Clarence Thomas Is Not a Black Hero—He's an Enemy of Black People

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This is how blacks feel about Thomas. But right-wing whites love him. Why? Because Thomas is working to help them get their pro white agenda accomplished. They consider anyone black who opposes black progress as independent thinkers. Funny how that is.

Clarence Thomas Is Not a Black Hero—He's an Enemy of Black People​

Throughout Black History Month, we recall the achievements of Black Americans. These include the champions of the Civil Rights Movement—monumental leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Ella Baker. The first Black Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall, also looms large; Marshall fought for civil rights long before assuming his rightful position in the highest court in the land. Marshall led the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and was known for fighting segregation in schools, a fight which culminated in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision.

That type of legacy is deserving of the utmost regard and respect during Black History Month and every other day—and it stands in stark contrast to his successor on the court, Justice Clarence Thomas.

Thomas was nominated by Republican President George H.W. Bush and has served on the high court since 1991. But he is no Thurgood Marshall. Where Marshall fought tooth and nail to upend threats to equity, civil rights, and justice, Thomas fights to take America back. He fights against the working class and minorities, finding unique ways to fight against the Black community he hails from in the process. It's why Black Americans shouldn't celebrate Justice Thomas during Black History Month. He simply doesn't deserve it.

The Black community doesn't celebrate Thomas because Thomas does everything in his power to make life worse for us.

Black History Month isn't a time to glorify a threat to Black progress. Clarence Thomas has proven himself time and time again to be an enemy to Black people. Who needs white supremacists when a Black man who benefited from civil rights wins is leading the charge to destroy the very policies that made his career possible?

Im2 gives us a cut n paste by a black political hate monger

Big deal
This shows the purposeful amnesia on the right hand side of the white race. Whites have been given racial preferences since day number 1 and we don't see whites talking about standards being lowered because of it. So here we see a racist comment.
We are in decline. Whatever the reason that is happening. Cell phones, video platforms, modern TV's and social media technology does not make that a lie. We have problems finding people to even work on industrial, military, high tech projects and now have parts issues for those things. College degrees in useless things with too many people talkers at employment than walkers.
This shows the purposeful amnesia on the right hand side of the white race. Whites have been given racial preferences since day number 1 and we don't see whites talking about standards being lowered because of it. So here we see a racist comment.
Then how do you explain Asians?

Asians - nearly every ethnic group, including very poor countries like the Philippines, outperform whites despite all the racism in America.

So maybe, instead of whining about what white folks did wrong, incessantly, look at what Asians are doing right.
Momentary Pause to remind all of the thread topic and to stay on the thread topic of the debate.

Clarence Thomas Is Not a Black Hero—He's an Enemy of Black People​

Enjoy the thread.:cool:
Isn't the OP trolling his own thread by calling anyone who doesn't agree with him a "white racist"?
Isn't the OP trolling his own thread by calling anyone who doesn't agree with him a "white racist"?
No. Because your support or agreement with Thomas is due to your own beliefs. It is the only reason you would support a black man who voted to overturn the voting rights act, as well as the policy that gave him the entry point into a society he never would have been allowed to enter.
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Wrong. I am a well-educated accomplished black man that opposes the continuing racism coming from whites like you. Now don't give me that angry black boy shit when white men are mad about shit they have made up.

How'd you become so well educated and 'accomplished' living in such a 'racist' country?

You are so full of hate, it's disgusting.
Your support of Thomas shows what you are. Now I'm not going to spend all day looking for anything just because you want to lie about the fact that you're a racist. Read your own opinions about blacks then figure it out and stop demanding that I show you something.
Once again you demonstrate you can't back up your lies, liar.

Mod deleted sentence.
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You are so racist
Funny how you bitches moan about how I never criticize blacks but when I do, then I am a racist. I'm quite sure if I was saying the same things about Al Sharpton that you would consider me the greatest black man alive. I'm no racist for opposing a black crooked POS who has spent his entire career trying to take blacks back into Jim Crow with his decisions on the bench.
Nobody owes him jack shit.
I must totally confess, I am jealous of the super rich myself. I don't see why they should have all of that money while it wouldn't be one piece of skin off their ass if they gave me a paltry 100k that they wouldn't even miss. But, I know they don't owe me anything, not one damn thing, and I don't deserve to have some of their money given to me for not even doing one damn thing to earn it, other than being jealous of them.
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How'd you become so well educated and 'accomplished' living in such a 'racist' country?

