This country has no choice but to increase the number of supreme court justices.

Trump will die of old age in jail getting humped by some fat old white guy, you know like in his party. Many lifers in jail have put a bid on Trump many have already named trump , his new name is Stormy and his expertise will be golden showers. Those prisoners have a sense of humor.
Trump's going to be our next President, Jbander and you're going to lose your shit when it happens. I can't wait...
You're not a patriot, Jbander! You want to abolish the Constitution and pack the Supreme Court!
no you are the ones that shit on the constitution flag and every value this country has , you are a bottom feeding rodent. All patriots hate you, not just me every single patriot in this country hates you traitors. Tell me I shouldn't hate the enemy and biggest threat to my country. Give that a shot Idiot.
Trump's going to be our next President, Jbander and you're going to lose your shit when it happens. I can't wait...
Trump won't win , You will go into hiding because as winners we plan on marking all traitors to this country and hand out spitting permits to anyone who want to put you in your place with spit. You will spend the rest of your life marked as traitors being spit on constantly.
Trump's going to be our next President, Jbander and you're going to lose your shit when it happens. I can't wait...
Trump will die of old age in jail getting humped by some fat old white guy, you know like in his party. Many lifers in jail have put a bid on Trump many have already named trump , his new name is Stormy and his expertise will be golden showers. Those prisoners have a sense of humor.
Well I got the chance to dump a few of the waste here, To many people come here with nothing put silly insults and attempts to hijack the thread. Those people have to be dumped. This is what everyone should do , then their would be less nothing content here. 50 posts saying I don't like you , you are dumb and you can't spell is a total waste of bandwidth. These people think that others or me or anyone cares what they think of me or anyone else. That I will never understand.
Over turning Roe is a little more than

“Something we don’t like”
Roe wasn’t just overturned. It never should have existed. Even Ginsberg called it bad law and she was the liberal’s liberal. There is nothing in the Constitution allowing the Federal Government to either approve or ban abortion. The action was returned to the states where it had rightly been for over two hundred years. An ultra-liberal SCOTUS did what you are always accusing the current court of doing-making a partisan ruling.
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There is one simple idea coming out of this , you trying or supporting the overthrow of this country and democracy to force in a piece of shit as a dictator, has consequences. Patriots who love America will hate you and people who love this country and its democracy will hate you as I do.
Roe wasn’t just overturned. It never should have existed. Even Ginsberg called it bad law and she was the liberal’s liberal. There is nothing in the Constitution allowing the Federal Government to either approve or ban abortion. The action was returned to the states where it had rightly been for over two hundred years. An ultra-liberal SCOTUS did what you are always accusing the current court of doing-making a partisan ruling.
Bullshit Ginsberg said that the court should have totally made abortion legal instead of Roe VS wade/ Idiot she said it didn't go far enough , You lying stupid hate Nazis . try every lie you can. You have to ignore scum like this. If they can't lie they can't make a point on anything.
Funny, I’m still here. The nurse must be late with your meds, or she just called the nice men with the white coat with extra-long sleeves for you. Imagining other posters out of existence doesn’t actually make them disappear.
This ass is pulling shit here , He is 100% on ignore and has been ignored until this post. He is screwing with the system somehow. DUMP THIS PIECE OF SHIT> wheres the Monitors when you need them.
He is on IGNORE , he is screwing the system here. Wheres the monitors.
YOU putting someone on ignore doesn’t affect them or their posts. All it does is stop you from seeing their posts. If you put me on ignore, you screwed up if you can still see this message. Oh and even if you manage that, you will still see posts that I reply to other posters. Grow up.
POST 411 414 are azrailwhale post that he is forcing on the system after he has been put on ignore. He has been on ignore for a while and his post have not shown up but he is jerking the system somehow and got two post on again. I want him out of here.

YOU putting someone on ignore doesn’t affect them or their posts. All it does is stop you from seeing their posts. If you put me on ignore, you screwed up if you can still see this message. Oh and even if you manage that, you will still see posts that I reply to other posters. Grow up.
and that is all I want, we are ok now someone took care of it for me.
Yup got rid of him finally. If these people won;t contribute or insist on hijacking the thread you should dump them, It keeps the forum clean, makes it a place worth going to and get involved with.

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