The attempt to Usurp the supreme Court will fail.

Lol....keep dreaming.... There is no possible way you can trust a partisan Congress not to abuse legalities given to them. You don't give the fox the keys to the hen house, Harry.

Look at all the stupid articles of impeachment that are coming from both sides of the aisle right now.... There is your indicator. As far as Trump's behavior it's just more focused and public than most. There have been many more corrupt Presidents, far worse than Trump..... They just weren't in the spotlight. Nobody who takes that office is perfect.

Partisan politics finds corruption in disagreement.
A heavily controlled legislature will create a law so they can prosecute. The only way around it is immunity.

Remember, you're wrong. You have to consider maybe you are wrong here. Why do you think the investigations and impeachments of Trump were witch hunts? And who started all this?

Who started chanting lock her up?

Did Bush lie us into Iraq yes or no? I say yes he did. I bet you say no. But what does Trump think about impeaching Bush for lying us into Iraq?

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.

Why? For LYING US INTO IRAQ. So either I was right, Bush lied us into Iraq, or Trump was for witch hunts before he was POTUS.

Trump tried to lock Hillary up for something everyone did. Then Trump did it and THEN he broke the law himself. He shouldn't be charged? You want a king my friend. Not a president. You want PUTIN.

Trump's call to Ukraine was the final straw. His second impeachment was for the insurrection. Mitch even said he was responsible.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Saturday delivered a searing address from the Senate floor condemning Donald Trump as “practically and morally responsible” for the Capitol insurrection — moments after voting to acquit the former president of inciting it.

So I don't know what to tell you. This is not apples to apples. It's not "both sides are corrupt". Trump is corrupt. Hillary and Joe and Mitt Romney aren't corrupt. Trump is. Liz Chaney I may disagree with, but she's not corrupt. Trump is.



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There is no possible way you can trust a partisan Congress not to abuse legalities given to them. You don't give the fox the keys to the hen house, Harry.
But that's the same Congress you say is the solely responsible for making sure that the president follows the law.

As if there isn't any contradiction there.
But that's the same Congress you say is the solely responsible for making sure that the president follows the law.

As if there isn't any contradiction there.
A Constitutional Amendment will never happen..Lame duck Joe just wants to seem relevant.
Mikey said its DOA in the House. So call this a "dead thread".
A Constitutional Amendment will never happen..Lame duck Joe just wants to seem relevant.
Mikey said its DOA in the House. So call this a "dead thread".
Let the Republican party explain to the American people why they're the only ones that want the president to be able to break the law without being criminally responsible.
Let the Republican party explain to the American people why they're the only ones that want the president to be able to break the law without being criminally responsible.
You don't understand immunity, and its not my job to explain it to you.
Hint: there are presidential acts and there are personal acts, duh.
You don't understand immunity, and its not my job to explain it to you.
Hint: there are presidential acts and there are personal acts, duh.
Doesn’t matter one bit. You still have to explain why you want the president to be able to use their official powers illegally and still be beyond criminal consequences.

I don’t understand you guys harping on this point. As it were somehow less concerning that they can only break the law with the expansive powers of the presidency.

The people who want to be removed from the consequences of their actions rarely have good intentions. That’s common sense.
There is still enough sanity in Congress as corrupt as it is to understand that co-equal is co equal. This court is functioning just fine. There have been numerous decisions showing that the justices on the court value jurisprudence more than they do political separation.

None more outstanding than the 9 to 0 decision to block state supreme courts from eliminating Trump from the ballot.

Kavanaugh has made a number of liberal decisions. Jackson Brown has made a number of conservative decisions.

The court is healthy. It wasn't healthy when the prune was there. She had a larger than life presence and a disdain for the Constitution.

Jackson Brown has been something of a pleasant surprise frankly. Perhaps a disappointment to the left.

It's all a hype to buy votes for the election. Biden and the Democrats themselves know they cannot possibly do this.

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