Kamala Harris Touted a $5B Electric School Bus Program. Three Years Later, It's Produced Just 60 Buses.

Whoah.... Lol.....phew....a veritable guillotine of a post!

Now that it has been discovered that DC fast charging kicks the shit out of the batteries
Fast charging is the worst. Best case for any batterry is a trickle charge. Any EV owners want to wait hours or days for a fill up?

Also the size of the conducting wires continues to grow due to the high amperage passing through them. At some point a charging lead will be too heavy to pick up. It's almost there now in the winter time with the four gauge leads attached to the 600 volt DC chargers.
There is always silver! Maybe a super-conducting cable? Can't you just see people ripping off solid silver cables everywhere? It is ridiculous.
They forget that in the Northeast especially, winter gets pretty cold. Cold weather and those batteries don't play well together. Rochester in New York tried this with their public transportation and on the first cold day, the buses wouldn't start. And do you really want your child riding above a battery that size that could cause untold havoc if it explodes during an accident?
The charging system in the vehicle will cut back on the Flow to avoid thermal shock from uneven heat distribution.
View attachment 986630

Fast charging is the worst. Best case for any batterry is a trickle charge. Any EV owners want to wait hours or days for a fill up?

There is always silver! Maybe a super-conducting cable? Can't you just see people ripping off solid silver cables everywhere? It is ridiculous.
Bwahhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhahhhhhhhh....you're cracking me up today.... You can't make this shit up!
You should be smart enough to know that technology advances.
If there are limitations (and yes there are with electric cars right now), there will be innovations to get around those limitations..or new ways will be found (as you've pointed out).

I gotta tell you Jack---

If all that is true (and some of it kinda IS and some of it kinda ISN'T) then, DO YOU REALIZE that you just made the best argument in the world to just stay with internal combustion???

Because, given enough TIME, TECHNOLOGY, MONEY, RESEARCH and INNOVATIONS, we stand JUST AS GOOD or maybe BETTER chance of just making our current ICE cars green, non-polluting and climate friendly.

But government doesn't want that because they are trying to put Big Oil out of business so their buddies in Green Energy can get rich.

Just as they went after Big Tobacco.
View attachment 986630

Fast charging is the worst. Best case for any batterry is a trickle charge. Any EV owners want to wait hours or days for a fill up?

There is always silver! Maybe a super-conducting cable? Can't you just see people ripping off solid silver cables everywhere? It is ridiculous.
I know! We can have giant Tesla coils in the middle of the parking lots charging hundreds of cars surrounding them with half million volt induction! Lol....

The The driver's can sit in their cars and have their brains melted while waiting for a full charge! Lololol...

Hell, they'll hardly notice how long it takes! Problem solved... Hahahaha
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Well, this is more of an issue with infrastructure funding, which has been an issue for decades.

You really do live in a simplistic black and white universe. Don't you. You smell much more of BUREAUCRAT than actual practical ENGINEER. You really think that all that's involved in making new high-tension transformers is MONEY?

Do you have ANY IDEA Jack the number of plant step up, substation step down, and community distribution step down transformers and the raw materials and hazardous materials really needed to make Joe's creampuff fantasy of an EV world a reality?

Then, it can all be taken out in a single night by one terrorist with an EMP exploded high over the country.
You really do live in a simplistic black and white universe. Don't you. You smell much more of BUREAUCRAT than actual practical ENGINEER. You really think that all that's involved in making new high-tension transformers is MONEY?

Do you have ANY IDEA Jack the number of plant step up, substation step down, and community distribution step down transformers and the raw materials and hazardous materials really needed to make Joe's creampuff fantasy of an EV world a reality?

Then, it can all be taken out in a single night by one terrorist with an EMP exploded high over the country.
You've made it plain you fear the technology.

And yes, money is the main ingredient for making transformers...and just about everything else. Without it, you don't buy the steel, the components, the wiring, and the rest of everything else. Money really does make the world go round. :)
You've made it plain you fear the technology.

