Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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Pelosi was the one doing the spending during Trumps presidency, retard. Did you forget that? :cuckoo:

You partisan drones are so fucking cute.

When your party is in the White House it is Congress that spends, when it is not it is the POUTS that is to blame.

All of this of course ignores that your god had a majority for his first 2 years and shut down the Govt over more spending, not less.
You partisan drones are so fucking cute.

When your party is in the White House it is Congress that spends, when it is not it is the POUTS that is to blame.

All of this of course ignores that your god had a majority for his first 2 years and shut down the Govt over more spending, not less.
Congress does the spending, not the president. :cuckoo:
How much gets spent that does not have the president's signature of approval?
So Pelosi doesnt show anyone her bills, waits until the last minute and forces everyone to vote on it before they get a chance to read it, and she points her finger at anyone who dares to vote against it and says "you will be blamed for shutting down the government if you dont vote for it and I will make sure that the media blames you for it". Then once they have been properly cowed into voting for it, she brings the same threat to Trumps office, just a couple weeks before everything shuts down, forcing him to sign her bloated, money wasting bills because there isnt enough time to make a new spending bill.

...and then YOU put the blame on Trump. :cuckoo:
So Pelosi doesnt show anyone her bills, waits until the last minute and forces everyone to vote on it before they get a chance to read it, and she points her finger at anyone who dares to vote against it and says "you will be blamed for shutting down the government if you dont vote for it and I will make sure that the media punishes you for it". Then once they have been properly cowed into voting for it, she brings the same threat to Trumps office, just a couple weeks before everything shuts down, forcing him to sign her bloated, money wasting bills.

...and then YOU put the blame on Trump. :cuckoo:

You did not answer the question. Why is that? And why do you ignore Trump had a majority in both sides of Congress his first 2 years?

But to help you out, I blame them all, POTUS and Congress, no spending gets done without without the other.
You did not answer the question. Why is that? And why do you ignore Trump had a majority in both sides of Congress his first 2 years?

But to help you out, I blame them all, POTUS and Congress, no spending gets done without without the other.
The spending didnt happen under Paul Ryan, it happened under Pelosi.... and every democrat cheered when those bloated bills were signed.
Yes, he didn't perform well. But we aren't interested in a performer. There is no situation where Joe Biden has to do the things as president that you have to do to run for president. He doesn't have to answer policy questions in under 2 minutes, as president. He isn't required, as president, to fact-check a psychopathic liar. So his "performance" isn't that important to people who want to save democracy and save America. We care about his performance as president. And that has been stellar.
matter of opinion synth...
If Biden stops ... we're stuck with Cameltoe. Then Cameltoe could choose an even more dangerous VP. We may all be safer letting Pedo Joe finish his term.
Then they better never try to cut benefits 20% in order to save the program.
They could save the program if they were to stop stealing from it.

Obama started the trend to steal at least a trillion dollars/yr to prop up Obamacare.

Before that it was roughly $500 billion being stolen by congress every year.

All of that is added straight to the debt.
lol rubbish. I listened to about ten minutes of it, and the only blatant lying came from your gangster hero Biden, referring to his prepared notes with the list of loaded questions being fed him by the 'moderators' (snicker) and still coming across as an idiot.

Literally no lies.

Give it up.

2020 Nobel peace prize went to UN World Food Programme
Donald Trump claimed he had won two Nobel peace prizes before correcting himself during a rambling campaign rally. The president heaped praise on his international diplomacy skills and falsely took credit for the awards at the event in Londonderry, New Hampshire.Oct 26, 2020
They could save the program if they were to stop stealing from it.

Obama started the trend to steal at least a trillion dollars/yr to prop up Obamacare.

Before that it was roughly $500 billion being stolen by congress every year.

All of that is added straight to the debt.
Democrats will put the money back not make cuts. Republicans not so much. They want to kill ss

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