Have you noticed the phrasing by the media to be like this?

When I went to journalism school we had that who, what, where. when, why and also how drilled into us and those needed to be in the first paragraph of the story whenever possible and within the first two paragraphs always. No pertinent facts were to be buried deep in the story hoping the reader wouldn't get that far.

Any suggestion of reporter bias in a straight news story would get us an F from the professor and a slap down from a newspaper editor or the news director at the TV station.

If we put in a news story that Donald Trump falsely said whatever, I'm pretty sure we would have been shown the door. If you know the subject lied, you quote somebody else saying so or you source verifiable accurate information, but you keep your own opinion out of it and allow the reader/audience decide whether somebody lied. The only place allowed for our own opinion was under our byline on the opinion page. Even there we were required to be ethical and honest and say only what we knew for a fact was true.

For the huge majority of media out there now, journalism is dead and the only thing the public gets is propaganda.
Well said. Trumps problem was as president and now for a fact is they say sources said. And never name the sources.
When I went to journalism school we had that who, what, where. when, why and also how drilled into us and those needed to be in the first paragraph of the story whenever possible and within the first two paragraphs always. No pertinent facts were to be buried deep in the story hoping the reader wouldn't get that far.

Any suggestion of reporter bias in a straight news story would get us an F from the professor and a slap down from a newspaper editor or the news director at the TV station.

If we put in a news story that Donald Trump falsely said whatever, I'm pretty sure we would have been shown the door. If you know the subject lied, you quote somebody else saying so or you source verifiable accurate information, but you keep your own opinion out of it and allow the reader/audience decide whether somebody lied. The only place allowed for our own opinion was under our byline on the opinion page. Even there we were required to be ethical and honest and say only what we knew for a fact was true.

For the huge majority of media out there now, journalism is dead and the only thing the public gets is propaganda.
I spent a couple of years delivering two newspapers, but one each year. The news then was vastly different than now. Then it was news and not propaganda.
Well said. Trumps problem was as president and now for a fact is they say sources said. And never name the sources.
Which we would not be allowed to do except in extreme circumstances in which the anonymity of the source was as important as the story. And even then we had to keep it objective and non judgmental on our part. If our source gave us a judgmental quote that was spot on we could use it if we knew it to be true. But ethics required us to check the veracity of our source before ruining somebody's reputation on impugning his/her integrity even if we thought the person deserved that.
Which we would not be allowed to do except in extreme circumstances in which the anonymity of the source was as important as the story. And even then we had to keep it objective and non judgmental on our part. If our source gave us a judgmental quote that was spot on we could use it if we knew it to be true. But ethics required us to check the veracity of our source before ruining somebody's reputation on impugning his/her integrity even if we thought the person deserved that.
Will we see the press criticising themselves?
I spent a couple of years delivering two newspapers, but one each year. The news then was vastly different than now. Then it was news and not propaganda.
In the case of all reputable media who still cared about honesty, ethics, integrity, doing no harm to the innocent, etc., yes it was very different then.

Once the leftists infiltrated and took over almost all mass communications within the United States, the media became heavily biased. And now with the huge lion's share of media, education, social media, scientific institutions, entertainment, government, big business--all who control message--now controlled by the Democrat Party and/or deep state, we have no means to know if we are being told fact or malicious/manipulative propaganda.
Will we see the press criticising themselves?
No. Not in any meaningful way anyway. In the past if we inadvertently implicated an innocent person in something or got something seriously wrong, we printed a retraction on the front page above the fold where it would be seen by all. That was our definition of integrity.

Doesn't happen any more except by the miniscule number of authentic journalists with integrity who are still out there.
I'm not the one who said IBD is far right. You did. Which is sort of the point of the thread, i.e. how the right is described versus how the left is described. I doubt I could go back through your posts and find where you described anything or anyone as far left.
You are MAGA, unAmerican, and unconstitutional. SCOTUS is trying to send us back to the early days of the Republic. It will fail.
He will be defeated. And then the search for those like you begins.

There are many more of us than you, and we are committed to the irradication of criminal MAGAism.
I will believe you if you impeach Biden, try him in a court of law and send him to prison.
You are MAGA, unAmerican, and unconstitutional. SCOTUS is trying to send us back to the early days of the Republic. It will fail.
MAGA Foxfyre is extremely AMERICAN. She among other Republicans are right Republicans. Can't top her.
This is not merely done in America. The media does this for all countries. The media I am talking of is the American media.

What do they do? When they discuss Democrats and say left, it is always a gentle left. When they mention the right, they always say "far right."
If you have examples showing I am wrong, delight yourself by showing them.
You are correct

The globalist media does the same thing to politicians in europe

Le Pen and other conservatives is always called far right
I have never seen or heard that statement.

can you link to it being used

Find me one MSM article about the far Left.








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