Zone1 What is Truth?

You can say Lefvebreist all you want but until you explain what that means to you, you are wasting your time.

Oh - I made a mistake. The name is "Marcel Lefebvre", Lefebvreist. I do not see Catholics in Lefebvreists. I think who denies what John XXIII and his people did do in Vaticanum II is no Catholic.

Anybody can be Pope; the proof of this is that I have become one.
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Not my problem.
It's certainly not mine. You make all kinds of unsupported allegations concerning me. If you don't think that's a problem for you, I couldn't be more happy for you to experience the predictable surprises of normalization of deviance.
I'm not going to tell you what to believe or what not to believe but you might ask where all that cosmic microwave background radiation came from in his infinite universe theory, and the mechanism that produced it. Lastly special and general relativity have been validated in a myriad of ways.
Flat earthers; Big Bangers next?? It'll be interesting what goes on over the next number of years of discovery. Me believing?? Nope. To me it's ALL theory.

Flat earthers; Big Bangers next?? It'll be interesting what goes on over the next number of years of discovery. Me believing?? Nope. To me it's ALL theory.

Lot's of data that shows the universe wasn't created from pre-existing matter, and that it did indeed pop into existence. Just like there was lots of good data that the earth wasn't flat.
As far as ethics without religion or a belief in a supernatural billionaire (or "infinaire") in the sky, it should be obvious that one can be ethical without holding such beliefs. My highest value as an agnostic atheist is life itself. The worth of existing as a human being, fully conscious and alive, hence all patterns of thought and behavior that are life-affirming, contributing to the preservation and progress of life (including, of course, my own life and that of those closest to me), is considered "good". What is good, are the states and conditions that are conducive for life. This is a simple description, and I know much more could be said on the topic. Good = What empowers life.
As far as ethics without religion or a belief in a supernatural billionaire (or "infinaire") in the sky, it should be obvious that one can be ethical without holding such beliefs. My highest value as an agnostic atheist is life itself. The worth of existing as a human being, fully conscious and alive, hence all patterns of thought and behavior that are life-affirming, contributing to the preservation and progress of life (including, of course, my own life and that of those closest to me), is considered "good". What is good, are the states and conditions that are conducive for life. This is a simple description, and I know much more could be said on the topic. Good = What empowers life.
I hear that you can do it on your own. Question: Why leave God out of it?
I hear that you can do it on your own. Question: Why leave God out of it?
Which God do I "leave" out of "it"? If you need your divine security blanket or SKY-Dad, that's your prerogative and up to you. I don't need the heavenly billionaire, to be a good person or to value and enjoy my life. Again, when you mention "God", which of the gods or God are you referring to? There are many. You're an atheist when it comes to the gods of other religions, and just assume that Christianity's God is the true one. There are many gods.

If I believed in God, it would be a God who encompasses all things, and in a way, is everything. Reality itself, the good, the bad, and the ugly, every aspect of existence, is a divine process and manifestation. My God isn't a petty egomaniacal despot, demanding and expecting humans to worship him and when they don't grovel at his manicured feet, he condemns them to eternal torment in hell. The God I would pledge my allegiance to isn't a being that keeps his human creation alive in excruciating pain forever, in hell when they fail to convert to a particular religion (just one religion of many). These Christian ideas are obscene and misanthropic. They're anti-human and not worth my precious time and energy. I find them repulsive and immoral.
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Every single time anyone creates a thread in the Religion section and they post Bible scriptures, they ask Bible questions, etc...

1. Why does nearly every single thread get hijacked by atheists?
2. Shouldn't an atheist know when a thread is not for them?
3. Can the atheist get their own room? Can the Christians get their own Bible Study room?
Every single time anyone creates a thread in the Religion section and they post Bible scriptures, they ask Bible questions, etc...

1. Why does nearly every single thread get hijacked by atheists?
2. Shouldn't an atheist know when a thread is not for them?
3. Can the atheist get their own room? Can the Christians get their own Bible Study room?
Religion and ethics aren't just for Christians, it's for everyone interested in or concerned with that topic. Christians in this section often make remarks, and assert theological and philosophical points that apply or directly involve atheists. Questions of whether one needs a belief in a deity to be ethical is a good example of a topic about atheism and hence atheists. If you don't want atheists here, you can always simply place them on ignore. Big deal.
Every single time anyone creates a thread in the Religion section and they post Bible scriptures, they ask Bible questions, etc...

1. Why does nearly every single thread get hijacked by atheists?
2. Shouldn't an atheist know when a thread is not for them?
3. Can the atheist get their own room? Can the Christians get their own Bible Study room?

