Ketanji Hauls $1.5M in ONE YEAR, But Media FREAKS Over Clarence Thomas’s $100K.

What black man did I call an embarrassment? I mean I think some are, Al Sharpton was quite the embarrassment, what he did to the Duke Larcrosee players for example…what an embarrassment
How many nights did any if them spend in jail?

How many years did the Central Park 5 spend in prison?

What did Rev Sharpton do to the Duke LaCrosse players?

Last I checked I am a strong black man and you were speaking of me.
Squeals the moron pumping out incessant progressive propaganda.

Go kiss Ole Joey bribems butt.

Give it a good tongue washing. I'm sure he needs it again.
Get off Trump’s dick and every other white man's ass you kiss. It's boot lickers and racist who are trying to pit black folks and Hispanics against each other. Sorry fuck boy, we aren't going for it.
How many nights did any if them spend in jail?

How many years did the Central Park 5 spend in prison?

What did Rev Sharpton do to the Duke LaCrosse players?

Last I checked I am a strong black man and you were speaking of me.
1) I have no idea, why does that make it less of an embarrassment?
2) yes that was horrible and the Dem DA did that too…another embarrassment
3) well really Sharpton took advantage of a young, poor, black girl and exploited her and used the Duke laracross players as pawns as well pushing a false narrative…not the first time he did that.
1) I have no idea, why does that make it less of an embarrassment?

You really need to ask that dumbass question?

]quote]2) yes that was horrible and the Dem DA did that too…another embarrassment.
Does that make your Orange God an embarrassment as well since he heaped praises on her and still claims they are guilty.
3) well really Sharpton took advantage of a young, poor, black girl and exploited her and used the Duke laracross players as pawns as well pushing a false narrative…not the first time he did that.
Explain how he did that, show us where he had anything to do with that case.
No one said it was illegal. Just sketchy. I find it hard to believe that enough people are actually interested in the biographies of not very well known political figures in order to justify the large sums of money publishers are paying them.
Her advance was $893,000.

Cost of book: $35

Thomas's book sold 242,000 copies.

That's $8,470,000 in revenue. She will probably sell even more copies. Sotomayor's best selling book sold 331,000 copies.

Feel better about it now?
We are, but we are not going to the party that is worse. What has the Republican party done in the last 70yrs that has helped black folks?
You think you speak for all Blacks as far as the Republican Party but the numbers say otherwise. Ask the Blacks that are going to the Republican Party. Better yet, ask them what Democrats are not doing for them.
You think you speak for all Blacks as far as the Republican Party but the numbers say otherwise. Ask the Blacks that are going to the Republican Party. Better yet, ask them what Democrats are not doing for them.
No I don't speak for all black folks, but I am pretty sure I know what we are thinking better than you. It's only handful of black folks that are falling for that Republican bullshit. I can tell them a lot more than Republicans have done.
Get off Trump’s dick and every other white man's ass you kiss. It's boot lickers and racist who are trying to pit black folks and Hispanics against each other. Sorry fuck boy, we aren't going for it.
Sure you are you stupid twit. The progressives you spread your ass cheeks for are replacing you.

And you help them!
No I don't speak for all black folks, but I am pretty sure I know what we are thinking better than you. It's only handful of black folks that are falling for that Republican bullshit. I can tell them a lot more than Republicans have done.
The handful is growing.
You mean sell outs who actually work against black folks, funny how black folks do better under Democrats.
Back folks did well historically under the Democrat party. Thw Democrat Party, formerally known as the " Party of Slavery".

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