Zone1 Trinity and Prayer

The dead “bodies” don’t know nothing. Duh!
But, since Jesus himself went to the spirits of the dead and preached to them, it’s logically evident the spirits retain all their knowledge. Duh!
There is no ghost like being within a mortal. Its a fabricated lie from the darkness.
Soul( Nephesh)translates- a breathing creature. The spirit of one is all that makes that one who they are goes back into Gods remembrance. Sort of like dna. God remembers every iota of every being who ever lived and will be resurrected as that same one.
If the vicarious work for the dead bothers you, then you must believe our work is true. My Jewish family threw the same thing to me and I responded the same way. You must believe it’s true if you think it bothers the dead. Because you don’t, it means your response is insanely emotional without fact, logic and reason.
You misunderstand. I (and others in my family) practice our faith and would not go against it. The LDS faith goes against our beliefs and we would never voluntarily seek out the LDS faith for baptism. That the LDS Church goes against our free will, our choice, and have a proxy speak/do for us is an anathema. If the LDS faith believes so strongly they have the right to act on my behalf, they should be upfront about it and notify me that this will happen, by proxy, while I am alive. All should have the opportunity to strenuously object and even file a lawsuit.

Personally, we all feel your "baptism" of the dead is powerless and pointless. Still, the act of speaking/acting on behalf of another whether that soul is living or dead is contemptible--even while being pointless.
There is no ghost like being within a mortal. Its a fabricated lie from the darkness.
Soul( Nephesh)translates- a breathing creature. The spirit of one is all that makes that one who they are goes back into Gods remembrance. Sort of like dna. God remembers every iota of every being who ever lived and will be resurrected as that same one.
Then your Bible lies. I knew it! Jesus preached to the spirits of the dead bodies. The dead bodies cannot do anything nor learn anything. But, the intelligence of the spirit of the dead can and logically, reasonable and obviously can. If not, why did Jesus say he did? Are you calling Jesus a liar? Stop being obtuse.
You misunderstand. I (and others in my family) practice our faith and would not go against it. The LDS faith goes against our beliefs and we would never voluntarily seek out the LDS faith for baptism. That the LDS Church goes against our free will, our choice, and have a proxy speak/do for us is an anathema. If the LDS faith believes so strongly they have the right to act on my behalf, they should be upfront about it and notify me that this will happen, by proxy, while I am alive. All should have the opportunity to strenuously object and even file a lawsuit.

Personally, we all feel your "baptism" of the dead is powerless and pointless. Still, the act of speaking/acting on behalf of another whether that soul is living or dead is contemptible--even while being pointless.
I'm notifying you that someone will stand in with their body to perform your baptism, washing and annointings and endowment ordinances and sealings of you to your family for time and all eternity. Whether you accept this or reject it is your free moral agency to do so. The same is true when Jesus or one of his missionaries comes to you in spirit prison, you have the right to reject His teachings again. And, you have the right to accept them as well. Vicarious work, however, only can be accomplished after you die because it's only the work for the spirits of the dead bodies. So, no one can stand in for you while you are alive.

Your statement that your family would never voluntarily seek out our faith is laughable. You are being proxy for them? LOL! Oh ye hypocrites! I got a good kick out of that one.

By the way, we get lots of Catholics coming to investigate the Gospel and Church all the time. From what I've been able to gather in our ward, most of the converts are from the Catholic faith.
I'm notifying you that someone will stand in with their body to perform your baptism, washing and annointings and endowment ordinances and sealings of you to your family for time and all eternity. Whether you accept this or reject it is your free moral agency to do so.
My friend already notified me of this. I reject it. So don't bother. Do you accept my free will on this matter? Or, do you fully intend to go ahead with it? I'll answer for you in the words of my LDS friend: "Neener, neener, you can't stop us."
My friend already notified me of this. I reject it. So don't bother. Do you accept my free will on this matter? Or, do you fully intend to go ahead with it? I'll answer for you in the words of my LDS friend: "Neener, neener, you can't stop us."
It’s most likely that one of your family members who either converts and does the work for you or one that doesn’t converts but submits your name to be done. Both happen.

So, when you die, you are in paradise or hell, Jesus comes along and says, “Your baptism was done without authority and I have to reject it. A member of your family will vicariously do this for you out of her good heart. Will you accept this?” Would you be so flippant to tell the Lord to go to hell? Just asking.
It’s most likely that one of your family members who either converts and does the work for you or one that doesn’t converts but submits your name to be done. Both happen.
Genealogy. A very distant family member who doesn't know any of us. Come on! You don't think I didn't find out how it happened!?!

So, when you die, you are in paradise or hell, Jesus comes along and says, “Your baptism was done without authority and I have to reject it. A member of your family will vicariously do this for you out of her good heart. Will you accept this?” Would you be so flippant to tell the Lord to go to hell? Just asking.
Ever have a near death experience? Ever meet anyone who had an even more intense experience than you had? There was no prison. You people are ignorant beyond belief. Your church has the gall to believe that Jesus was unable to redeem all and to open the way of salvation to all. Plus, there is no good in any heart that is overriding free will. Your church had to stop proxy baptizing Jews. A sin. Again. Proxy baptize everyone who is alive--after notifying them they can object and put a stop to it.