You want to preach unchallenged.
Which God do I "leave" out of "it"?
I prefer not to play games. How many have you researched, how many do you have a relationship with?
If you need your divine security blanket or SKY-Dad, that's your prerogative and up to you. I don't need the heavenly billionaire, to be a good person or to value and enjoy my life.
Are your friends, relatives, and co-workers security blankets? Next, do you need your relatives, friends, and co-workers to be a good person? If you don't why bother with them? Do you need any of the people in your life to be a billionaire to make your life better or for you to be a good person?
If I believed in God, it would be a God who encompasses all things, and in a way, is everything. Reality itself, the good, the bad, and the ugly, every aspect of existence, is a divine process and manifestation. My God isn't a petty egomaniacal despot, demanding and expecting humans to worship him and when they don't grovel at his manicured feet, he condemns them to eternal torment in hell. The God I would pledge my allegiance to isn't a being that keeps his human creation alive in excruciating pain forever, in hell when they fail to convert to a particular religion (just one religion of many). These Christian ideas are obscene and misanthropic. They're anti-human and not worth my precious time and energy. I find them repulsive and immoral.
It appears from your description you never took time to seek God. Could it be you feel seeking God would be a waste of your time, and therefore the unfounded excuses is the logic used to spare yourself of the time and possible trouble?
It appears from your description you never took time to seek God. Could it be you feel seeking God would be a waste of your time, and therefore the unfounded excuses is the logic used to spare yourself of the time and possible trouble?
What does it mean to "seek God"? I think deeply about existence and human life. Define what God is and how one "seeks God".
I prefer not to play games. How many have you researched, how many do you have a relationship with?

Are your friends, relatives, and co-workers security blankets? Next, do you need your relatives, friends, and co-workers to be a good person? If you don't why bother with them? Do you need any of the people in your life to be a billionaire to make your life better or for you to be a good person?
Life is hard enough, yet according to you, I should nonetheless embark on a resource-intensive search for every single religious claim. If God is infinite as you assert, then I believe we would relate to the divine from our personal, absolute point of certainty which is ourselves. I think therefore I am (i.e. Cogito, ergo sum). That's the personal, verifiable, absolute truth, which if one denies they're certainly, self-evidently wrong. If I claim I don't exist, then I'm wrong, because to assert that one doesn't exist requires one to exist. The question predicates existence ( i.e."The act of questioning inherently implies the existence of the questioner).

If there is a personal infinite deity, then I believe that being would interact with us subtly within our minds and consciousness, without the need for a religion or religious dogma i.e. Mythological gobbledygook. Religion muddies the waters, it obfuscates the truth behind a veil of unnecessary, arbitrary claims and assumptions, that stem from our fears and petty egoism. Maybe I should say "bad religion", because I do recognize that a religion can serve a good purpose, under certain conditions, but unfortunately, at least in the Western world and the Middle East, religion tends to create more social and political strife than harmony.
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Life is hard enough, yet according to you, I should nonetheless embark on a resource-intensive search for every single religious claim.
No, that is not according to me. I was curious as to why you left God out of the equation. For an answer I got insulting remarks about God and people of faith, not an answer to the question. So I wondered if you had ever taken time to seek God.

A valid answer is that it would take way too much time and effort to seek God or research what conclusions were reached by those who, down through the ages, have sought and found God.

In other words, no need for insults about God or anyone else.
It's certainly not mine. You make all kinds of unsupported allegations concerning me. If you don't think that's a problem for you, I couldn't be more happy for you to experience the predictable surprises of normalization of deviance.

For me you are no Catholic but a Lefebvreist - so why should I discuss what you believe? You love formalisms - I do not do so. I love life. God is life.

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No, that is not according to me. I was curious as to why you left God out of the equation. For an answer I got insulting remarks about God and people of faith, not an answer to the question. So I wondered if you had ever taken time to seek God.

A valid answer is that it would take way too much time and effort to seek God or research what conclusions were reached by those who, down through the ages, have sought and found God.

In other words, no need for insults about God or anyone else.

You're just playing the victim since you don't like what I'm saying. Again, define what you mean by God or seeking God. God comes in many different forms and "flavors". I clearly defined what I would consider "God", if I were to accept theism. It wouldn't be the God of Christianity or any of the religions that define God as an all-powerful, heavenly-rich Dad who makes demands under threat of eternal damnation and torture. I see such images of God as man-made, conjured up by the human imagination. If anyone is insulting or blaspheming God, it's not me, it's those who create God in their own petty, corrupt image.

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