How the GOP Will Attack Harris

Trump was the one that stopped the border being fixed... Harris comes out a winner all day on that... Trump's actions pissed off the right and since nothing was done, she has no flack from the Left.

As for those Brits... That was Nigel Farage, he is considered the shit stain of UK politics... A fucking liar who got UK to vote out of EU and now the wish it never happened...

You have stupid opinions.
True. Reagan lost his first run also.
LOL Regan got 5 million votes in that first run for President. Your poser got exactly ZERO. Repeat ZERO. Couldn't convince a single Democrat to vote for her.

And now your cult has anointed her your nominee. Without ever winning a single vote. And tossing out 15,000,000 of your fellow cultists votes.

You couldn't write this stuff.
Trumpers are shitting themselves.
Mitch is Old School who still remembers how to get things done

Todays Republicans just know how to create chaos, upset the Apple Cart and then point the finger at Democrats
That is total projection and you know it and shame on you putting this cackling whore next in line for the Presidency, I can only pray nothing happens between now, and when Biden leaves forever, that would Put the sleep her way to the top skank into office before trump can return.

‘A wise investment’: Trump’s $6,000 gift to Kamala Harris comes back to bite him

Donald Trump has moved swiftly to turn his attack machine on to the vice-president in the wake of Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race, dusting off his derisive nickname for her: “Laffin’ Kamala Harris”.

But as the Republican nominee refocuses his campaign to target Harris, there is one awkward truth that Trump will have to face. What about that check for $5,000 dated 26 September 2011, bearing Trump’s distinctive signature, and made payable to one “Attorney General Kamala D Harris”?

Within hours of Biden’s historic decision breaking on Sunday, and with a new possible Trump v Harris battle heaving into view, Trump’s uncomfortable donation resurfaced on social media. Jared Moskowitz, a Democratic congressman from Florida, posted a photo of the check on his X feed with the words: “Was a wise investment.”

In fact, the $5,000 donation was just one of several gifts from the Trump family to Harris at the time when she was working as California’s top prosecutor. Records held by the California secretary of state note the largest $5,000 donation, but also give details of a further $1,000 check from Trump to Harris from February 2013 at the start of her re-election campaign as the state’s attorney general.

Trump’s daughter Ivanka is also listed on the database as having given Harris $2,000 for her re-election committee in June 2014.

The existence of $8,000 of Trump money wending its way into Harris’s political coffers may hound Trump on the campaign trail, just as it did during the 2020 presidential campaign when she was Biden’s running mate. Then, Fox News uncovered details of how the $5,000 donation came about.

Hey, I have an idea, maybe with some backroom dealing Trump can stepdown and become Harris' VP, might be his only realistic option for getting some kind of elected office.

So why did democrats reject her candidacy so soundly? She's a bad candidate. Period.

I hope you all consider Joe Manchin. He'd be a real president, not a hollow shell.
Would you vote for Manchin?

He is definitely a better option than trump.

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