Who do you think hates America?

What a coincidence! So are Republicans! They should join forces. Then they can fuck over America properly!
You admit they are not the same. Most do not understand why a person is a Democrat vs why one is a Republican. In real terms they do fuck up America. But this is the system.
This one does.
MAGAts hate that modern America will not be dragged by to the 1950s.
The 50s had problems. And per Democrats now, we are loaded with problems. Democrats however need to blame themselves. They love taking away freedom and Republicans love restoring it.
We HATE what you are doing to America. Therefore we HATE you.

These guys HATE America and Europe. This is what you maggots want teaching our Childern.

Far left councilor Daniel Gómez del Barrio stepped down from the Illescas city council after he posted photos and video of himself eating his own sh*t.

AND more:

DISCLAIMER: This article includes descriptions of disgusting and abhorrent behavior that some readers may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.

Martin Neumaier, a candidate from the Free Democratic Party (FDP), a liberal party in Germany, has been caught in a series of deeply disturbing and sexually explicit acts broadcasted online.

Multiple pornographic videos featuring Neumaier were taken down from social media X after they breached the site’s Terms of Service.

The Publica reported that Neumaier is seen in one video singing the forbidden first verse of the Nazi-era German national anthem while using an anal dildo.
You just knew this was coming…

GOP love taking away freedom and Democrats love restoring it.
When did Democrats change? I believe you admit that during slavery, Democrats held millions of people as slaves. We know they were Democrats. Democrats practiced Jim Crow. So the war did not change them. The GOP always restores freedom.Democrats practice using courts to jail us. Democrats make promises and do not keep them. They promise freedom. They never deliver.
I believe your question is very complex. I am not saying it is not valid. But it has it's own thread but the main problem is the way you termed this position. I know of no human that is a genuine mind reader. And to answer you takes mind readers. Stability by the Founders was their aim.
Not sure how mind reading might figure into it.
Politics can get heated, and I can understand that opposing parties could think the other party's goals might not be the best for the country, but that's not how the rhetoric is playing out. "You hate America" and " You want to destroy the country" have become common accusations. Of course, there are terrorists that fit both descriptions, but do you really think any of our politicians, or the other party actually embrace that kind of goal? Please identify anyone, other than terrorists, who you believe actually hates our country, and tell why you think that person or those people actually hate America and want to destroy the country. This kind of rhetoric can only separate us further and hurt our country.
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Then why do democrats do it?
Then why do democrats do it?

Look at that Bulldog trying to suddenly act clean in all of this? Not a chance. He is a major player in all of this from my time here.

"You hate America" Unvetted Crminals pouring in. Deaths everyday due to them. All to get Voter names on State voter rolls and bankrupt the treasury more quickly. Never lose power again. Repeat 2020 forever. We are suppose to think this is "best interest"? Kiss off Dog you bother me.

"You want to destroy the country" Of course they do (Obiden Folks, we have watched it). Then they can rebuild w/o that pesky Contsitution. Unlimited Blacks and Browns pouring in makes them happy as it hastens complet collapse.
When did Democrats change? I believe you admit that during slavery, Democrats held millions of people as slaves. We know they were Democrats. Democrats practiced Jim Crow. So the war did not change them. The GOP always restores freedom.Democrats practice using courts to jail us. Democrats make promises and do not keep them. They promise freedom. They never deliver.
We know you are 160 years in the past. You have spent the last sixty years fighting against Dems helping women and people of color achieve the American dream. 90% of blacks vote against you because they know that also.
We know. Recall back then Blacks had far more Fathers living in the home than today. Blacks suffered thanks to democrats.

Recall back then the southern GOP representatives and senators supported segregation. All the segregationists moved to the old ideals of segregation and Jim Crow by joining the GOP.
We know you are 160 years in the past. You have spent the last sixty years fighting against Dems helping women and people of color achieve the American dream. 90% of blacks vote against you because they know that also.

Recall back then the southern GOP representatives and senators supported segregation. All the segregationists moved to the old ideals of segregation and Jim Crow by joining the GOP.
I am the future of science. Why? Because Truth is paramount. I quit the Dems in 1980 due to them lying all the time. I have had blacks as clients. They returned to me time after time I treated them very well. I sold blacks homes and that was their American dream.

There were very few Republicans living in the South when Eisenhower went to bat for Blacks and in fact it was always Republicans working hard for blacks.
I am not trying to be difficult. Aren't you asking for views? But of others?
This is the question I asked. I'm sorry, but that doesn't look that complex to me. I asked if you actually believe your political opponent hates and wants to destroy America. And, if you do think such America haters exist, why do you think they hate America.

quote from OP.
"do you really think any of our politicians, or the other party actually embrace that kind of goal? Please identify anyone, other than terrorists, who you believe actually hates our country, and tell why you think that person or those people actually hate America and want to destroy the country."
The 50s were great. I had fun in my playpen, Mommy took me to the playground, and I didn’t have any money worries!
You're childhood was different then. There weren't too many happy kids on our block. My mom should have taken us out of the house permanently. Instead she stayed in the marriage. Her catholicism ruined things.
This is the question I asked. I'm sorry, but that doesn't look that complex to me. I asked if you actually believe your political opponent hates and wants to destroy America. And, if you do think such America haters exist, why do you think they hate America.

quote from OP.
"do you really think any of our politicians, or the other party actually embrace that kind of goal? Please identify anyone, other than terrorists, who you believe actually hates our country, and tell why you think that person or those people actually hate America and want to destroy the country."
That is why I said mind reading. Even on this forum, posters say many things and it clearly is them lying. Haters would be stupid to confess they are haters.

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