Trump convicted, but who is screwed?

Since I'm mentioned in the OP...... I have no idea who will win in November. I know that Trump is leading in the polls as of today, and that's about it.

This conviction means very little to me. The massively larger underlying problems we face -- expanding tribalism and the sociopolitical, cultural and even religious disaster that is the orange universe -- are only getting worse, and the verdict is no doubt exacerbating that.

I'm losing on politics either way right now, so all I can do is observe and belch out my opinion here and there. Period. No big deal.
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Would you welcome this zeal if the system was applied across party lines?
We don't want it done to either party.

So far, only Republicans do it. Republicans have been constantly engaging in lawfare back to the Clinton admin.

In contrast, Democrats don't do the lawfare at all. Democrats leave law enforcement to law enforcement.
Trump was in the middle of a fraud trial when you elected him President.

What was it about the 6 bankruptcies, a 7th while he was running for President, the 3000+ law suits, failed businesses, the endless lying, and his disgusting behaviour with women, and the refusal of American banks to lend him any money, would have made you believe he would make a good President?

Yes. We have seen things like this in functioning democracies. In 2021, Nikolas Sarkozy, the former President of France was found guilty of corruption. Also, Berlusconi, the President of Italy, was charged and found guilty of all manner of corruption. Italy too, became a laughingstock while it happened too.

As for Nixon, he had the decency to leave office quietly for the sake of the country. Would that Trump would do the same.

This my friends or people watching, is exactly how you spin. Dizzy yet?

We can all PUSH what we want. But look at how they do!

Honestly, you vote your conscience and accept what comes, along with realizing that YOUR vote put them in.....Trump or Biden/Harris!

Realize that this post is not about right or wrong, but rather.................who YOU wanted elected. We see this in these posts on who/whom, certain posters want elected.

I got a buck 3.80 that says--------->if Biden loses and things get better, that you will see these sock puppets go away, and because you are smart, you will know their new names on here; although they will never admit who they are; who they were, etc.

The Left has been outed, plain and simple. Does that mean they are going to lose?

NO! And, if you think American outrage is going to smoke them, you are sadly mistaken.

People on the Left, are always going to support the Left. Doesn't make them bad people, just makes them EASY!

Your job is to hose them at the ballot box BIG TIME.

To busy? Then do not complain if things politically head South. Honestly, it is YOU against them, and they are all in, and you are wondering what the hell I am speaking about

If you like Biden and his policies. then vote for him........period......end of story.

If you think he is incompetent/irrelevant/immaterial/ and a tool of the deep state, then you need to make your voice heard. Do NOT throw RFK under the bus if that is what you believe.

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