Who do you think hates America?

You're childhood was different then. There weren't too many happy kids on our block. My mom should have taken us out of the house permanently. Instead she stayed in the marriage. Her catholicism ruined things.
Sorry to hear that.
Sorry to hear that.
Rampant alcoholism was what I remember about the 50s. Unhappy men going to work like robots secretly or not so secretly getting drunk in the garage after work. Unhappy women taking care of house and kids with zero hope for a positive change. Was the norm in the nation.
With your own eyes. LMAO
I saw Obama and Biden both say it.

But I'm guessing you "saw" all those votes that "stole" the election in 2020

Its obvious... people who seek a radical change to America hate America...
One "radical change" would be Congress returning to the Constitutional definitions that existed at the start of the Nation. For Congress to renounce the gradual coup d'état it performed would entirely change things and cause great upset.
Rampant alcoholism was what I remember about the 50s. Unhappy men going to work like robots secretly or not so secretly getting drunk in the garage after work. Unhappy women taking care of house and kids with zero hope for a positive change. Was the norm in the nation.
Unfortunately, nirvana did not and has not come to the United States which was the richest nation in the world. There were little social programs as compared to today. And when we got them, we found people abusing them and corrupting the system. We have a timeline where this is not working. I promise you. Elect authoritarians to get rid of the current authoritarians and we will stop this. The tolerance for bullshot will end. Ghettos will be winnowed of trash and troublemakers along with other areas. Wealth will increase for the newly responsible. And will be earned. We are moving into a surreal world of women taking over important positions while more men become undereducated and drones. Not good. However, vengeance sure tastes good as our nation declines into a primal state which will change all of this.
Rampant alcoholism was what I remember about the 50s. Unhappy men going to work like robots secretly or not so secretly getting drunk in the garage after work. Unhappy women taking care of house and kids with zero hope for a positive change. Was the norm in the nation.
Where did this happen?
Obama said that Biden f’s up everything he touches. And the last three years has proven that true.
That's not the quote, it came from an 'anonymous source', there's no tangible proof it was ever even said (no recording), and that's good enough for magaturds, boy howdy. :rolleyes:
Who hates America?

1. the Co2 FRAUD
2. the Murderous Fraud Vax pushers
3. those who claim the Maui "fire" was about the Co2 FRAUD
4. those who support censorship
5. those who hate hoax
6. those who claim it was a "757" that hit the Pentagon on 911
And the people on the right haven't? C'mon, man. :rolleyes: Your hacky hypocrisy is transparent.

It's quite obvious you do care.

Including leftists.

It takes a lot to make a formally patriotic, flag-waving person like me wholly give up on what used to be America, but you demons did it.

It's over. I don't care.
Politics can get heated, and I can understand that opposing parties could think the other party's goals might not be the best for the country, but that's not how the rhetoric is playing out. "You hate America" and " You want to destroy the country" have become common accusations. Of course, there are terrorists that fit both descriptions, but do you really think any of our politicians, or the other party actually embrace that kind of goal? Please identify anyone, other than terrorists, who you believe actually hates our country, and tell why you think that person or those people actually hate America and want to destroy the country. This kind of rhetoric can only separate us further and hurt our country.
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I believe Zionist Evangelicals want to destroy America, forcing it to support the Jewish State of Israel, unconditionally, even if it means fighting WW3. They're similar to the liberals who hate Putin because there aren't any rainbow flags flying over the Kremlin, hence they're ready to plunge humanity into WW3, sending weapons to Ukraine and pushing NATO as close to Russia as possible.

Too many American Christians are confused about who is Israel and YHWH's chosen today. These Evangelicals feel obligated to support non-Christian Jews politically, militarily, and financially, even if it means destroying America and the whole world. They think Jesus is going to come back sooner if they keep the Middle East smoldering with conflict.

So to answer your question. I believe Zionist Evangelicals and Zionist Jews, are more than willing to flush the USA down the latrine for the Jewish State. It's not "America First", but "Israel First" because they think the Israel Of God, are the anti-Christ Jews, who hate Jesus. This misconception has caused immeasurable harm to America.
Yes. It's called Cultural Marxism.

Enemies Of America:
  1. Liberals/Post-modernist/cultural Marxists, who can't define what a woman is and cut the breasts off of 14-year-old girls to make them "men".
  2. Right-wing capitalists/plutocrats who want all of the nation's wealth and resources in their hands and "to hell" with the working class,
  3. Zionist Jews and Evangelicals who are willing to sell America down the river for the secular Jewish State of Israhell (anti-Christ "Israel").

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