For the third time: Drop it. It's pointless. You won't change your mind, and I won't stop despising that practice. My belief: ONE baptism. And I have been baptized. Your church doesn't even believe in the power of one baptism--along with no belief that Jesus redeemed all and opened the way of salvation to all. Your church believes in a conman--who conned you into not believing the power of Christ to redeem all and to open to all the way of salvation. Again. Drop it.
Genealogy. A very distant family member who doesn't know any of us. Come on! You don't think I didn't find out how it happened!?!

Ever have a near death experience? Ever meet anyone who had an even more intense experience than you had? There was no prison. You people are ignorant beyond belief. Your church has the gall to believe that Jesus was unable to redeem all and to open the way of salvation to all. Plus, there is no good in any heart that is overriding free will. Your church had to stop proxy baptizing Jews. A sin. Again. Proxy baptize everyone who is alive--after notifying them they can object and put a stop to it.

For the third time: Drop it. It's pointless. You won't change your mind, and I won't stop despising that practice. My belief: ONE baptism. And I have been baptized. Your church doesn't even believe in the power of one baptism--along with no belief that Jesus redeemed all and opened the way of salvation to all. Your church believes in a conman--who conned you into not believing the power of Christ to redeem all and to open to all the way of salvation. Again. Drop it.
Oh good! I'm glad some of your ancestors have had their work done for them. If they accepted it they can go to paradise now if they were stuck in purgatory. Bless them!

The word is "NEAR" death experience. Not death. I think it's great when one can remember a quick glimpse of what is available and then have to come back and find the missionaries and have their work done. But, if they can't because of their circumstances, the Lord won't forget them and His Church will take care of the work necessary.

The scripture that says one baptism is for those who were baptized by one with authority. The great apostasy that even Paul referred to was going to happened took the authority from the earth. Those who continued to try and continue the work of the Lord did so without authority. So, the baptisms from the last apostle to 1830 were done improperly and without authority. They weren't registered in heaven. But, the good news is the work of the Millennium has begun.

I agree with you that traditions are really hard to get passed. False pride is a detriment to many societies in history. So much that when Jesus comes to someone and says to a spirit in Prison, the work will be done for you as I said it would to Paul in 1Cor.15:29, and they say, oh no, my priest, teacher, brother, dad or others said Catholic is the way to go. Not even the Lord himself can get through to them. Sad.

The worst thing is not to understand the meaning of "salvation." And, how it differs from exaltation. Paul tried to explain it to people in his time and wrote so that you and others today would realize their are three levels of heaven in the resurrection.

As far as Jews and doing work for the dead, I've done work for my ancestors who were not killed in the Holocaust. Doing work for the Jews is not banned like you think. And, if the Church wanted to continue to do it for dead Holocaust persons, we could do it. There is nothing preventing it. We simply wanted to keep a good communications with Jews in the U.S., Israel and around the world. We have done this.
Then your Bible lies. I knew it! Jesus preached to the spirits of the dead bodies. The dead bodies cannot do anything nor learn anything. But, the intelligence of the spirit of the dead can and logically, reasonable and obviously can. If not, why did Jesus say he did? Are you calling Jesus a liar? Stop being obtuse.
Jesus was dead-Hades=The grave. It was symbolic.
Jesus was dead-Hades=The grave. It was symbolic.
Stop with regurgitation of your dumb books on how to combat this and this! Read! You can read, can’t you? You are as bad as Meriwhether and her Catholic traditions. Blinded by the craftiness of men that keeps you and her from reading the words and thinking for yourselves.
bad as Meriwhether and her Catholic traditions.
Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, they will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil. Amen.

If Jesus allowed himself to be taken to the cross, following his example, we should simply allow LDS to drag us all into their "Ordinances."
Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, they will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil. Amen.

If Jesus allowed himself to be taken to the cross, following his example, we should simply allow LDS to drag us all into their "Ordinances."
Yes, we should forgive any who trespass against the Latter-day Saints and not be tempted by the great and abominable church and those in the great and spacious building mocking us for doing the ordinance work for who Jesus is preaching to in spirit prison. Thanks for the reminder.
Yes, we should forgive any who trespass against the Latter-day Saints and not be tempted by the great and abominable church and those in the great and spacious building mocking us for doing the ordinance work for who Jesus is preaching to in spirit prison. Thanks for the reminder.
Another example of everything posted going right over your head. Wishing you a good day.
Catholics believe it is Jesus who judges both the living and the dead. However, a deeper belief than that is where one of the Trinity is, and what one of the Trinity is doing, all three are a part of it. I admit to being puzzled by Jesus saying to us instead of storing up treasures on earth, to store up treasures in heaven. What treasures--and for that matter--what rewards do we need in heaven? What are these treasures, what are these rewards? What use are they?
Had additional time to think. Not that my prior answer (Post #4) is technically wrong, but after spending time with my family, I'm thinking that "storing up treasures" here on Earth could mean children, grand children, and great grandchildren. Those beautiful souls might be all the rewards I could use in heaven.
Had additional time to think. Not that my prior answer (Post #4) is technically wrong, but after spending time with my family, I'm thinking that "storing up treasures" here on Earth could mean children, grand children, and great grandchildren. Those beautiful souls might be all the rewards I could use in heaven.
How beautiful! And I agree.
Did you know there are less than 20 million members of the LDS?
So? We are on solid sound ground for doing work for the dead.
1Peter chapters 3 and 4.
1Corinthians 15:29 and beyond concerning the three levels of heaven.
You are a tiny minority.
So was the following of Jesus Christ when he performed many miracles. We perform many miracles that the rest of Christianity including Catholics forgot about, the dead and the missionary work in spirit prison. Thank the Lord for restoring his Church to the earth.

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