Clarence Thomas Is Not a Black Hero—He's an Enemy of Black People

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This is how blacks feel about Thomas. But right-wing whites love him. Why? Because Thomas is working to help them get their pro white agenda accomplished. They consider anyone black who opposes black progress as independent thinkers. Funny how that is.

Clarence Thomas Is Not a Black Hero—He's an Enemy of Black People​

Throughout Black History Month, we recall the achievements of Black Americans. These include the champions of the Civil Rights Movement—monumental leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Ella Baker. The first Black Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall, also looms large; Marshall fought for civil rights long before assuming his rightful position in the highest court in the land. Marshall led the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and was known for fighting segregation in schools, a fight which culminated in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision.

That type of legacy is deserving of the utmost regard and respect during Black History Month and every other day—and it stands in stark contrast to his successor on the court, Justice Clarence Thomas.

Thomas was nominated by Republican President George H.W. Bush and has served on the high court since 1991. But he is no Thurgood Marshall. Where Marshall fought tooth and nail to upend threats to equity, civil rights, and justice, Thomas fights to take America back. He fights against the working class and minorities, finding unique ways to fight against the Black community he hails from in the process. It's why Black Americans shouldn't celebrate Justice Thomas during Black History Month. He simply doesn't deserve it.

The Black community doesn't celebrate Thomas because Thomas does everything in his power to make life worse for us.

Black History Month isn't a time to glorify a threat to Black progress. Clarence Thomas has proven himself time and time again to be an enemy to Black people. Who needs white supremacists when a Black man who benefited from civil rights wins is leading the charge to destroy the very policies that made his career possible?

He is actually an enemy to all Americans!
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This Might be Clarence Thomas’ Most Appalling Opinion Yet​

Monday, the Supreme Court ruled 7 to 1 that Timothy Tyrone Foster, a death-row inmate, received an unfair trial in 1986 when Georgia prosecutors blatantly violated rules about racial discrimination during jury selection. Foster, a black man, was convicted of killing a white woman by an all-white jury, after the prosecution purposely kept all blacks off the jury. This SCOTUS decision wasn’t exactly a nail-biter. This wasn’t a case where there was a suspicion of discrimination; this was one where there was clear, unequivocal evidence that the prosecution was executing a complete and systematic commitment to excluding black jurors. Following Batson v. Kentucky, a 1986 SCOTUS case that preceded the Foster trial, the illegal dismissal of jurors solely on the basis of race became known as a “Batson violation;” As Justice Elena Kagan pointed out, the clear, handwritten notes that blacks be dismissed from the Foster jury is “about as clear a Batson violation as a court is ever going to see.”

For anyone familiar with the O.J. Simpson trial, the idea of preferring jurors because of their race isn’t all that shocking. Jury selection is certainly supposed to be color- blind, but like many things, often isn’t. Racism seeps its way into our courtrooms, tainting our justice in subtle ways; but overt discrimination by the prosecution is something unusual. In Foster’s case, there was no pretext – no reason other than race for challenging the selection of the black jurors. Given that Batson was new law at the time of Foster’s trial, it’s not surprising that some prosecutors were comfortable keeping records of practices that had long been used, but that had only recently been deemed illegal. Regardless of the close timeline, though, the trial of Timothy Tyrone Foster was corrupted by the prosecutors’ illegal manipulation of the jury.

The overwhelming evidence of the prosecution’s discriminatory intent makes the SCOTUS majority decision quite fair, but not all that important. It’s unlikely that we’ll see many other cases in which the prosecution kept detailed records about its blatant racism, so I wouldn’t expect thousands of convictions to suddenly be overturned on the basis of this precedent.

Thomas’ dissent, on the other hand, is important – for it is a window into a kind of thinking that is dangerous in its obtuseness. Thomas’ argument that SCOTUS lacks jurisdiction over Foster’s appeal has a distinctly protesting-too-much vibe to it. Thomas prattles on about res judicata for a few tiresome pages that few will read and with which even fewer will agree, before he cloaks his unwillingness to acknowledge racial bias in an absurd level of deference to the trial court. If I can paraphrase, Thomas’ reasons for dissenting were: 1) this isn’t my problem; 2) I don’t want to get involved; and 3) I don’t see anything wrong here.

Clarence, you’re on the damn Supreme Court. Your entire job is to second-guess the work of other judges. While we’re at it, how about paying attention to discrimination that landed someone on death row?

In his dissent, Thomas’ signature willful blindness reached new levels when he suggested that the abundant evidence that the prosecution had purposely excluded black jurors just wasn’t there. Thomas was moved neither by a handwritten notation on the jury list reading, “NO. No Black Church,” nor by a list of otherwise-qualified black jurors labeled, “definite NO’s” [sic], nor even by the prosecutor’s statement that, “f it comes down to having to pick one of the black jurors, [this one] might be okay.”