You are so full of hate, it's disgusting.
Why do mod edit you ask these dumb questions? Does the fact I did these things erase the fact that Amerca still has serious race problems? Now try to stay on topic because this thread is about Clarence Thomas and not your opinion because you don't like the fact that I can't stand a black uncle tome who voted to gut provisions of the voting r9ghts act, and the very policy that started him on the road to becoming a supreme court justice.
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Thread is temporarily Locked for announcement and instruction.

All members on "both sides" of the discussion are instructed to knock off the racist and personal attacks, and stick to the thread topic, or be removed from the discussion, as trolling attack. Agree, disagree on topic, and why, will be sufficient.

Thread Topic:

Clarence Thomas Is Not a Black Hero—He's an Enemy of Black People​

Thread Open for Business.
Enjoy the thread. :cool:

The Most Baffling Argument a Supreme Court Justice Has Ever Made​

An opinion from Justice Clarence Thomas exposed the limits of originalism.

Midway through his concurrence with the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down affirmative action, Justice Clarence Thomas deploys one of the most absurd and baffling arguments ever put to paper by a justice.

In order to argue that the Framers of the Fourteenth Amendment did not intend to authorize racially specific efforts to alleviate inequality, Thomas finds himself forced to explain the existence of the Freedmen’s Bureau, which was reauthorized in 1866 by the same Congress that approved the Fourteenth Amendment. To square this circle, Thomas insists that the term freedmen was a “formally race-neutral category” and a “decidedly underinclusive proxy for race.”

The 1866 Freedmen’s Bureau Act then expanded upon the prior year’s law, authorizing the Bureau to care for all loyal refugees and freedmen … Importantly, however, the Acts applied to freedmen (and refugees), a formally race-neutral category, not blacks writ large. And, because “not all blacks in the United States were former slaves,” “‘freedman’” was a decidedly underinclusive proxy for race.
If “freedmen” were a “formally race-neutral category,” then the Fourteenth Amendment does not authorize race-conscious efforts to remedy racial discrimination, and affirmative action cannot be constitutional. As an originalist, Thomas is supposed to interpret the Fourteenth Amendment as it was understood at the time it was written. He is attempting to reconcile his philosophy of judicial interpretation with what the history actually says; the other originalist justices do not really try, perhaps aware of the awkwardness of doing so. The problem, though, is that Thomas’s interpretation is obviously incorrect. His efforts at reconciliation ultimately illustrate the extent to which “originalism” is merely a process of exploiting history to justify conservative policy preferences, and not a neutral philosophical framework.

So let's look at the Freedmans Bureau Acts.

On March 3, 1865, Congress passed “An Act to establish a Bureau for the Relief of Freedmen and Refugees” to provide food, shelter, clothing, medical services, and land to displaced Southerners, including newly freed African Americans. The Freedmen’s Bureau was to operate “during the present war of rebellion, and for one year thereafter,” and also established schools, supervised contracts between freedmen and employers, and managed confiscated or abandoned lands. The battle to establish the Freedmen’s Bureau, and then to extend the legislation one year later, was a major factor in the struggle between President Andrew Johnson and Radical Republicans in Congress over Reconstruction and the role of the federal government in integrating four million newly emancipated African Americans into the political life of the nation.

In 1863 Representative T. D. Eliot of Massachusetts proposed a bill establishing a bureau of emancipation within the Department of War to provide protection and support to newly freed African Americans.

So what was Thomas thinking? The answer, he wasn't. And with this Thomas went on to destroy the very policy that allowed him to eventually become a supreme court justice and has destroyed the chance for another young black man from his same humble beginnings to have the same shot. Yet he is hailed as a role model and defended by a certain segment of the white community who will claim that despite Thomas gutting this and giving racists the opportunity to deny, that somehow blacks just are not willing to do what it takes.

Throughout American history there have been blacks so eager to please whites and to seek acceptance from whites that they will give up their own dignity in order to help whites maintain their advantage. Clarence Thomas is an example of such a person.
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Lil im.2 can’t comprehend those bigger words.
You are a racist. Just because you are black doesn't mean you can't be a racist.
I've said nothing racist here, or for that matter anywhere else. I don't have to like Thomas just because YOU think he's great for black people. You are not black so what you think is great for black people is not based on any life experience being black, but on your personal perceptions of black people. I base mine on actually being black and understanding the damage Thomas has done to blacks.
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