The “Party of Democracy” has bypassed the democratic process and installed Kamala Harris without an election

She did not say she couldn't. That's just more feeble cosplay from you. :itsok: She said simply, I'm not a biologist.

I think it isn't a Supreme Court justices job to educate a Congress person on what a woman is. That should of happened a while back.

Members beware: something suspicious with this link
Members beware,:
Conspiracy theory being floated.
I don't need SCOTUS to tell me. It was a Republican who wanted a SCOTUS nominee to explain it to her.
You are just too ignorant to understand. The question was posed after earlier hearing wherein the brain-dead left was insisting men could get pregnant thus displaying a pathetic ignorance of millions of years of mammalian biology.

Uhm, did so a few times. You just ignore things you find inconvenient.

So... you cannot link to your conspiracy theory that the "right wing" named her Border czar.

Uhm, did so a few times. You just ignore things you find inconvenient.

It was a house committee (not Biden), that labelled Harris a Border czar and used FOX News as a megaphone. LOL

WASHINGTON D.C. –– Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) was joined by Homeland Republicans and other Conference members in condemning ‘Border Czar’ Vice President Kamala Harris’ refusal to secure our borders and protect Americans. Following their remarks, the House of Representatives passed, on a bipartisan vote, H.Res. 1371, a resolution strongly condemning the Biden administration’s failure to secure America’s borders and condemning Harris specifically for her catastrophic handling of the unprecedented border crisis.

Uhm, did so a few times. You just ignore things you find inconvenient.

Uhm, did so a few times. You just ignore things you find inconvenient.

It was a house committee (not Biden), that labelled Harris a Border czar and used FOX News as a megaphone. LOL

WASHINGTON D.C. –– Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) was joined by Homeland Republicans and other Conference members in condemning ‘Border Czar’ Vice President Kamala Harris’ refusal to secure our borders and protect Americans. Following their remarks, the House of Representatives passed, on a bipartisan vote, H.Res. 1371, a resolution strongly condemning the Biden administration’s failure to secure America’s borders and condemning Harris specifically for her catastrophic handling of the unprecedented border crisis.

It seems you're hoping to claim that one reference to "border czar" supports your conspracy theory.

You can ignore your own "phacts" but why represent them as anything but your desperate pleas for attention?
How insane is this. This was a coup in the DNC. No Democrat voter who supports Harris’ presidency can lecture anyone on democracy.

She was installed by the DNC and donors. They literally just told Democrat voters they don’t care about their desires. The last time Harris was subjected to the democratic process, she was 5th amongst Democrat candidates.

Trump was made the GOP nominee by the will of the people. Harris has been declared the Democrat nominee by backroom think tanks and hidden decision makers

If you’re a democrat who values democracy, you ought to be rather angry that your party has decided to move forward without considering your (or any democrat) vote

Alright, let’s get something straight. When you throw around terms like "coup," you're not just being melodramatic; you're displaying a profound ignorance of both the word and the political process. A coup implies a violent overthrow of a government, often with military force, not a procedural appointment within a party structure. So, let's debunk this hyperbolic nonsense point by point.

First, let’s talk about the so-called "coup" in the DNC. Kamala Harris was selected as Vice President by Joe Biden, the elected President. This was not some clandestine operation; it was public, transparent, and part of the electoral process. If you're trying to argue that the Vice President's selection undermines democracy, you might need a refresher on how elections and political appointments actually work.

Second, claiming that Harris was "installed" by the DNC and donors, as if she was plucked from obscurity and foisted upon the public without any democratic input, is sheer fantasy. Harris was a U.S. Senator, a known political figure, and was vetted and selected as Biden’s running mate, a process which was widely covered and scrutinized. Biden chose her, and the voters confirmed that choice when they elected him as President. Democracy in action, my friend.

And let’s dispel this myth about the democratic process within the party. Yes, Harris did not win the primary, but neither did many Vice Presidents before they were picked for the role. The selection of a running mate is strategic and involves numerous factors, including party unity, balance, and the overall electoral strategy. This is not an undermining of democracy; it’s a function of it.

Now, let’s tackle the comparison with Trump. The idea that Trump was made the GOP nominee purely by "the will of the people" overlooks the complex, often messy, primary process filled with its own share of party maneuvering and influence. Every primary season is a battlefield of strategies and compromises. To elevate one process while condemning another for the same political realities is hypocritical at best.

Finally, your assertion that Democrats should be outraged by this process ignores the actual democratic mechanisms at play. If you’re a Democrat and you value democracy, you should be proud of the rigorous vetting and strategic considerations that go into these decisions. Instead of fuming over imagined betrayals, recognize the process for what it is: a complex, multifaceted system designed to build a winning ticket.

So, before you lecture others on democracy, perhaps take a moment to understand it. This isn’t a coup. It’s politics, it’s strategy, and yes, it’s democracy.
She's going to take hits on immigration.

