Ketanji Hauls $1.5M in ONE YEAR, But Media FREAKS Over Clarence Thomas’s $100K.

Just the usual leftoid/Democrat/MSM hypocrisy. Which is basically all they've got.

Pathetic as usual. And the usual BS "book deal" that sees leftist publishers shovel money to Dems.

Left-wing activists and Democrats seeking to undermine the legitimacy of the U.S. Supreme Court have repeatedly attacked Justice Clarence Thomas over allegations that he received $4 million in gifts over the past 33 years on the bench. However, these activists are ignoring the lucrative secret incomes being raked by the more liberal wing of the court, including its newest and most progressive member, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.​
As revealed in recent financial disclosures, U.S. Supreme Court justices reported a collective $1.5 million in book income last year. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson was the highest earner from book advances, receiving $893,750 for her forthcoming memoir. That marks a nearly $1 million earning in a single year, compared to Justice Thomas, who has been under unrelenting pressure for $4 million in alternative earnings over a period of 33 years—or just over $100,000 per year.​

Geeeeeeeeeee, I wonder why the media only report on stories about the conservative members of the court?
Just the usual leftoid/Democrat/MSM hypocrisy. Which is basically all they've got.

Pathetic as usual. And the usual BS "book deal" that sees leftist publishers shovel money to Dems.

Left-wing activists and Democrats seeking to undermine the legitimacy of the U.S. Supreme Court have repeatedly attacked Justice Clarence Thomas over allegations that he received $4 million in gifts over the past 33 years on the bench. However, these activists are ignoring the lucrative secret incomes being raked by the more liberal wing of the court, including its newest and most progressive member, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.​
As revealed in recent financial disclosures, U.S. Supreme Court justices reported a collective $1.5 million in book income last year. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson was the highest earner from book advances, receiving $893,750 for her forthcoming memoir. That marks a nearly $1 million earning in a single year, compared to Justice Thomas, who has been under unrelenting pressure for $4 million in alternative earnings over a period of 33 years—or just over $100,000 per year.​

So who here is confused with the difference between earning your own money and gifts from corporate masters?

Besides the OP and idiot author, that is.
i think both parties see voting Blocks but Democrats view individuals as to what voting Block they are or should be part whereas Republicans treat the individual as an individual.
Voting blocks make sense if they are based on some shared belief. Environmentalism or some religious belief. Social class even. If 1 party or another aligns with that shared belief it makes sense that the majority of the people that have that belief would vote as a block for that party. What doesn't make sense is the thinking that some shared immutable characteristic like genitalia or your skin color would be the same way. Sorry but that's crazy fucking racist/sexist IMO. I don't understand why anyone who is grouped into a political belief based on an immutable characteristic isn't wildly offended. The fact that Charlamagne the god didnt tell Biden to fuck all the way off when he said “You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” is insane to me.
Maybe she'll spend some of that money on some biology courses, so she'll be able to define a 'woman' in the future.
But people with a lot of education understand that we are not amoeba, defined by our genetics. That the human experience is defined by our minds and psychology, not our genes.

So the intentionally shallow and mindless set will be disappointed.
So who here is confused with the difference between earning your own money and gifts from corporate masters?

Besides the OP and idiot author, that is.
The book deals seem sketchy. Some of them I'm sure make money. The Obama's 2 book deal for 65 million was probably a money maker for the publisher. But other's I have doubts. Brown Jackson isn't well known enough to sell tons of books I wouldn't think. Seems like a way to funnel money to people.
The book deals seem sketchy. Some of them I'm sure make money. The Obama's 2 book deal for 65 million was probably a money maker for the publisher. But other's I have doubts. Brown Jackson isn't well known enough to sell tons of books I wouldn't think. Seems like a way to funnel money to people.
Huh? Whose money? So book publishers are illegally laundering money that comes in the form of checks written to the book publishers?

You haven't thought this through.

