How John Roberts Lost His Court.

The assumption the left seems to rely on is that the "right" to abortion is Constitutionally protected. That's a lie. Roe v Wade was based on a bad Supreme Court ruling that found a "right to privacy" that did not and does not exist in the Constitution.
You sound as though you've been prepped by conservative advisors on how to dodge specific questions on specific issues.
I suppose that is better than sounding like a desperate leftist faggot, spamming the forum with every nutter piece of agitprop outta SoHo, on every weak NYT commie shit puff piece or DailyKos tin foil hat rant that comes down the pike, eh?
Roberts lost the court when he decided to be a prop player for the permanent political class.

He can eat a bag of dicks.

I wonder who has what dirt on him.

Or is it less subtle, like a picture of one of his children through a rifle scope?

What existed was Roe v Wade which each judge swore during their confirmation to be settled law

Each of the Conservative Judges was asked if they supported Roe v Wade
They arrogantly snapped at the question and said Roe was settled case law.

So was "separate but equal".


That is a lot of charges without any information on specifics. :dunno:

Look who you're quoting. He's a human spambot who NEVER posts specifics, just bullshit.

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