Zone1 What is Truth?

I did not say or imply that all Germans are liars and criminals

You did do so ... not verbally ... but exactly this you did do.

and that's why you can't link to it.

An AI only know forms but no content. Are you an AI?

You are rationalizing your poor behaviors by justifying it by saying I am dangerous.

You are dangerous - and on your own in a heavy spiritual danger if you will "win" your self-made price to block someone on the own way to god with your empty phrases and formalisms.

No matter how poorly you behave, you can't make me behave like you.

Your problem is not me. I was just taking you apart. Your problem is Jesus. What do you try to tell him when he will come back today and he will ask you something what really could be important? And please: Do not answer me this question. Give yourselve a satisfying answer. What others think about is unimportant. You know on your own what's wrong with you, isn't it?

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