Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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Yes, he didn't perform well. But we aren't interested in a performer. There is no situation where Joe Biden has to do the things as president that you have to do to run for president. He doesn't have to answer policy questions in under 2 minutes, as president. He isn't required, as president, to fact-check a psychopathic liar. So his "performance" isn't that important to people who want to save democracy and save America. We care about his performance as president. And that has been stellar.
Yes .. his handlers are doing a stellar job for sure

George Santos was just a setup. He won an election, and immediately they started accusing him of lying. As if lying is an excuse to boot someone out of office. Then they replaced the pr*ck with a Democrat to reduce the GOP's majority in the House. Add to that all of the Republicans that decided to leave office early to help the left's cause.

Now we know where all of that Ukraine money went. Bribing politicians.
Vet your candidates better.
It means, so what trump beat Biden in the debate. I like Biden’s policies.

Biden beat trump in the 2020 debates who did you vote for?
You can't even name his policies.

List 10 of them.

Here's a few of them:

  1. Open borders
  2. Destroy the energy industry in America by restricting fossil-fuels
  3. Go after your political enemies with the Justice Department
  4. Expand the IRS and use them to confiscate guns
  5. Cut off our gas supply
  6. Increase the debt by sending trillions to Ukraine and paying illegals to come to the US
  7. Raise taxes on everyone in America except his donors
  8. Destroy the military with vaccine mandates and forcing right wing soldiers out
  9. Subject our kids to homosexuality and pedophilia
  10. Increase homelessness by raising the cost of living
To those who are paying attention with any perspective at all, Biden's greatest accomplishment as President is that he has been able to take away the crown of Worst President Ever from Barry O'Bama. In fact, people who are politically astute recognize this current period as O'Bama's third term.

As for the debate, few give Trump any serious congratulations for an excellent performance, but looking at how he performed alongside Biden's pathetic rambling, there is really no question about the "winner."

But I disagree with those who say that his performance is a reason not to vote for him (very, very few are saying that), it truly DOES NOT MATTER which Democrat runs. The policies and the Movers & Shakers in the next Administration will be the same, no matter which D wins. The party has been completely taken over by a cabal of Leftist America-haters.
lol rubbish. I listened to about ten minutes of it, and the only blatant lying came from your gangster hero Biden, referring to his prepared notes with the list of loaded questions being fed him by the 'moderators' (snicker) and still coming across as an idiot.
Wow! A whole 10 minutes of attention span. That is impressive for you. And, then coming on here to discuss! Yet, you cannot even list what questions you thought were "loaded" for either side. I doubt you were a very impressive student of anything, ever.:spank:
If what you claim is true, why were all the talking heads show their disappointment in Joe's performance.
Like the final comment on that funny Hitler video, maybe the debate was a setup by the Dem leadership to try and force Biden out.
I admire the ingenuity and the wish to approach the topic from all angles .

But yours is pure conspiracy . imho .

Not just because I disagree with it , but because there is no evidence to support the idea that such a strategy has ever worked in the past . Or is ever likely to work , based on common sense grounds .

Your conclusion is simply based on the idea that anything is possible and that miracles actually occur .

A great idea among bookmakers because that is the thinking that makes them guaranteed winners .
Of course it would be a conspiracy.
Even scummy fakers CNN had TWO lists of lies. One list for Trump and another for Biden. They both lie. They all lie. I've mentioned this several times, but have yet to see anyone on the left acknowledge Biden lies.

A lot.
All I give points for on the Biden side of that debate is feebleness, forgetfulness, inability to follow questions of moderators, or track and respond to the gish gallop of trump lies, to adequately rebut any of them. He wasn't there. That was his problem and debate downfall. Intentional lying for effect in message, requires though process, whereas feebly getting stuff wrong is just another sign of his real problem in the debate, if you can call it that. He displayed no mental ability to consciously construct a decent lie to help his part in the performance, though it was evident to all, he got stuff wrong. So, basically, your point, though no idea why you would bother trying to make it, is mute.
George Santos was just a setup. He won an election, and immediately they started accusing him of lying. As if lying is an excuse to boot someone out of office. Then they replaced the pr*ck with a Democrat to reduce the GOP's majority in the House. Add to that all of the Republicans that decided to leave office early to help the left's cause.

Now we know where all of that Ukraine money went. Bribing politicians.
It was more than just lying. He won an election based on a made up resume and experience. He was not the person people elected.

But he was not kicked out for that
He was booted out for stealing campaign funds and diverting for personal use
The Kangaroos are the Supreme Court members who

A. Put trumps other trials off till after the election
B. Just ruled it’s ok to accept gifts after they have ruled
C. Stole Florida in 2000
D. Recent decisions rolling back all kinds of precedent
Awee Your Lawfare was somewhat stopped by Hillary losing.

Your pissing on the Constitution thwarted.

No wonder you fascist hate Trump.
People of this country see through the Lies. Exposed and are VOTING IN MASS Against it. Even after you have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at it.

Poor things have to Bribe, Lie, Cheat and steal to win.

Leaving with a Veggie in office.

Ya'll suck.
Some screen grabs of Tater from last night's ''debate''


To your point, that's how he was while Orange Man was speaking.
PJ and I saw the same, and you didn't even get the best captures. It really requires a Gif file moving segment to do it justice. It was some spooky shit. My father died of Alzheimer. Once a vibrant intelligent man of skills, and command of facts, reduced slowly to the gaping mouth, uncontrolled lack of attention, vacant expression, showing lack of comprehension. So I recognized, immediately. I am glad Joe is driven by Secret Service. There is no way, I would want innocent drivers on the road with that guy at the wheel.
Trump cannot win with his detractors. he has softened his tone for political reasons. Progs for political reasons are always caustic but their fifth estate media/entertainers' division give them the softball treatment and love. Trump could have gone in for the kill. He did not have to and actually some voters who think more of personality than actual agendas, changed their minds.
That is true. Trump cannot, as his detractors heavily discount the value of lying self-centered, cocksuckers. While these attributes of character are unimportant to the emotion feeding MAGA Cult, as facts have little to do with their thinking, possibly due to diminished capacity, facing constant propaganda.
That is true. Trump cannot, as his detractors heavily discount the value of lying self-centered, cocksuckers. While these attributes of character are unimportant to the emotion feeding MAGA Cult, as facts have little to do with their thinking, possibly due to diminished capacity, facing constant propaganda.
Screw your CULT BS

We are tired of the left and corrupt Washington. Poiticians Laundering the tax payers while screwing America.

Here is our message.

If anyone ever told me America elected and may elect again a convicted rapist among other fine traits I'd say that can't be can it. LOL But then again hate for the other often ends in tyranny. And so it goes....


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