But the guy across the debate stage didn't do much but grift the American taxpayers to pay his cronies to build a small, useless and crumbling section of wall.

So I don't think this talking point is the headshot you guys think it is.
Alright, let’s get something straight. When you throw around terms like "coup," you're not just being melodramatic; you're displaying a profound ignorance of both the word and the political process. A coup implies a violent overthrow of a government, often with military force, not a procedural appointment within a party structure. So, let's debunk this hyperbolic nonsense point by point.

First, let’s talk about the so-called "coup" in the DNC. Kamala Harris was selected as Vice President by Joe Biden, the elected President. This was not some clandestine operation; it was public, transparent, and part of the electoral process. If you're trying to argue that the Vice President's selection undermines democracy, you might need a refresher on how elections and political appointments actually work.

Second, claiming that Harris was "installed" by the DNC and donors, as if she was plucked from obscurity and foisted upon the public without any democratic input, is sheer fantasy. Harris was a U.S. Senator, a known political figure, and was vetted and selected as Biden’s running mate, a process which was widely covered and scrutinized. Biden chose her, and the voters confirmed that choice when they elected him as President. Democracy in action, my friend.

And let’s dispel this myth about the democratic process within the party. Yes, Harris did not win the primary, but neither did many Vice Presidents before they were picked for the role. The selection of a running mate is strategic and involves numerous factors, including party unity, balance, and the overall electoral strategy. This is not an undermining of democracy; it’s a function of it.

Now, let’s tackle the comparison with Trump. The idea that Trump was made the GOP nominee purely by "the will of the people" overlooks the complex, often messy, primary process filled with its own share of party maneuvering and influence. Every primary season is a battlefield of strategies and compromises. To elevate one process while condemning another for the same political realities is hypocritical at best.

Finally, your assertion that Democrats should be outraged by this process ignores the actual democratic mechanisms at play. If you’re a Democrat and you value democracy, you should be proud of the rigorous vetting and strategic considerations that go into these decisions. Instead of fuming over imagined betrayals, recognize the process for what it is: a complex, multifaceted system designed to build a winning ticket.

So, before you lecture others on democracy, perhaps take a moment to understand it. This isn’t a coup. It’s politics, it’s strategy, and yes, it’s democracy.
Yes. A representative system of government is enhanced by millions of votes being nullified by a few politicians who decided that because their candidate was a loser, they would decide what votes are discarded.

Something to be proud of, no doubt.
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There is no true election to see who the nominee is… the nominee has already been selected, declared, and had hundreds of billions thrown at her.

Any “election” would be a farce by any measure. It couldn’t be any more obvious

The constitution is silent on how presidential nominees are chosen. Given that Kamala garnered $200,000,000 donations in a few days most of which were small donations, this idea she doesn't have broad support is rather silly.
She's going to take hits on immigration.

But the guy across the debate stage didn't do much but grift the American taxpayers to pay his cronies to build a small, useless and crumbling section of wall.

So I don't think this talking point is the headshot you guys think it is.
On the other hand, your senile grifter sold off as scrap, and for pennies on the dollar, miles of material that was paid for by taxpayer dollars. Your grifter later cried and whined when the material wasn't avaliable for use.

Yes. A representative system of government is enhanced by millions of votes being nullified by a few politicians who decided that because their candidate was a loser, they would decide what votes are discarded.

Something to be proud of, no doubt.
And exactly what either party would do, if the presumptive nominee or nominee. dropped out or died 3 months before an election.

Your theater isn't fooling anyone. The Oscar does NOT go to...
And exactly what either party would do, if the presumptive nominee or nominee. dropped out or died 3 months before an election.

Your theater isn't fooling anyone. The Oscar does NOT go to...
You nonsense is pathetic. You make baseless claims because you're a partisan hack. The only party that pushed their candidate to the curb was the democrat party.

Your pointless tirades aren't fooling anyone. You earned the dunce prize. Wear it like a badge.
The ONLY Coup was January 6, 2021. It violent, over one hundred law enforcement were injured by men and women determined overthrow the United States. It was Right Wing Fasicst Coup. Led by a Man who now a Convicted Felon. Ms. Harris never tried to overthrow the government, ReNaziKlans cannot say the same.
The Coup was January 6, 2021. It violent, over one hundred law enforcement were injured by men and women determined overthrow the United States. It was Right Wing Fasicst Coup. Led by a Man who now a Convicted Felon. Ms. Harris never tried to overthrow the government, ReNaziKlans cannot say the same.
You're a Joy Reid groupie. Let go of the mindless nonsense.
She did not say she couldn't. That's just more feeble cosplay from you. :itsok: She said simply, I'm not a biologist.

I think it isn't a Supreme Court justices job to educate a Congress person on what a woman is. That should have happened a while back.
She couldn’t define the word woman.

And a pathetic dodge by the Simp,

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