Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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Yes, he didn't perform well. But we aren't interested in a performer. There is no situation where Joe Biden has to do the things as president that you have to do to run for president. He doesn't have to answer policy questions in under 2 minutes, as president. He isn't required, as president, to fact-check a psychopathic liar. So his "performance" isn't that important to people who want to save democracy and save America. We care about his performance as president. And that has been stellar.

Joe Biden is the worst president in my living memory.

Worse than Nixon, and worse than Johnson.

And that's saying a lot.
Fuck you. Biden opened up the debate telling a whopper and whenever he could manage a coherent sentence with his feeble voice he was telling another fucking lie.

Here's another whopper in his answer to the first question.

I come from a household where the kitchen table – if things weren’t able to be met during the month was a problem. Price of eggs, the price of gas, the price of housing, the price of a whole range of things.

Complete bullshit. Biden grew up in a rich household. Hell, his daddy gave him a brand new Corvette for his 16th birthday. They certainly didn't have to worry about the price of eggs.

Only LWNJ morons buy his "I was born a poor black child" routine.
The whole world saw the debate, and what's worse than Biden's performance is that there are some trying to support his failure. Like I've said numerous times, "Don't blame Biden, blame the idiots that voted for him".
The whole world saw the debate, and what's worse than Biden's performance is that there are some trying to support his failure. Like I've said numerous times, "Don't blame Biden, blame the idiots that voted for him".

Any terrorist attack that now happens--God forbid, and I mean that--will be blamed on Biden and the Democrats and rightly so. All our enemies see this as the time to strike, make no mistake about that.
Dudley, for those that did not know, already, it was fact checked. Look it up, if you didn't read my post last night. If he didn't think he could win with a gish gallop of lies, too fast for Joe to remember and refute in time allowed, he might have used a different tactic, but his tactic worked. He flooded the zone with BS, leaving Joe unable to coherently respond. The goal was to win the debate. It worked. If you thought the goal of Trump was ever to stick to facts, you've got him wrong, and it was never in the plan for last night. Last night, the plan was to win the debate, not give a class on honesty, the best policy.

Meanwhile the very appearance of Biden there was a total lie. He's fine, nothing to see here. Right. And if all of America hasn't seen it yet, they will in repeating clips.
Trump could have destroyed Biden in the debate but he was Mr Nice Guy instead.

Biden was a withered and pathetic deer in the headlights and Trump (the sweet and understanding guy that he is) didn’t go in for the kill.

Golly .. what a nice guy. 🙂
Even his wife can't stand him. He's dumb as hell.
Nixon won over JFK when only the vocal transcripts of their comments were considered. JFK's Addison's disease made him look tanned and fit, while Nixon's face was sweaty and pale. The visuals gave JFK the edge with a politically uneducated audience.

Biden may have been 'doped down' by his handlers in a conspiracy to make him look unfit, for the purpose of torpedoing his candidacy.

Trump should have kept repeating how Joe has us on a path to a 40 trillion deficit over and over and over and over again.

Biden has an economy that is overheated and yet he still can't help but run up huge deficits.


Were you asleep during the 4 years Trump was doing the same?
Trump got to tell his great lies, repeatedly, while Joe destroyed himself, not answering them. What is it you wanted Donny to do?
Trump cannot win with his detractors. he has softened his tone for political reasons. Progs for political reasons are always caustic but their fifth estate media/entertainers' division give them the softball treatment and love. Trump could have gone in for the kill. He did not have to and actually some voters who think more of personality than actual agendas, changed their minds.
Here you go. Knock yourself out. Then you can stop posting like you're a fucking imbecile.

Ok…so where’s are the lies? Where is the fact check? You post a video of someone refuting statements that Trump said by saying “that’s not true”….he doesn’t give any alternate facts or what he thinks is the truth, he just says “Trump said this, but that’s not true”

That’s not any kind of fact checking. Let’s hear a lie, and then the evidence with documentation to show that it was a lie?
Debating isn't fact-checking your opponent's firehose of lies. A debate is a good faith exchange of contrasting ideas.

Debating isn't fact-checking your opponent's firehose of lies.

Actually, it kind of is. You support your own strengths while debunking your opponents statements.

It’s certainly not the moderators job to get involved in the debate.
Trump lied for 90 minutes. I don't call that winning.

Biden did too. Even CNN had to list his lies.

Biden lie: Unemployment 15% when I took office.
Truth: It was 6.4%

Biden: Trump wants to do away with social security
Truth: Trump wants to keep social security.

We could go on and on if you want.

Oh yea, Biden talks to dead people and there are 1000 trillionaires in the country. Maybe they could pay down the debt.
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Did you watch the debate? He's dumb as hell.. Bullies don't impress me. Fatso claims he received two Nobel Peace Prizes.
Yup, I watched it and I’ve almost given up on a fair and balanced thought process from you.

But.. I’m glad you retain some a semblance of a sense of humor.

This Nobel Prize thingy you came up with sounds like crappy-o-la but I’m too lazy to prove you wrong. 🙄

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