So When Will Kamala Harris Be The Official Democrat Nominee?

Biden. I repeat. Is there a real question in there? :)
Well, Joe did answer all the questions during his debate with Trump, so there is that.

Too bad it cost him the Presidency.

I WOULD say when pigs fly but it doesn't look like the democrats are interested in anybody else and Gavin Newsom says he's out. So maybe he was actually serious.
You can stop repeating Trumps excuse to run from debating Harris.
Nope. The roll call vote will just be to solidify that she has the delegates to become the nominee.

Zzz. Nonsense. She will get the official nod pre convention to get her lazy ass on the ballot in time in Ohio.
It won't be official until those delegates are assigned at the convention and she accepts the nomination.
It’s all but official already. Stop being such a hack.
Zzz. Nonsense. She will get the official nod pre convention to get her lazy ass on the ballot in time in Ohio.

It’s all but official already. Stop being such a hack.

The fear of her is setting in.

She is already the presumptive nominee which is, essentially, the same thing.
Not really. The presumptive nominee is the one that won the most delegates during the primary elections
Get used to it, she will be the nominee
Maybe. Two weeks ago Joe was the nominee, before his poll numbers tanked.
and quite possibly the president.
God help us.
I suppose Harris will become their official nominee a week from Wednesday, on August 7th. Last I've read the Democrats are still planning to go ahead with their virtual roll call which they came up with as answer to Ohio's initial ballot deadline.

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