That seven other Supreme Court justices did see the obvious plan to maintain an all-white jury apparently left Thomas unconcerned. In his dissent, he excuses the prosecutors’ behavior as internal office debate, or irrelevant personal opinion. Thomas, for all his staunch revere of discipline and conservatism, seems awfully willing to overlook misconduct that resulted in a death sentence.

This is a case where the white conservatives on the court ruled against what happened because of the blatant racial discrimination, but not Thomas. He was willing to put another black man to wrongful death just so he could please white right wingers.

This is the black person we blacks are supposed to see as a hero and if we dare speak the truth about this anus cavity, then we are the racists or we are full of hate.
This is how blacks feel about Thomas. But right-wing whites love him. Why? Because Thomas is working to help them get their pro white agenda accomplished. They consider anyone black who opposes black progress as independent thinkers. Funny how that is.

Clarence Thomas Is Not a Black Hero—He's an Enemy of Black People​

Throughout Black History Month, we recall the achievements of Black Americans. These include the champions of the Civil Rights Movement—monumental leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Ella Baker. The first Black Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall, also looms large; Marshall fought for civil rights long before assuming his rightful position in the highest court in the land. Marshall led the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and was known for fighting segregation in schools, a fight which culminated in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision.

That type of legacy is deserving of the utmost regard and respect during Black History Month and every other day—and it stands in stark contrast to his successor on the court, Justice Clarence Thomas.

Thomas was nominated by Republican President George H.W. Bush and has served on the high court since 1991. But he is no Thurgood Marshall. Where Marshall fought tooth and nail to upend threats to equity, civil rights, and justice, Thomas fights to take America back. He fights against the working class and minorities, finding unique ways to fight against the Black community he hails from in the process. It's why Black Americans shouldn't celebrate Justice Thomas during Black History Month. He simply doesn't deserve it.

The Black community doesn't celebrate Thomas because Thomas does everything in his power to make life worse for us.

Black History Month isn't a time to glorify a threat to Black progress. Clarence Thomas has proven himself time and time again to be an enemy to Black people. Who needs white supremacists when a Black man who benefited from civil rights wins is leading the charge to destroy the very policies that made his career possible?

that has to be the most racist post I've ever seen. wow. you have issues cuck.
that has to be the most racist post I've ever seen. wow. you have issues cuck.
No, I'm not the one with issues. The people with issues are those who support Thomas and tell blacks how they are racist for hating a man who has worked to erase everything blacks fought and died to get.
This is how blacks feel about Thomas. But right-wing whites love him. Why? Because Thomas is working to help them get their pro white agenda accomplished. They consider anyone black who opposes black progress as independent thinkers. Funny how that is.

Clarence Thomas Is Not a Black Hero—He's an Enemy of Black People​

Throughout Black History Month, we recall the achievements of Black Americans. These include the champions of the Civil Rights Movement—monumental leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Ella Baker. The first Black Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall, also looms large; Marshall fought for civil rights long before assuming his rightful position in the highest court in the land. Marshall led the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and was known for fighting segregation in schools, a fight which culminated in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision.

That type of legacy is deserving of the utmost regard and respect during Black History Month and every other day—and it stands in stark contrast to his successor on the court, Justice Clarence Thomas.

Thomas was nominated by Republican President George H.W. Bush and has served on the high court since 1991. But he is no Thurgood Marshall. Where Marshall fought tooth and nail to upend threats to equity, civil rights, and justice, Thomas fights to take America back. He fights against the working class and minorities, finding unique ways to fight against the Black community he hails from in the process. It's why Black Americans shouldn't celebrate Justice Thomas during Black History Month. He simply doesn't deserve it.

The Black community doesn't celebrate Thomas because Thomas does everything in his power to make life worse for us.

Black History Month isn't a time to glorify a threat to Black progress. Clarence Thomas has proven himself time and time again to be an enemy to Black people. Who needs white supremacists when a Black man who benefited from civil rights wins is leading the charge to destroy the very policies that made his career possible?

So if an accomplished Black isn't on the Democrat ghetto welfare plantation then he is an "enemy of Black people"?

The ghetto Negroes are full of hate.

