you think their actual goal is to destroy America, or do you think they are just dedicated to their chosen goals, and you think destroying America will be a side effect of those goals? There is a distinction between the two. The difference is their actual intention.
Some of them want to destroy America because they see it as a morally corrupt nation completely bent on liberal, secular values which are demonic and hence the very opposite of Christian conservative, social values. Many Evangelicals have pretty much given up on America. Yet, ironically these same Christians, blindly support Israel. This secular nation yearly holds one of the largest, if not the largest LGBTQ+ pride parades (along with a HUGE homosexual community) in the world. Israel performs more abortions per capita than in the USA. Israel is far from being a socially conservative country, and yet these Christians think Jesus-hating Jews are the "chosen ones".

These Jews can do no wrong and supposedly have a divine right to the Holy Land. In the process of supporting Israel, they undermine America's interests and don't care. They're indifferent. That's just as destructive, if not more so, than a few stupid terrorists. We have tens of millions of Americans who are under the spell of Zionist Jews and our government is essentially under Zionist Jewish occupation. We do the bidding of Israel, even if it means destroying America and American society. We serve Jewish interests at the expense of America and Christianity and this must stop, or we're toast.
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A Troll
Legend in his own mind
Of the two of us, only one has a mind.



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It takes a lot to make a formally patriotic, flag-waving person like me wholly give up on what used to be America, but you demons did it.

It's over. I don't care.
You can better afford that attitude than I. The antisemitic Muslims and their leftist supporters are beginning the first stage of Hitler’s Germany. They have installed them in the government and in the education system, brainwashing our youth against Jews. I HAVE to care.
You can better afford that attitude than I. The antisemitic Muslims and their leftist supporters are beginning the first stage of Hitler’s Germany. They have installed them in the government and in the education system, brainwashing our youth against Jews. I HAVE to care.
Sue is on your side. Probably means no longer cares if this country divorses itself from these clowns.
Sue is on your side. Probably means no longer cares if this country divorses itself from these clowns.
I understand that. I was just pointing out that in this leftist-driven antisemitic environment, Jews have to take action if they don’t want the Islamic population to continue spreading its Jew-hate on campus - and beyond.

The best way to do that is to get Trump elected and stop it.
I understand that. I was just pointing out that in this leftist-driven antisemitic environment, Jews have to take action if they don’t want the Islamic population to continue spreading its Jew-hate on campus - and beyond.

The best way to do that is to get Trump elected and stop it.
Trump cant bridge the divide in this country. He may be able to bring it to light as he has already, but the underlining problem will still be there.

We are at a point that both sides have had enough of the other and we are tired of trying to compromise with a bunch of brain dead leftist.

In hard red states we dont put up with their crap already.
Trump cant bridge the divide in this country. He may be able to bring it to light as he has already, but the underlining problem will still be there.

We are at a point that both sides have had enough of the other and we are tired of trying to compromise with a bunch of brain dead leftist.

In hard red states we dont put up with their crap already.
He can’t bridge the divide, but at least he won’t be giving oxygen to the antisemites and the people who want to destroy America.
Too little too late. They are a full blown cancer already
So what should we do?

How about as a first step we deport every college student from the Middle East who participated in the Jew-hate riots? They are here by invitation, and are not entitled to it.
So what should we do?

How about as a first step we deport every college student from the Middle East who participated in the Jew-hate riots? They are here by invitation, and are not entitled to it.
Wouldnt bother me, but the WEF globalist will not give up their power peacefully. They have a plan. Its called a global RESET. Not gonna be pretty
You can better afford that attitude than I. The antisemitic Muslims and their leftist supporters are beginning the first stage of Hitler’s Germany. They have installed them in the government and in the education system, brainwashing our youth against Jews. I HAVE to care.

Oh I will always care about Good vs. Evil. Always. I no longer want to even pretend to share a nation with people who wouldn't mind putting Jews on trains again. Or anyone on trains again.

TDS did this to me, so did the whole nonsense about Covid. Seeing how many people went full Gestapo because people would not wear a worthless paper mask did it to me, in part.

Banish them to the outskirts and let them Hunger Game each other
Sue is on your side. Probably means no longer cares if this country divorses itself from these clowns.

Oh, believe this. Anti-Semitism is demonic. Not bad or wrong. DEMONIC. Straight from the bowels of Hell.

There is a reason the world hates Jews first. And then Christians. But that's a topic for another day.
You can better afford that attitude than I. The antisemitic Muslims and their leftist supporters are beginning the first stage of Hitler’s Germany. They have installed them in the government and in the education system, brainwashing our youth against Jews. I HAVE to care.

Protesting was the first stage of Hittler’s Germany?

You sure about that nutbag?
You can better afford that attitude than I. The antisemitic Muslims and their leftist supporters are beginning the first stage of Hitler’s Germany. They have installed them in the government and in the education system, brainwashing our youth against Jews. I HAVE to care.

Muslims are conservative and family oriented. Nazis are racist, nationalistic and authoritarian.

Hitler was a demagogue.... Like Trump.
Nobody said go back to 1950s’ (whatever that means) you demented British baboon muslim. How bout we roll back BS like open borders, illegals voting, fags teaching kids, hormones and surgeries on 12 yr old girls, 280lb bearded mental patients peering in the stall in the girls room, $450K college professors screaming death to America, leading students. Get off the boards dopey. You own it all,
That's going back to the 50s to them.
Nobody said go back to 1950s’ (whatever that means) you demented British baboon muslim. How bout we roll back BS like open borders, illegals voting, fags teaching kids, hormones and surgeries on 12 yr old girls, 280lb bearded mental patients peering in the stall in the girls room, $450K college professors screaming death to America, leading students. Get off the boards dopey. You own it all,

You're an imbecile.
Just to be clear, do you think their actual goal is to destroy America, or do you think they are just dedicated to their chosen goals, and you think destroying America will be a side effect of those goals? There is a distinction between the two. The difference is their actual intention.

Israel hates America.. make no mistake.

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