Thomas is an outlier once again.

Avoiding the question shows your ignorance and laziness. Sad.
It's constitutional until it isn't.
Some court somewhere, would have struck it down in 53 years since it was enacted.

Like I even had to answer, I guess people have to, to teabaggers.
Yes imbecile.

That was the defying issue for the Tea Party
"People of multiple political parties finding common ground around pushing for tax reform".

More like tax CUTS from ONE party, just like it was 40 years ago and today.
53 years.

You try again.

Roe vs, Wade wasn't codified into law, it was a supreme court decision.
The contents of the 14th amendment is.
Merely an example that shows things can be corrected even after decades. I suppose I should have used something like Plessey v Ferguson. The point remains, it is never too late to fix terrible mistakes.

One of the primary reason this has been left to stew is because of who it applies to. Most conservatives won't go out of their way to advocate for felons, whereas liberals who often champion felons want a disarmed America, giving them no cause to defend felons. For the first time in our history we have an administration that is so corrupt they will gladly create felons of their political opposition out sheer evil spite. Clearly past conservatives were wrong to ignore this, but better late than never.
Merely an example that shows things can be corrected even after decades. I suppose I should have used something like Plessey v Ferguson. The point remains, it is never too late to fix terrible mistakes.

One of the primary reason this has been left to stew is because of who it applies to. Most conservatives won't go out of their way to advocate for felons, , but teabaggers do..........
Conservatives won't..........Teabaggers claiming to be conservative will............


whereas liberals who often champion felons want a disarmed America, giving them no cause to defend felons.
Felons shouldn't have weapons.
For the first time in our history we have an administration that is so corrupt they will gladly create felons of their political opposition out sheer evil spite.
Trump created the felons, they were stupid enough to obey their dear leader........They get what they deserve..........


Charted: Trump world allies sentenced to prison​

Axios › Politics & Policy

Mar 7, 2024 — Never before have so many people closely associated with a former president been sentenced to jail.

Clearly past conservatives were wrong to ignore this, but better late than never.

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