Biden really lied. Did the Media mention he lied?

Biden lied much more than is discussed. But if Trump said this, they would call Trump a liar. But they shield Biden and his lies.

Who agrees that Biden is a serial liar?

"President Biden showed last night that he was weak — sadly — that he is feeble...and he said a number of things that are just demonstrably untrue," Speaker Johnson told reporters Friday on Capitol Hill.

One that stuck out to him as the "most staggering" was his claim that, "on his watch, we have not lost any American troops."

"Obviously, that is not true," Speaker Johnson reminded. "I wanted to read 13 names, by way of example, that he seems to have forgotten already — which is really shocking and sad."

"Apparently, he's already forgotten about the 13 American heroes that were lost with his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan," emphasized Speaker Johnson. "These are their names, Mr. President, these are their names."

The Speaker then read the names of those killed amid Biden's catastrophic pullout:

  • Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover, 31, of Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Marine Corps Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pichardo, 25, of Lawrence, Massachusetts
  • Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, 23, of Sacramento, California
  • Marine Corps Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22, of Indio, California
  • Marine Corps Cpl. Daegan W. Page, 23, of Omaha, Nebraska
  • Marine Corps Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez, 22, of Logansport, Indiana
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza, 20, of Rio Bravo, Texas
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, 20, of St. Charles, Missouri
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum, 20, of Jackson, Wyoming
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20, of Rancho Cucamonga, California
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, 20, of Norco, California
  • Navy Hospitalman Maxton W. Soviak, 22, of Berlin Heights, Ohio
  • Army Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss, 23, of Corryton, Tennessee
How would liars understand demofks lying
Now, you think it is 'unfair' to tax income......correct?
I have a hard time with taxes of any sort. I believe the USA costs money to operate. User fees and also tariffs on visitors ought to raise enough if the Congress ends it's spending sprees. To me the Congress and President acts as if they have a right to spend extraordinary sums though if they ask we voters, they will be surprised that we do not believe in their super high spending at all. A few citizens do not care. I for example am well placed since I pay no state or Federal taxes and the Feds and State set it up to do this for me. l live completely within the law and am not the only citizen to do this. Even you can do it if you choose to. Why is it unfair? Because the Government proves it does not care one bit how high taxes are. They will keep raising them and it means the Citizens paying those taxes will likely stay victims. It is like a man is robbed and says fine, keep robbing me. So they keep robbing him.

Believe me when I tell you that ex IRS agents agree with me.

Here you can listen to the exIRS agent talk about this issue.

First let me say, I met him in Hayward, CA many years ago.
Second he was the guy with the gun who arrested tax cheats when working for the IRS.
He heard stories like this and he decided to correct the lies and he investigated. He found when investigating they were not lies at all. He has been court tested and found not guilty.
When he realized the IRS lied to him, he still worked for them but in writing asked them for proof. They refused to give him proof it was legal to charge income taxes. So he resigned.
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Now, you think it is 'unfair' to tax income......correct?
Question for you. Can a basketball player with one try get a 4 pt shot ruled in his favor by referees? One shot alone is all allowed.
What is your point?
What is your answer to make my point?

Question for you. Can a basketball player with one try get a 4 pt shot ruled in his favor by referees? One shot alone is all allowed.

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