The “Party of Democracy” has bypassed the democratic process and installed Kamala Harris without an election

She's going to take hits on immigration.

But the guy across the debate stage didn't do much but grift the American taxpayers to pay his cronies to build a small, useless and crumbling section of wall.

So I don't think this talking point is the headshot you guys think it is.
Link us up to this crumbling wall.
The constitution is silent on how presidential nominees are chosen. Given that Kamala garnered $200,000,000 donations in a few days most of which were small donations, this idea she doesn't have broad support is rather silly.
So the person with the most money wins? You think that is how it works?
Yep, that was her excuse for being too stupid to define woman. Her answer was more than for words, Simp.
That's just your imagination, like you imagining your definition is superior to actual learned medical professionals I bet. :lol:
Strong winds and a section where the concrete had not set up yet.
Blown over by wind! 🤣

Want to know where most of Trump's wall is? Lying in piles.

And the parts that were built? Breached several times a day and crumbling.

In Arizona, rain and winds took down large chunks of it.

The stable genius!
The racists and misogynists are doing a great job of showing why we need DEI programs.

You DIE groupies need quotas because you’re not qualified. What a shame you’re of the ideology that hard work is racist™ and a sign of white supremacy™
Alright, let’s get something straight. When you throw around terms like "coup," you're not just being melodramatic; you're displaying a profound ignorance of both the word and the political process. A coup implies a violent overthrow of a government, often with military force, not a procedural appointment within a party structure. So, let's debunk this hyperbolic nonsense point by point.
You give "profound ignorance" new meaning.

You've never heard of a "palace coup?"

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