Is it ok not to vote...

True, but so what? Someone else's idiocy does not mean license to be an idiot yourself.
I can agree with that. :) But, to the point, what effect has voting had on the persistent problems that continue to plague us, problems that our candidates address every election cycle? Locally our leaders are going to "clean up the lakes". But the lakes remain a weedy, smelly mess every year. Whyzat? Because they have no intention of cleaning up the lakes. Whyzat? Because they don't have the authority to clean up the lakes. Whyzat? Because that authority was given to the DNR only, and they like weedy, smelly lakes. So why did they promise to clean up the lakes in the first place? Politics.
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You can also vote for a good leader who actually does represent your interests, without worrying about what everyone else will do. If we can convince enough voters to finally grow some backbone and do the same, we can kick these fuckers to the curb and save our country.

I don't see any good leaders on the ballot this year. Nor anybody that I admire personality-wise. But what I do see are differences in agendas and policies.
I don't see any good leaders on the ballot this year. Nor anybody that I admire personality-wise. But what I do see are differences in agendas and policies.
The ballot isn't all there yet. But if that does turn out to be the case, it's better to not vote than to endorse a bad leader on purpose. A bad leader isn't going to effect positive change. At best, they'll score a few points in the culture war and leave the "other side" spoiling for revenge at the first opportunity.
We vote for personalities, not policies. Policies are the province of special interests and political agendas. The best we can hope for is that the trains run on time. It is the character of the people that keep the nation on an even keel. If the citizenry were like our elected leaders America would collapse overnight.
if we actually voted on policies, then I would think the media would be highlighting all of the policies each candidate has and proposes. Where is the media, the ones working for the people against the establishment? Oh wait, the establishment solved that by buying them all and pushing their agenda instead of ours.
I can agree with that. :) But, to the point, what effect has voting had on the persistent problems that continue to plague us, problems that our candidates address every election cycle? Locally our leaders are going to "clean up the lakes". But the lakes remain a weedy, smelly mess every year. Whyzat? Because they have no intention of cleaning up the lakes. Whyzat? Because they don't have the authority to clean up the lakes. Whyzat? Because that authority was given to the DNR only, and they like weedy, smelly lakes. So why did they promise to clean up the lakes in the first place? Politics.
IMHO, if Trump had won in 2020, we would not have had the crisis on the southern border that we saw under Biden. Or at least not as bad. And we wouldn't have had as much inflation either cuz the gov't wouldn't have spent nearly as much money under Trump. Or again, not nearly as bad. We wouldn't have had the precipitous pull out of Afghanistan that lead to the airport debacle and so many deaths. Would Putin have invaded Ukraine? Unknown, but maybe not. I doubt we would've had the student loan cancelations that I think are nothing more than political pandering and the subsequent disobedience of the Supreme Court ruling to stop doing it. And speaking of the Supreme Court, the next president might very well nominate 1 or 2 justices to that court over the next 4 years, and that does matter. A lot.
If we were better citizens, we would have better government. For example, less crime would free up money for education. People that go into law enforcement might become teachers instead. Teachers might have the resources needed to teach kids what they actually need to know.
If we were better citizens, we would have better government. For example, less crime would free up money for education. People that go into law enforcement might become teachers instead. Teachers might have the resources needed to teach kids what they actually need to know.

We do not hold our elected officials accountable, and that is on us. Also, we ought to be more concerned with the power that unelected gov't officials have over us.

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