AOC to file Articles of Impeachment against the non-Democrat Supreme Court Justices.

This is a possible solution to the issue, that can avoid the need to rewrite the Constitution completely.

But do enough Americans understand what has happened and the reason why the action on behalf of the president needed to be delayed for over 350 years?
Thanks but no thank you. The Constitution has served America well and will do so in the future.
Democrats claim they must destroy the Constitution in order to save Democracy. Democracy and the Republic cannot exist without the Constitution.
Welp, the Democrat's favorite drama queen AOC has gone full retard. She now intends to file Impeachment Articles against the 6 non Democrat Supreme Court judges for making a sane decision on LIMITED Presidential immunity. This is just getting more ridiculous with each passing day, November can't come soon enough.

Does she actually think Johnson will even bring that to the floor? LOL, AOC is the definition of moron.
Welp, the Democrat's favorite drama queen AOC has gone full retard. She now intends to file Impeachment Articles against the 6 non Democrat Supreme Court judges for making a sane decision on LIMITED Presidential immunity. This is just getting more ridiculous with each passing day, November can't come soon enough.

Remember when "attacking our institutions" was insurrection?

Many of OUR voted in political choices,( from all sides of the isle)
got the job because of Money, loud voices,
and people voting political party exclusively
Rather than checking their record or expertise.
Is there ANY ASPECT of America that they have not attacked or undermined? The border is a shambles, we have 20 million unknown foreigners loose in our country, terrorist sleeper cells just waiting for the green light from their leaders, 200 people a day are dying from Fentanyl, they attack the SCOTUS, they corrupt the DOJ, they take political prisoners, I mean WTF people!?!?!?!?!

However detestable and dangerous they are , they fight better and use their propaganda more effectively .

From the outside it often seems that as a group you are spineless .
You collectively talk about fighting and winning but never get around to inflicting hard and permanent damage .

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