Biden Now Calls for the Assassination of House Speaker Johnson

Biden: My Supreme Court Bill Isn't "Dead on Arrival," Speaker Johnson Is​

Like he called for the assassination of Trump.

5 days later Trump was shot.

Biden could be turning out to be a very dangerous deranged man. He definitely needs a true physical health and mental health evaluation. No more games because the world is literally on fire as we speak.
Third thread on something that didn't actually happen. :)
It did actually happen. Biden actually spoke the words.

Hey - you libtards were warned. Your game, your rules. This is right up there with Trump saying "fight like hell", which you dumbass leftoids made political hay over.

You've been called on this countless times, yet you insisted on pushing it. Now you're going to get push back. In large amounts. This is only the beginning. Just wait till the righties really get going. You're going to be hating life, because leftard speech is a treasure trove of stuff like this.

I personally know data mining engineers who are working on this even as we speak. The left will be held to account for every single word.
Biden could be turning out to be a very dangerous deranged man. He definitely needs a true physical health and mental health evaluation. No more games because the world is literally on fire as we speak.
Really? Besides Gaza and now the Golan Heights, where is the world on fire?

Lotsa places here are..but those are real fires. :)
Biden is the classic and textbook case of corruption. He molests kids. It's been caught on vid for the world to see.

There are really only two explanations. He thinks he is so above it all that he can get away with it. Or, he is so demonic that he has convinced himself this is all okay.

So many liberal scum on this board have denied Biden's child molestation. I am getting the same sick denials and excuses on other forums. I thought there would be an outlier or two, but this is epidemic.

Calling for the death of others is nothing to this pedo. He is totally sick and demonic.

Liberals are scum filth trash

Which candidate has hung out with a pedophile for decades.

Who is an adulterer and liar?

Who has paid to coverup porn star sex?

Who stated that he has sex in common with his daughter?
When Satan feels comfortable coming out into the light, then we as a supposed good people have royally screwed up.

Which candidate has hung out with a pedophile for decades.

Who is an adulterer and liar?

Who has paid to coverup porn star sex?

Who stated that he has sex in common with his daughter?
Answer the bell, denier.

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