And yes, money is the main ingredient for making transformers...and just about everything else. Without it, you don't buy the steel, the components, the wiring, and the rest of everything else. Money really does make the world go round. :)
It's not fear buddy....trust me it's not fear.
You really do live in a simplistic black and white universe. Don't you. You smell much more of BUREAUCRAT than actual practical ENGINEER. You really think that all that's involved in making new high-tension transformers is MONEY?

Do you have ANY IDEA Jack the number of plant step up, substation step down, and community distribution step down transformers and the raw materials and hazardous materials really needed to make Joe's creampuff fantasy of an EV world a reality?

Then, it can all be taken out in a single night by one terrorist with an EMP exploded high over the country.
The maintenance would be exponentially massive.... unsustainable I think. Conductors crystallize and need to be replaced. On the scale we're talking about you would need an entire second population of non-commuters just to tend to it 24/7.
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I know! We can have giant Tesla coils in the middle of the parking lots charging hundreds of cars surrounding them with half million volt induction! Lol....
The The driver's can sit in their cars and have their brains melted while waiting for a full charge! Lololol...
Hell, they'll hardly notice how long it takes! Problem solved... Hahahaha


You've made it plain you fear the technology.
Not at all Jack, just that I spent my life working for impatient money that required quick, practical, effective results while being CAREFUL how I spent their money.

And yes, money is the main ingredient for making transformers...and just about everything else. Without it, you don't buy the steel, the components, the wiring, and the rest of everything else. Money really does make the world go round.
Money is just the start. It opens the doors but then you need to solve problems and create good solutions WITH that money.

Money is not an infinite resource, it only appears that way to governments when spending other people's money.
Not at all Jack, just that I spent my life working for impatient money that required quick, practical, effective results while being CAREFUL how I spent their money.

Money is just the start. It opens the doors but then you need to solve problems and create good solutions WITH that money.

Money is not an infinite resource, it only appears that way to governments when spending other people's money.
The initial installation would probably dwarf the GDP.... Multiply that times 5 for the upkeep.
Not at all Jack, just that I spent my life working for impatient money that required quick, practical, effective results while being CAREFUL how I spent their money.
Well..that's pretty much all of us. :)
Money is just the start. It opens the doors but then you need to solve problems and create good solutions WITH that money.

Money is not an infinite resource, it only appears that way to governments when spending other people's money.
Without the money, nothing happens. Period.
The maintenance would be exponentially massive.... unsustainable I think. Conductors crystallize and need to be replaced. On the scale we're talking about you would need an entire second population of non-commuters just to tend to it 24/7.

We are already there with our other infrastructure. We have 20,000 bridges in the country falling apart. Then there are the highways and streets. Look at cities like Detroit. Now they want to create a technological leviathan.

Then they want to bring in 20 million more illegals. The Colorado River is already running out of water. Salt for the roads, fresh water, batteries, automobiles, fertilizer for food--- it all sounds good until, like the mushroom of a volcano, you just cannot sustain it all in the air any longer and it all comes crashing back down on you.

Shades of the Roman Republic.
We are already there with our other infrastructure. We have 20,000 bridges in the country falling apart. Then there are the highways and streets. Look at cities like Detroit. Now they want to create a technological leviathan.

Then they want to bring in 20 million more illegals. The Colorado River is already running out of water. Salt for the roads, fresh water, batteries, automobiles, fertilizer for food--- it all sounds good until, like the mushroom of a volcano, you just cannot sustain it all in the air any longer and it all comes crashing back down on you.

Shades of the Roman Republic.
Yeah.... They hardly saw it coming.....

The facts of physics.

If an elephant was twice its size its legs would need to be four times the size for it to carry itself. The resulting combination of physical traits would make it impossible for the beast to live.
Well..that's pretty much all of us.
Nope, I know lots of people who work at universities spending PATIENT money--- people willing to donate millions and wait years and years in the hopes of a RESULT.

Without the money, nothing happens. Period.
Actually as is often the case, an idea comes along first, then experiments and development before the money is sought and needed to make it practical and work on a large scale.

Microsoft and Apple were both started in garages, were they not?

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