The “Party of Democracy” has bypassed the democratic process and installed Kamala Harris without an election

Is Harris VP, POTUS, or just a Dem nominee?


Right now she is Vice President AND the Presumptive Nominee of Democratic Party to be President. Mr. Biden has NOT resigned the Presidency, you know that right? Your question is beyond stupid, I am taking into account you're a MAGA MAGGOT and do NOT understand how democracy works.
How insane is this. This was a coup in the DNC. No Democrat voter who supports Harris’ presidency can lecture anyone on democracy.

She was installed by the DNC and donors. They literally just told Democrat voters they don’t care about their desires. The last time Harris was subjected to the democratic process, she was 5th amongst Democrat candidates.

Trump was made the GOP nominee by the will of the people. Harris has been declared the Democrat nominee by backroom think tanks and hidden decision makers

If you’re a democrat who values democracy, you ought to be rather angry that your party has decided to move forward without considering your (or any democrat) vote

I would call it the party of smart people, democrats again change course immediately after figuring out they were about to lose the elections. They did it so sudden and with conviction that the whole party united with Kamala. In just a week she has become the front runner and will easily win the elections, giving a final blow to the disgraced trump and the ultra maga cult. :D :D
Ultra magas do not have a moral ground for any objection after they supported the convicted criminal and rapist trump in his attempt to steal the election and destroy democracy.


Blown over by wind! 🤣

Want to know where most of Trump's wall is? Lying in piles.

And the parts that were built? Breached several times a day and crumbling.

In Arizona, rain and winds took down large chunks of it.

The stable genius!
You know how concrete works, Moron?

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