JD Vance's 'Hillbilly Elegy'

Why would any honest decent person want to work for him, knowing his history.

Posters in this forum used to make a big deal about the notion that Barack Obama wasn’t properly “vetted” before his election and the public knew little about him.

But neither of the Republican Party, nor the media on either side of the political spectrum said anything about Trump’s criminal history, or his record of business failures and lawsuits, and they knew because everything Trump has ever done has been publicized, and reported for decades.

The state of New York has been trying to file charges against him since the 90s while Trump went around the city publicly bragging about how many politicians he bribed to get his buildings built.

His 4000+ lawsuits are a matter of public record as are his delay tactics and abuse of legal proceedings to attack his enemies.

As always, Trump accuses others of “lawfare” against him, when in fact, Trump invented the concept of attacking your enemies through the courts, appealling every order, dragging out the process until the other side gives up or runs out of money.
WTF are you babbling over and over about canadian cuck

I found I had JD Vance's Hillbilly Elegy on my Kindle so I started to read it. It's a good book, readable and interesting from both a family view, a hillbilly view and a political view.
Bullshit. You're not reading that book. You pulled out a few choice quotes and made a fake thread.

You're like the phonies who pretend they are all pro-gun, but then do a 180. These phonies will say, "Oh, I grew up in the country with firearms, but then moved to the city and saw the error of all that." Those fake firearms stories were going around big time five years ago. You just used that fake template and applied it to Vance.
2.25 dollar a gallon gas is against my own interests over 4.50 a gallon gas? In what math world did you evolve out of?

You were perfectly willing to vote for Trump who gave you $2.80 gas over the Democrats who gave you $1.80 gas. And then you kiss Trump shoes and told him how much you loved him for doing that to you.

There is nothing so gullible and stupid as a Russian, pretending to be an American voter

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