Thomas has accepted $4M in gifts during career: Watchdog

You really got nothing Skippy

When faced with an argument you can’t refute, you just cover your ears and deny, deny, deny

You are a one trick pony
You’ve proved to be devoid of thought and unable to defend any of your claims.

So, in summary, you’ve failed yet again. 😎
Exactly. I understand the amount is high, but his best friend is a billionaire. I mean, duh.
Gotta get the token black!
And what's worse, a white billionaire. Harlan Crow and Thomas are about the same age and met at some function I think in Dallas. If there was any quid pro quo going on, the criticism of the friendship might have some validity but there just isn't any.
And what's worse, a white billionaire. Harlan Crow and Thomas are about the same age and met at some function I think in Dallas. If there was any quid pro quo going on, the criticism of the friendship might have some validity but there just isn't any.

Again, the man is a Supreme Court Justice.
He needs to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest.
Harlan Crow is a major conservative donor.
Causes any Thomas decision to be in question
If Harlan Crow and Clarence Thomas are just “good friends” and Harlan buys him gifts.

Can Thomas show any gifts he has provided Crow during their friendship?
Thomas is a millionaire.
I’m sure he must have bought him something
If Harlan Crow and Clarence Thomas are just “good friends” and Harlan buys him gifts.

Can Thomas show any gifts he has provided Crow during their friendship?
Thomas is a millionaire.
I’m sure he must have bought him something
If Harlan Crow and Clarence Thomas are just “good friends” and Harlan buys him gifts.

Can Thomas show any gifts he has provided Crow during their friendship?
Thomas is a millionaire.
I’m sure he must have bought him something
What business is it anybody's but theirs if he did? I'm sure he has given gifts to good friends. Don't you? Is that any business of anybody but you?

Democrats have been accusing Clarence Thomas--maliciously and with no merit to their accusations--ever since he was nominated for the high court. Anybody who has ever studied the track record of the man, anybody who has ever listened to him speak, knows how mean spirited and unethical those accusations have been. This new charge is nothing more than a politically motivated attack probably to divert attention from the Hunter trial.

What is to be looked at is whether the friend is benefitting from any decision by the High Court that in any way looks like repayment for favors/gifts between friends. There is nothing there. God forbid Clarence Thomas has a close friend who turns out to be rich.

Its called bribery. Thats the business.
There has to be a bribe in order for there to be bribery. Nobody but NOBODY has turned up a single instance in which the friend has benefitted in any way from the friendship. If there was a decision that came up regarding Crow, Thomas of course would have to recuse himself. But otherwise there is no quid pro quo that anybody has identified ever.
They have issues before the court.
He received financial support.
That is bribery and at least worthy of recusal.
Post your evidence which I'm pretty sure you don't have for that. Not even any of the most anti-Trump, anti-Thomas sources have reported any benefit to Crow coming from his friendship with Thomas.
Post your evidence which I'm pretty sure you don't have for that. Not even any of the most anti-Trump, anti-Thomas sources have reported any benefit to Crow coming from his friendship with Thomas.
How on earth would that NOT violate impropriety? How would it look if Fauci took $4mm?
The operative word is “bribes.” But you gloss over actual meaning.

Not really responsive.

The use of the word “bribe” is flatly wrong
Not really responsive.

The use of the word “bribe” is flatly wrong
Gifts bribes, its all unethical and against the Fed's own legal standards. No one just gives someone $4mm. COme on Man!
Gifts bribes, it’s all unethical and against the Fed's own legal standards. No one just gives someone $4mm. COme on Man!
Nope. Gifts aren’t bribes. Bribes are bribes. I keep having to remind all the folks on the left that words have meaning.

License federal “standards?”

And if a billionaire gifts his long time friend over the course of a couple decades vacations and rides etc then your last assertion is flatly wrong. Biased. But wrong.

Come on man.
And if a billionaire gifts his long time friend over the course of a couple decades vacations and rides etc then your last assertion is flatly wrong. Biased. But wrong.
Nope. It violates the ethics rules. No one just gives someone $4MM in gifts.
Nope. It violates the ethics rules. No one just gives someone $4MM in gifts.
Repeating your unsupported contention doesn’t support it.

And yes. A billionaire apparently did gift someone — over the course of a long time — things that amount to a few million.
Repeating your unsupported contention doesn’t support it.

And yes. A billionaire apparently did gift someone — over the course of a long time — things that amount to a few million.
Thats not a gift. Thats a lease with an option to buy.

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