Zone1 Trinity and Prayer

So was the following of Jesus Christ when he performed many miracles. We perform many miracles that the rest of Christianity including Catholics forgot about, the dead and the missionary work in spirit prison. Thank the Lord for restoring his Church to the earth.
You are about as significant as the JW's.
You are about as significant as the JW's.
Not sure what you think significance is. The only authority to act in the name of Jesus Christ since the disappearance of John the Revelator in 100AD are those who have received the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods. Which means all baptisms and other religious ceremonies, traditions, rituals are void of any significance. None of have been written in God’s book of life. But now, with all the temples that have been built and will be built before the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, millions have had their authorized ordinances done for them. They now can reach the others tens of billions who have died without the necessary and significant ordinances for exaltation in the highest heaven of glory. The rest will be during the millennium. You may now depart.
Not sure what you think significance is. The only authority to act in the name of Jesus Christ since the disappearance of John the Revelator in 100AD are those who have received the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods. Which means all baptisms and other religious ceremonies, traditions, rituals are void of any significance. None of have been written in God’s book of life. But now, with all the temples that have been built and will be built before the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, millions have had their authorized ordinances done for them. They now can reach the others tens of billions who have died without the necessary and significant ordinances for exaltation in the highest heaven of glory. The rest will be during the millennium. You may now depart.
In this context, LDS and JW's are insignificant. As in unimportant; not relevant. No wonder you guys spend your days attacking rival religions.
In this context, LDS and JW's are insignificant. As in unimportant; not relevant. No wonder you guys spend your days attacking rival religions.
Well, no. It is you and a couple others that began the attacks on us. It was you calling us insignificant. Do you spend all your days attacking churches that take away income from your ministers? That's what I see most churches are all about. Don't leave our church or we won't be able to make money to live on. Gotta pas that plate around and when people don't have a penny to pay, they aren't welcome anymore.
Funny how you say, "in this context." What context? The fact that we not only are involved with missionary work on this side of the veil, we are also involved with missionary work on the other side where the dead spirits are too. I'd call that a big significance. See, we aren't concerned with safety in numbers like you are.
Well, no. It is you and a couple others that began the attacks on us. It was you calling us insignificant. Do you spend all your days attacking churches that take away income from your ministers? That's what I see most churches are all about. Don't leave our church or we won't be able to make money to live on. Gotta pas that plate around and when people don't have a penny to pay, they aren't welcome anymore.
Funny how you say, "in this context." What context? The fact that we not only are involved with missionary work on this side of the veil, we are also involved with missionary work on the other side where the dead spirits are too. I'd call that a big significance. See, we aren't concerned with safety in numbers like you are.
The dominant religion has no need of attacking insignificant religions. That's what insignificant religions do. They attack the dominant religion.
The dominant religion has no need of attacking insignificant religions. That's what insignificant religions do. They attack the dominant religion.
Yet, here you are, attacking what you perceive as insignificant. Does your Pope know you are doing this? So, list a few of those dominant religions or churches you claim are dominant.

Back to our point, doesn't matter to us who has the most members. Neither does God care. Christ didn't care when he ministered for 3 years to a few thousand people. The dominant religion then called his church a cult as well. Why do you think it's important today?
Yet, here you are, attacking what you perceive as insignificant. Does your Pope know you are doing this? So, list a few of those dominant religions or churches you claim are dominant.

Back to our point, doesn't matter to us who has the most members. Neither does God care. Christ didn't care when he ministered for 3 years to a few thousand people. The dominant religion then called his church a cult as well. Why do you think it's important today?
I'm sure you do see this as an attack, but it's just numbers.
I'm sure you do see this as an attack, but it's just numbers.
It’s only numbers to you. You seem to be blinded by the craftiness of men mingled with scripture. That somehow you think the largest churches have to be true because they are large and old. Truth has nothing to do with either. So again, which Churches or religions are true because they are so big?
It’s only numbers to you. You seem to be blinded by the craftiness of men mingled with scripture. That somehow you think the largest churches have to be true because they are large and old. Truth has nothing to do with either. So again, which Churches or religions are true because they are so big?
It's more than that but it would be a waste of time discussing pretty much anything with you.
It's more than that but it would be a waste of time discussing pretty much anything with you.
Gotch ya! I’ve confounded your silliness about size and age of a church. And, by the way, with your logic, the Jewish religion around when Jesus built his Church was way bigger and older. So, by your logic, Judaism is the true church. Why don’t you just answer my questions and debate or get lost!
Gotch ya! I’ve confounded your silliness about size and age of a church. And, by the way, with your logic, the Jewish religion around when Jesus built his Church was way bigger and older. So, by your logic, Judaism is the true church. Why don’t you just answer my questions and debate or get lost!
Because your beliefs are insignificant. That's why.
I wouldn't have expected an LDS or a JW to see it any other way.
You haven’t been able to respond to my points. So, I have to assume you agree with me. I don’t expect you to agree with JWs as their doctrine doesn’t recognize Christ for who he really is.
You haven’t been able to respond to my points. So, I have to assume you agree with me. I don’t expect you to agree with JWs as their doctrine doesn’t recognize Christ for who he really is.
No offense but your sect is unimportant. You need to legitimize your religion. I don't need to legitimize mine. It's already the dominant religion.
No offense but your sect is unimportant. You need to legitimize your religion. I don't need to legitimize mine. It's already the dominant religion.
Bhuddah? Hindus? Tao-Confucius?
Again, there was a great apostasy for 1700 years where the dominant church changed and polluted the doctrines and ordinances. Lost crucial ordinances like baptism for the dead. It’s because that great and abominable church lost the higher priesthood which is the authority and power of God. Paul taught that the lesser priesthood after the order of Aaron (Levitical priesthood) was superseded with the Melchizedek priesthood, the higher priesthood or the priesthood after the order of the Son of God. Without either on you can’t even baptized let alone seal families together. What orders of a priesthood do you have? Strange orders like Jesuits or others. But not what Jesus set up his Church with. So, there is the legitimacy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Both priesthoods were restored in 1829 prior to the re-establishment of the Lord’s Church. With that authority restored to man to do the Lord’s work, Jesus had his priesthood holders in 1830 restore his Church on the earth. Total legitimacy.
Bhuddah? Hindus? Tao-Confucius?
Again, there was a great apostasy for 1700 years where the dominant church changed and polluted the doctrines and ordinances. Lost crucial ordinances like baptism for the dead. It’s because that great and abominable church lost the higher priesthood which is the authority and power of God. Paul taught that the lesser priesthood after the order of Aaron (Levitical priesthood) was superseded with the Melchizedek priesthood, the higher priesthood or the priesthood after the order of the Son of God. Without either on you can’t even baptized let alone seal families together. What orders of a priesthood do you have? Strange orders like Jesuits or others. But not what Jesus set up his Church with. So, there is the legitimacy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Both priesthoods were restored in 1829 prior to the re-establishment of the Lord’s Church. With that authority restored to man to do the Lord’s work, Jesus had his priesthood holders in 1830 restore his Church on the earth. Total legitimacy.
You seem desperate to legitimize your fringe beliefs.
You seem desperate to legitimize your fringe beliefs.
You seem desperate to hang on to your apostate church. Everything I wrote is biblical. The book of Hebrews talks about the Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthood orders. This means everything I’ve posted is legit.!
You seem desperate to hang on to your apostate church. Everything I wrote is biblical. The book of Hebrews talks about the Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthood orders. This means everything I’ve posted is legit.!
Thank you for proving my point.

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