Thomas is the best Justice on the Supreme Court. Head and shoulders above those two dumbass dizzy broads that Obama appointed and way above that stupid low IQ Affrimative Action idiot ding bat that Potatohead appointed.
Black History Month isn't a time to glorify a threat to Black progress. Clarence Thomas has proven himself time and time again to be an enemy to Black people. Who needs white supremacists when a Black man who benefited from civil rights wins is leading the charge to destroy the very policies that made his career possible?
Black History Month isn't a time to glorify a threat to Black progress. Clarence Thomas has proven himself time and time again to be an enemy to Black people. Who needs white supremacists when a Black man who benefited from civil rights wins is leading the charge to destroy the very policies that made his career possible?

You support the XXXXXX democrat history month should be devoted to highlighting the atrocities committed against black Americans by the democrat party in the past, and currently......the 10s of thousands of dead black children as a direct result of democrat party policies.....trapping black children in generational poverty and crime.....

The democrat party is evil....
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Try talking about the topic because these tired accusations of my racism just because I refuse to bootlick or pander to white racists is getting old.

Are you kidding? You defend the democrat much bootlicking are you willing to do for the actual party of slavery, jim crow, the klan, church bombings, and lynchings?
More plantation propaganda courtesy of left wing MSN and Newsweek. Justice Thomas is a symbol of what Blacks can achieve with hard work. That's why he is an enemy of the left.
You support the racist democrat history month should be devoted to highlighting the atrocities committed against black Americans by the democrat party in the past, and currently......the 10s of thousands of dead black children as a direct result of democrat party policies.....trapping black children in generational poverty and crime.....

The democrat party is evil....
What does this have to do with Clarence Thomas?

Thomas is a Republican and he has set blacks back 50 years or more while you support him.
More plantation propaganda courtesy of left wing MSN and Newsweek. Justice Thomas is a symbol of what Blacks can achieve with hard work. That's why he is an enemy of the left.
We don't need Thomas for any example.

The Clarence Thomas myth that refuses to die​

It’s the horror movie villain that won’t die, the pop song you can’t get out of your head, the out-of-town guest that just won’t leave.

It’s a belief that’s stuck like a tick in the collective memory of some white conservatives.

It’s the notion that black people despise Clarence Thomas because he’s a conservative.

It’s not only a myth but a con.

Thomas isn’t despised in the black community because he’s a conservative. Many dislike him because they see him as a hypocrite and a traitor.

Yet many white conservatives keep recycling the same selective stories about Thomas. These stories don’t just distort black culture – they carry an undercurrent of racism.

He’s not the only black leader who talks about self-reliance
But the way some white conservatives tell the story of Thomas’ rise from poverty also perpetuates racist stereotypes. They imply that Thomas and his hard working, no excuses grandfather are unusual characters in the black community. They depict Thomas as this lonely apostle of self-reliance, as if most black people prefer sitting on the couch drinking Kool-Aid while waiting for the government to send them a check.

Here’s some news: Black people have been practicing self-reliance for centuries. We’ve had to, for survival. We know through bitter experience that white America’s investment in racial equality is sporadic. Racial progress has always been followed by a “whitelash.”

Thomas’ stern grandfather is a familiar figure in the black community. Plenty of black people can tell you stories of grandparents, pastors, teachers, and coaches who all preached the same message: Rely on yourself, because you can’t rely on white people.

It’s almost impossible to find a revered black leader who didn’t preach some form of this message.

He cast an ‘atrocious’ vote against black America

There’s something else many white conservatives miss: The contradiction between Thomas’ words and actions.

Thomas has lectured blacks about not defining themselves as racial victims. He once criticized civil rights leaders who he said, “B*tch, b*tch, b*tch, moan and moan and whine” about the Reagan administration.

But when his nomination to the Supreme Court was threatened by Anita Hill’s allegations of sexual harassment, he played the race card by saying he was the victim of a “high-tech lynching.”

Thomas has lectured blacks about the evils of affirmative action. Yet he made it into Yale Law School because of an affirmative action program.

“His entire career is a result of thrusts for diversity that he would deny in others,”
-Lawrence Goldstone, author of “On Account of Race: The Supreme Court, White Supremacy, and the Ravaging of African American Voting Rights
But it’s Thomas’ voting record that has cemented the cynicism many blacks feel toward him.

Critics say he has consistently voted against black people as well as other marginalized groups: women, LGBTQ people, religious minorities and death row inmates.

He is the first Supreme Court justice to openly criticize the high court’s landmark civil rights ruling, Brown v. Board of Education.

And he joined a 2013 high court decision – Shelby County v. Holder – that eviscerated the Voting Rights Act, the crown jewel of the civil rights movement.

Here is Thomas providing a crucial vote to cripple legislation for which the proponents of racial justice marched, bled, and in some instances died.
-Randall Kennedy, author and law professor

His vote on Shelby contributed to “the most unjustifiable and hurtful decision imposed on black America in the past half century,” Randall Kennedy, an author and professor at Harvard Law School, wrote in a recent article on Thomas.

