Sellout you live out here?.....they opposed equal rights for gay people twice.....they are not nice when talking about brown people.....fuck your hypocritical party....
I have lived on the west coast. I know racism exists, but the overall policies of the Democratic party are not racist. The Republican party is fghting to end equal opportunity under a fake claim of anti white discrimination. Thats been the argument of white supremacists since the Civil Rights Act was passed. You talk shit like California represents everything. I live in the midwest, and every state in this region that is republican has severe racial probems and whites are trying everything they can to stop non white progress. Democrats are more racialy inclusive and fair around these parts.
I have lived on the west coast. I know racism exists, but the overall policies of the Democratic party are not racist. The Republican party is fghting to end equal opportunity under a fake claim of anti white discrimination. Thats been the argument of white supremacists since the Civil Rights Act was passed. You talk shit like California represents everything. I live in the midwest, and every state in this region that is republican has severe racial probems and whites are trying everything they can to stop non white progress. Democrats are more racialy inclusive and fair around these parts.
yea they are for you im when they are standing in front of you....just dont move into their neighborhood....
yea they are for you im when they are standing in front of you....just dont move into their neighborhood....
I've lived in their neighborhood. Republican policies are the problem.
I've lived in their neighborhood. Republican policies are the problem.
lol...wealthy democrats are just as bad....i have had a good 10 years dealing with them,if you moved into their neighborhood they would be chatting among themselves ....."oh shit did you see who just bought the house down the street?"....yea they wont say it to your face,but they dont want you there....
both of the current parties are jokes....

No they are not. Not even close.

sorry IM there aint anyway you are going to convince me that the democrat party is any in California showed me what kind of party they are....they favor the rich.....are just as bigoted as any republican...and they are not as good at governing that they claim to be....and they, just like the republicans, have a lot of shady incompetent people running the show...

The federal LAWS all favour the rich, because the rich people wrote those laws. The rich seem to operate on the belief that what is good for THEM, is good for everybody. Both parties are forced by federal laws to limit their size and scope, forcing them to rely on the private sector for almost everything outside of law enforcement. There's also certain criteria a company has to achieve to do business with the feds, that blocks new or small businesses from bidding for government contracts, which favour largers, well funded, long standing corporations, pretty much blocking out newer, younger applicants, and those with less capital to work with.

The tax and business laws which you rightfully say "favour the rich" have all been written since 1980, when Reagan was elected, and rewrote the tax and labour laws. All of the laws which funnel 80% of the wealth of the nation to the top 10% were all written by Republicans. Instead of increasing the minimum wage, Republicans increased the "earned income credits", which gave America's wealth corporations a substantial wage subsidy for minimum wage workers, at the expense of working and middle class Americans.

Since Reagan, when Democrats have won the White House, the Republicans use the Senate Filibuster rules, to stop Democrats from changing the tax or labour laws in any meaningful way, and Democrats haven't had a super-majority in the Senate to pass meaningful changes to the tax or labour laws.

Trump's tax cuts, which limited the amount of state and local taxes deductible from your federal income, really hurt New York and California, both of which have high state and local taxes, because they provide great value to low income citizens.
No they are not. Not even close.

The federal LAWS all favour the rich, because the rich people wrote those laws. The rich seem to operate on the belief that what is good for THEM, is good for everybody. Both parties are forced by federal laws to limit their size and scope, forcing them to rely on the private sector for almost everything outside of law enforcement. There's also certain criteria a company has to achieve to do business with the feds, that blocks new or small businesses from bidding for government contracts, which favour largers, well funded, long standing corporations, pretty much blocking out newer, younger applicants, and those with less capital to work with.

The tax and business laws which you rightfully say "favour the rich" have all been written since 1980, when Reagan was elected, and rewrote the tax and labour laws. All of the laws which funnel 80% of the wealth of the nation to the top 10% were all written by Republicans. Instead of increasing the minimum wage, Republicans increased the "earned income credits", which gave America's wealth corporations a substantial wage subsidy for minimum wage workers, at the expense of working and middle class Americans.

Since Reagan, when Democrats have won the White House, the Republicans use the Senate Filibuster rules, to stop Democrats from changing the tax or labour laws in any meaningful way, and Democrats haven't had a super-majority in the Senate to pass meaningful changes to the tax or labour laws.

Trump's tax cuts, which limited the amount of state and local taxes deductible from your federal income, really hurt New York and California, both of which have high state and local taxes, because they provide great value to low income citizens.
yea they are...both are jokes....and California provides great value to its low income citizens?...what a crock of shit....they cant afford to live there....some value....
yea they are for you im when they are standing in front of you....just dont move into their neighborhood....

I'd rather have someone tell me they don't want me in their neighbourhood than someone who cuts funding to my kids' schools, local recreational programs and facilities, closes all the polling stations in my neighbourhood, and overpolices the community criminalizing, low income black people with excessive traffic charges and using excessive force in arrests.
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Here is the picture of a sellout. Not only has he sold out the black community, he has sold out America. This is a supreme court justice. He is the ultimate arbiter of the law. Yet he has taken gifts from people, some who have had cases in front of the court. Out of 5 million dollars in gifts gven to the justices, Thomas got 80 percent, or 4 million dollars worth of gifts. It's time the Supreme Court gets incuded in the overhaul or reform of our justice system. It's time for Thomas to go.

Watchdog: Of $5M in gifts to all Supreme Court justices, Thomas took $4M​

Supreme Court justices combined have received nearly $5 million in gifts over the past 20 years, and Justice Clarence Thomas received the lion's share.

Data release Thursday by judiciary watchdog Fix the Court found the high court's nine justices have accepted 344 gifts valued at almost $3 million since 2004. Adding 202 gifts for eight justices who have stepped down since then, that number grows to over $4.7 million.

Thomas, alone, has accepted 193 gifts valued at over $4 million. The report also noted the George H.W. Bush appointee received an additional 126 "likely but not confirmed gifts."

The group added Thomas only reported 27 of the gifts on his financial disclosures.

He is a great man. A great American. A great Justice.

And you’re an asshole for denigrating him out of your brainless misguided political stupidity. And your racism.
I'd rather have someone tell me they don't want me in their neighbourhood than someone who cuts funding to my kids' schools, local recreational programs and facilities, closes all the polling stations in my neighbourhood, and overpolices the community criminalizing, low income black people with excessive traffic charges and using excessive force in arrests.
who does that?.....
who does that?.....

Nobody. And it is usually blacks who cry for more police and crime prevention. The Congressional Black Caucus demanded Nixon start his War On Drugs as a response to the heroin epidemics that had been sweeping the black communities for over a decade, and then the crack epidemics, and now they snivel cuz hey, it turns out it's black dope dealers and users who were getting arrested the most in black run neighborhoods. Gee whoda thunk? Idiots.

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