You're thinking of the bizarre Trump family scam where they have donors buy up their books in bulk, after the books are published. Which isn't illegal.
Not all Blacks agree with you that Biden and the Democrats are for Blacks and that Trump and Republicans are against Blacks.
See that is what dumb kiss ass clowns like you don't understand, black folks are not in love with Biden. We just know that Trump is a much bigger POS.
I think the one that knows what is best for Blacks is the individual Black voter and not some cranky old white man who didn’t want his kids and Black kids going to school together.
Of course we do, that's why we don't vote for republicans.
She's writing a book. She got an advance. If the blob ever has his memoirs published, there will be two truths.

One; he will get an advance.

Two; he will have written two more books than he has ever read.
Three; leftists will fly into hysterics and demand the book be banned and Trump be thrown in jail for writing it.
Waters is objectively stupid. Seriously she’s fucking dumb. She’s not remotely alone in Congress there are tons of idiots roaming those halls. Not sure why you’d want to hold her up as a role model.

Reid is a partisan hack talking head. Her knowledge and understanding on any topic is about 1mm deep.

With the number of actual intelligent, talented, successful black women out there not sure why you’d putting up those 2 as models.
So, tell me CP who are some of the successful black women out there that I should be putting up as models.
You need to start paying attention to real news. The list of politically active individuals or organizations that might have or will have desired specific outcomes from the court is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.

I like the headlines that speak of his corrupt ethics and morality (note: I am usually defending Thomas as a Justice).

Justice Clarence Thomas Acknowledges He Should Have Disclosed Free Trips From Billionaire Donor​

The trips include vacations in Indonesia and at the exclusive, men’s-only Bohemian Grove retreat, which were first reported by ProPublica last year.​

Clarence Thomas’s decisions have been benefiting wealthy donors like Harlan Crow — for decades​

Thomas has accepted $4M in gifts during career: Watchdog​

See that is what dumb kiss ass clowns like you don't understand, black folks are not in love with Biden. We just know that Trump is a much bigger POS.
more and more people of color are sick and tired of taking it in the ass for the party and having to put up with Biden’s comments that make a mockery of Blacks.
Wow a boot licking, coon has the nerve to call a black man an embarrassment. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Tell me Struth why do 92% of black folks not vote for republicans? Why is it that black republicans are silent when it comes to the injustices that black folks face in America? Why is it that black republicans give these so-called speeches to predominately anti-black white audiences? Why is it we never see these black republicans talking to black folks? Why is it you can never tell black folks why we should start voting for republicans?
What black man did I call an embarrassment? I mean I think some are, Al Sharpton was quite the embarrassment, what he did to the Duke Larcrosee players for example…what an embarrassment
So, tell me CP who are some of the successful black women out there that I should be putting up as models.
I’ve already listed 2 who are eminently more deserving than the 2 you listed.

Michele Obama
Brown Jackson
Tina Wells
Serena Williams

Do you need an exhaustive list?
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Huh? Whose money? So book publishers are illegally laundering money that comes in the form of checks written to the book publishers?

You haven't thought this through.

You're thinking of the bizarre Trump family scam where they have donors buy up their books in bulk, after the books are published. Which isn't illegal.
No one said it was illegal. Just sketchy. I find it hard to believe that enough people are actually interested in the biographies of not very well known political figures in order to justify the large sums of money publishers are paying them. Biographies in general arent all that popular to begin with, biographies of random political figures are even less popular. The same goes for speaking engagements. It just so happens that all the companies and industries that these politicians help during their time in office give them big bags of cash to come do an hour long speech? Im sure it's just coincidence. Again Im not saying it's illegal but it's sketchy.
I tell you what, your boot licking ass has that right wing propaganda down to a T.
Squeals the moron pumping out incessant progressive propaganda.

Go kiss Ole Joey bribems butt.

Give it a good tongue washing. I'm sure he needs it again.
more and more people of color are sick and tired of taking it in the ass for the party and having to put up with Biden’s comments that make a mockery of Blacks.
We are, but we are not going to the party that is worse. What has the Republican party done in the last 70yrs that has helped black folks?

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