"There is nothing you can do to get past black skin. I don’t care how educated you are, how good you are at what you do – you’ll never … be seen as equal to whites."-Clarence Thomas

Here we see that Thomas has internalized racism and has accepted that he himself no matter what can be equal to whites. That is what these right wingers here would call black victimhood if a black person who has not helped support the right-wing racist agenda made this comment. But Thomas is hailed as a great man because he's carrying the bucket like a good lawn jockey.
Then how do you explain Asians?

Asians - nearly every ethnic group, including very poor countries like the Philippines, outperform whites despite all the racism in America.

So maybe, instead of whining about what white folks did wrong, incessantly, look at what Asians are doing right.

Intact families, pushing to work hard.

Fathers in the homes.......
What in the fuck do Asians have to do with a discussion about Clarence Thomas?
We don't need Thomas for any example.

The Clarence Thomas myth that refuses to die​

It’s the horror movie villain that won’t die, the pop song you can’t get out of your head, the out-of-town guest that just won’t leave.

It’s a belief that’s stuck like a tick in the collective memory of some white conservatives.

It’s the notion that black people despise Clarence Thomas because he’s a conservative.

It’s not only a myth but a con.

Thomas isn’t despised in the black community because he’s a conservative. Many dislike him because they see him as a hypocrite and a traitor.

Yet many white conservatives keep recycling the same selective stories about Thomas. These stories don’t just distort black culture – they carry an undercurrent of racism.

He’s not the only black leader who talks about self-reliance
But the way some white conservatives tell the story of Thomas’ rise from poverty also perpetuates racist stereotypes. They imply that Thomas and his hard working, no excuses grandfather are unusual characters in the black community. They depict Thomas as this lonely apostle of self-reliance, as if most black people prefer sitting on the couch drinking Kool-Aid while waiting for the government to send them a check.

Here’s some news: Black people have been practicing self-reliance for centuries. We’ve had to, for survival. We know through bitter experience that white America’s investment in racial equality is sporadic. Racial progress has always been followed by a “whitelash.”

Thomas’ stern grandfather is a familiar figure in the black community. Plenty of black people can tell you stories of grandparents, pastors, teachers, and coaches who all preached the same message: Rely on yourself, because you can’t rely on white people.

It’s almost impossible to find a revered black leader who didn’t preach some form of this message.

He cast an ‘atrocious’ vote against black America

There’s something else many white conservatives miss: The contradiction between Thomas’ words and actions.

Thomas has lectured blacks about not defining themselves as racial victims. He once criticized civil rights leaders who he said, “B*tch, b*tch, b*tch, moan and moan and whine” about the Reagan administration.

But when his nomination to the Supreme Court was threatened by Anita Hill’s allegations of sexual harassment, he played the race card by saying he was the victim of a “high-tech lynching.”

Thomas has lectured blacks about the evils of affirmative action. Yet he made it into Yale Law School because of an affirmative action program.

“His entire career is a result of thrusts for diversity that he would deny in others,”
-Lawrence Goldstone, author of “On Account of Race: The Supreme Court, White Supremacy, and the Ravaging of African American Voting Rights
But it’s Thomas’ voting record that has cemented the cynicism many blacks feel toward him.

Critics say he has consistently voted against black people as well as other marginalized groups: women, LGBTQ people, religious minorities and death row inmates.

He is the first Supreme Court justice to openly criticize the high court’s landmark civil rights ruling, Brown v. Board of Education.

And he joined a 2013 high court decision – Shelby County v. Holder – that eviscerated the Voting Rights Act, the crown jewel of the civil rights movement.

Here is Thomas providing a crucial vote to cripple legislation for which the proponents of racial justice marched, bled, and in some instances died.
-Randall Kennedy, author and law professor

His vote on Shelby contributed to “the most unjustifiable and hurtful decision imposed on black America in the past half century,” Randall Kennedy, an author and professor at Harvard Law School, wrote in a recent article on Thomas.

"There is nothing you can do to get past black skin. I don’t care how educated you are, how good you are at what you do – you’ll never … be seen as equal to whites."-Clarence Thomas

Here we see that Thomas has internalized racism and has accepted that he himself no matter what can be equal to whites. That is what these right wingers here would call black victimhood if a black person who has not helped support the right-wing racist agenda made this comment. But Thomas is hailed as a great man because he's carrying the bucket like a good lawn jockey.

And you still defend the democrat party and the nation of islam..........XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX....

Thomas is a hero, who rules according to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, not according to skin color...and you can't stand taht.
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